Chapter 177 Serving people

  Finally, there was no other way, Shen Man obediently went home to rest.

  She really didn't sleep well during this time, she still had to go to school during the day, and came to the health center after class.

   Where can I catch up on sleep? So she was really tired.

  After going back, Shen Man fell asleep without thinking about anything.

   She slept until eight o'clock the next morning, and then she woke up groggy.

  But when she was thinking about Gu Nan and hurriedly preparing to go to the hospital, Gu Chen had already returned.

   "Why are you back? Nan Nan can't do it by herself." She said with some surprise.

   While talking about Shen Man, she packed her things.

   "Don't clean it up." Gu Chen came over and took her hand, and said, "I found someone to help over there, a middle-aged woman. Gu Nan will come to help take care of her when she is discharged from the hospital tomorrow, just pay when the time comes."

  He has already learned about Gu Nan's situation with the doctor, and it will take a while before he comes back.

   But Shen Man cannot be tied to Gu Nan's affairs. He thinks it is the best way to find someone to help.

   No, I went to Li Jinyuan for help early in the morning, and he came to work at noon.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man was a little surprised and said, "Isn't it forbidden to hire a nanny now?"

  She has also heard about these things. Although the salary of nannies is not high, all those who can be hired are standard.

  The job position must be suitable, and there is no one to take care of the family.

   It is not two able-bodied people who can find a nanny without any burden.

  Gu Chen nodded with a smile: "Yes, but we can't talk about it. We have no choice but to help each other."

   Having said that, Shen Man felt a little relieved.

  Actually, she doesn't want to do the work of serving people, but she is here when Gu Nan's accident happened, and Li Jinhua can't live in the countryside.

  So if you don't want to, you have to rush forward, not to mention that Gu Nan usually defends her, and it doesn't matter if she does the work of **** and peeing.

   "Okay then." She was sitting on the chair, just waking up and still not refreshed.

   Shen Man remembered something and said, "Didn't you eat? I'll make you whatever you want."

   Calculate the time and it should be time to eat, but it is impossible to eat at that time now.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen thought about it, originally he didn't plan to eat it, but when he thought of the noodles he ate yesterday afternoon, he said, "I want to eat that noodle, and it's quite fast."

   It can be eaten with hot water bubbles, which is really convenient.

  Seeing that he likes to eat, Shen Man nodded in agreement, and got up to work in the kitchen.

  The hot water is no longer hot after being left overnight, and the water needs to be reboiled.

  Waiting for the water to boil, she secretly put all the noodle seasonings into the basin.

  Six bags were soaked this time, and she didn't eat yet.

  When the basin came out, Gu Chen hurried over to pick it up, "Call me next time I bring something, I'm at home."

  He likes Shen Man to rely on himself, after all, two people always have their own use when they are together.

  Sitting there waiting for dinner, and doing nothing to help, that is not a useless person.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll call you if you can't move it, isn't it not too heavy?"

  She has long been used to Gu Chen's behavior, and she has nothing against it, and it's too late to be happy.

   But Gu Chen just disagreed: "That can't be done, you have to call me! Otherwise, you always feel that there is no meaning for your existence?"

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man could only reluctantly agree. Who told him to be his object? Listen up.

  After the two of them finished their meal, Gu Chen took the initiative to wash the dishes and tidy up without Shen Man's help.

   He also poured her a glass of cold boiled water and left it there, she is really a young lady.

  Gu Chen came back and sat down, and said, "What is this we two are eating? Why haven't we seen it before?"

   It stands to reason that he traveled all over the world, and he must have seen or heard of the food he ate, especially such delicious and convenient food.

  But there is nothing, and I haven’t heard any news.

  So he was a little curious, where did these things come from?

  In fact, Shen Man has long realized that one day she will show her feet.

  After all, two people are together for a long time, it is impossible to pay attention to everything, and it is impossible not to notice anything.

  So, she slowed down and said, "Actually, I haven't told you that I have a relative in Xiangjiang, and the relatives there have stopped contacting my family."

   "A few years ago, when I came back to see me by chance, I wrote to me from time to time, and it would also help me."

   "These things were all mailed to me, and there were some other things, but I didn't take them out."

   Well, in order to complete a lie, she will continue to lie.

   But there is no way.

  Shen Man knew that the secret of the space was too heaven-defying. She didn't have any family members before, and she didn't tell anyone.

   Now that Gu Chen treats her so well, she can only pay back twice as much, but she cannot tell Space.

   I don’t know if I will say it in the future, but I won’t say it at the moment.

  Hearing her words, Gu Chen was silent for a moment, and then said: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, that place belongs to overseas relations, and I will definitely not say anything about it."

   "And don't tell me in the future, I'm afraid that walls have ears."

  He himself will definitely protect his wife, but others may not.

   It’s enough to say these things in private once, and you can’t say it a second time. If someone finds out, it’s not a good thing.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man was very moved. Because this is not the secret of the space, it's just a random overseas relationship.

  That being said, Gu Chen is also willing to think about her, which is really touching.

   "Thank you, Gu Chen..." Shen Man's eyes were red, and she took the initiative to hug her.

   This man is really wonderful.

   "It would be too polite to say thank you." Gu Chen patted her on the back and said, "Otherwise, let's promise it with your body."

   Shen Man: …


  Brother really disturbs the atmosphere, he obviously sets it off very well, but he is good enough to directly disturb the atmosphere.

   "Now that I have obtained a marriage certificate with you, what more do I need?" Shen Man looked up at him, pouted dissatisfied.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen said, "That's a marriage certificate..."

   Well, he is too embarrassed to say the following.

  Shen Man understood what he meant in an instant, isn't that obvious? Besides, the thirty years in my previous life were not in vain.

  Thinking of this, she hesitated and said: "You are really serious, but I really want to tell you about this. Let's hold the wedding after the New Year, right? We just have to go back to the village for the New Year, so we will do it directly."

   It will be done sooner or later, but Shen Man has no parents here, and if Gu Chen's parents don't come, what's the point?

   It's better to go back to the countryside, at least it can be lively, right?

  Gu Chen naturally agreed, nodded and said: "I listen to you, daughter-in-law, you can do it wherever you want."

   They are all daughters-in-law anyway, so there is no need to fight over this matter.

  Seeing that he agreed, Shen Man didn't say anything, and turned to wash clothes.

   It's rare for someone to take care of Gu Nan. The clothes she hasn't washed in the past few days are almost piled up, and if she doesn't wash them, she will stink and grow hair.

   Asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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