Chapter 178 This is all he can do

   Shen Man took the clothes and went out to do the laundry. Naturally, it was impossible for Gu Chen to stay there, so he went out and offered to help with the laundry.

   "I can wash it myself." Seeing him sitting down with a washboard, Shen Man didn't want him to help.

  To be honest, she was afraid that Gu Chen would not wash cleanly, not that she would not let people do the work.

   But who is Gu Chen? Just pick up the soap and wash the clothes.

   But Shen Man was relieved to see that he washed the clothes very carefully. The two of them worked quickly, and the clothes were washed in a short time.

   "Go to sleep for a while? You haven't had a good rest yet when you come back." Looking at Gu Chen's tired look, she knew in her heart that she must be very tired.

   No matter who comes back from a business trip for a few days, and then goes to the hospital to accompany him overnight, it will not be easy.

  Gu Chen nodded with a smile, seeing that she had nothing to do, turned around and went into the room before going to sleep.

  I haven’t slept well in the past few days. After finishing these things in the morning, I went to the department store to report to work, and then I came back to do laundry.

  No one can bear this kind of situation.

  Shen Man outside the window saw him lying down, so she went out with her bag on her back. There is still class this afternoon, so she can't stay at home all the time.

  After arriving at the school, she didn't enter the gate, but she saw someone tugging not far away, and then the two tugging people entered the alley.

  Seeing one of them, Shen Man frowned, and then followed without hesitation.

  In the alley.

   Jin Tao glared at the person in front of him angrily, and said, "Su Xin, you have enough time! You were the one who said to break up, so what are you doing wandering in front of me now?"

  Seeing his angry look, Su Xin smiled lightly and said, "What? The school is your home? Does my wandering here have anything to do with you? Don't think you are very attractive."

  She was really speechless. Originally, the two of them were students in the same major and one class.

  Jin Tao became dumb when he heard this, after all, it was indeed because of it. The school has no regulations. If the students are divided, they will be divided into classes.

  He looked at people who were dressed differently from before and became more beautiful, and he felt very uncomfortable.

  When we were together, he was so bad, but when we broke up, he actually dressed up beautifully. This was to embarrass him on purpose.

   "It's really good. After breaking up, you will have money to dress up. This is your girlfriend? Which man paid you for it." He was speechless, and lost himself in jealousy.

  Su Xin frowned, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes: "Jin Tao, don't think that everyone is like you. When you meet a classmate with good conditions, just go and stick to them."

   "I'm different from you. Without you as a burden, I naturally live better than before. I still want to thank you, thank you for leaving me and making me better."

  Before the two were together, Jin Tao spent all of Su Xin's pocket money.

  So much so that I was reluctant to buy clothes for changing seasons, so I bought them for Jin Tao. Now that we have broken up and have more money, we must dress ourselves up.

  And in order not to delay my studies, I try to study as much as possible during school, and only go to him after school.

  The result was used as an excuse to break up, which is ridiculous.

  Jin Tao blushed at what she said, and said angrily, "Just you? You are worthy of me! Let me tell you, don't hang around in front of me in the future, now I don't like you at all!"

   "I really regret having **** with you, I'm so blind!"

   I have to say that the last sentence made Su Xin very uncomfortable. I didn't expect that the feelings I gave sincerely turned out to be a joke in the end.

  She said with a cold face: "I regret it too, seeing a soft-boiled person like you!"

  The sentence "eat soft rice" made Jin Tao lose his mind, and he was about to slap someone when he raised his hand.

  Su Xin's eyes widened, and she looked at the person opposite in surprise. She didn't expect that she would be beaten?

   Is this the one she chose?

  She closed her eyes, knowing that she couldn't avoid it, but the slap didn't come down for a long time.

  Su Xin opened her eyes, and was a little surprised to see the person standing in front of her.

   "Let me go!" Jin Tao didn't expect someone to appear here and blocked him.

  Shen Man looked at the other party with cold eyes, and sneered coldly: "What kind of **** man, you are still a man when you do something to a woman?"

   As she spoke, she threw Jin Tao away, feeling her hands were dirty.

  But her strength is indeed not as good as the opponent's, and her wrist hurts a little at such a level.

  But she doesn't regret being in charge. After all, if a scumbag wants to bully others, anyone will help.

  Su Xin took her hand and said, "Student Shen, why are you here? Go back to class."

  She didn't want Shen Man to be involved in her own affairs. He was kind, but if Jin Tao was offended, they couldn't beat a man.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man comforted: "It's okay, he doesn't dare to do anything."

   Really dare not do anything.

  Jin Tao just pulls people into the alley, and dare not do anything too extreme. This place is so close to the school, even a little movement can be heard by the students.

  To avoid unnecessary trouble, he snorted coldly: "Be careful next time!"

  He glared at Su Xin viciously, then left without looking back.

   "See, that's all he can do." Shen Man didn't care if he left or not, so he said it directly.

   Jin Tao, who was walking, paused, then quickly left without looking for trouble.

  Seeing this, Su Xin was a little surprised, "Student Shen, aren't you afraid that he will get impatient and fight us?"

   After all, when a man gets angry, two women are not rivals.

  Of course she was not afraid of being beaten, but she was afraid of hurting Shen Man.

  People who have good intentions can't let them down.

  Shen Man smiled slightly when he heard this, "How is it possible? If he was a decent man, he wouldn't drag you into the alley to say these things. Where can you say such things?"

  A man can only yell at women behind his back, what kind of skill is this?

   In her opinion, Jin Tao is nothing more than a barking dog.

  Su Xin was still worried, and said, "Don't mess with him next time, this is a matter between me and him, you can't afford to come and intervene."

  If others hear this, they will definitely feel that Su Xin doesn't know what to do.

  But Shen Man understood what she meant, she was afraid of hurting herself. But there's no need to be too clear about this matter, and it doesn't happen every time.

  She patted Su Xin on the shoulder and comforted her: "Be careful next time, resist when he pulls you away, if you can't resist, shout, someone is here, this coward will definitely not dare to do anything."

  For this kind of coward, he wouldn't dare to do anything with one more person present, otherwise he would be called a coward.

  Su Xin nodded, and the two walked towards the school while talking.

   This time she felt a little more grateful to Shen Man, not everyone will help you when you are in trouble, so she knows this hard-won affection.

  Back to the classroom, there was still a little time, Shen Man hurriedly looked at the notes, and then checked to see if there were any lessons left behind.

  During this period of time, I didn't take classes seriously, and I didn't keep up with it.

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  (end of this chapter)

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