Chapter 180 Let people go?

  When Shen Man saw Gu Chen coming back, he made a fuss about eating.

   But after getting closer, I found that the other party smelled of alcohol.

   "Have you been drinking?" Shen Man was a little surprised.

  Although she has already prepared meals, it is not her fault that she has a social event, so the focus is still on drinking.

   It doesn't matter whether you eat or not.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen nodded and said, "The captain is here, I'll treat him to a meal."

   It turned out to be the captain.

   Shen Man didn't say any more about this, and asked: "Then do you still eat?"

   "Eat!" Gu Chen said without thinking. I was only focused on drinking just now, so why not eat.

   And Shen Man just asked casually, but he didn't expect him to eat.

  The two had lunch together, and Gu Chen went to bed after packing up. Today I was very tired after drinking, and I didn't have the energy to chat with Shen Man.

  The next morning, Gu Chen and Jin Baoyu brought Gu Nan back.

  Everyone hurriedly carried him to the bed, sweating from the heat.

   Now it’s autumn, but the weather is still very hot. Except for cooler nights, the daytime is very hot.

   "Brother Chen, sister-in-law, I'm leaving first." Jin Baoyu glanced at the time, he still had to go to work today, so he was already late.

   Gu Chen said: "Come over for dinner that night, we haven't had a gathering for a long time, let Wu Qing and the others come over too."

   Because there are still some things to talk about, so it is not just as simple as eating.

   "Okay Brother Chen, I will call them." Jin Baoyu nodded in agreement, and then left.

  Aunt Liu also came here today. After all, Gu Nan still needs to be taken care of.

   For this reason, Gu Chen bought a folding bed and put it in Gu Nan's room, and the two of them lived together to take care of it.

  The conditions in this home are much better than those in the hospital. Although they need to cook by themselves, at least they can sit or lie down.

  There is not even a place to lie down in the hospital, which is very inconvenient.

  Shen Man had two classes in the morning, so he stayed for a while before going out.

   "I'll see you off." Gu Chen came out to push the cart, insisting on one.

   "I'd better ride a bike? I can ride home when I come back." Shen Man felt that it would be more convenient to ride a bike by himself.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen said: "I'll pick you up after you leave school, get in the car quickly. It's rare that I have a rest today, and I will go to work tomorrow."

  Usually he would not be able to pick it up even if he wanted to.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man could only sit on the back seat of his bicycle, and then the two of them set off.

   Arrived at the gate of the school, the two said goodbye, and she entered the school.

  There have been a lot of things these two days. I feel like I have nothing to do, but I am busy going around in circles.

   Before entering the class, Wu You walked over from behind. "Student Shen, why can't I catch your figure these days, there will be no one after class."

   It has been several days in a row. When she was going to look for Shen Man, she couldn't find anyone.

   Shen Man replied: "There are a lot of things at home these days, so I don't have time."

   "Is there anything you can do with me?"

  Wu You waved his hand: "It's nothing, I just want to hang out with you."

  She is still curious about Shen Man now. Of course, her college classmates are all contacts. Even if Shen Man's family background is average, she can continue to communicate with her in the future.

  After entering the society, no one can say that they will never use someone.

  Wu You’s family concept is like this. As long as you study in school, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you must maintain a good relationship with your classmates, at least not to offend them.

   There are also many poor students who have changed their fates, and they may not be able to use them in the future.

   Seeing her say this, Shen Man said: "I'm really sorry, I can't go out to play during this time, and I will definitely find you to play when I have time in the future."

  In fact, Shen Man also thought the same way. In her previous life, she never had a good relationship with her classmates, but when she was doing business, she always hit a wall.

  For this reason, I spent a lot of money to open up relationships, and I also met classmates, so I still made things difficult for myself.

   Who told her to be indifferent when she went to school, and treat everyone with a cold attitude.

  So after Shen Man stepped into the society, he also suffered severe beatings from the society and gained experience.

   After the two of them said a few words, the class started, and everyone went to sit down.

   Time passed quickly, half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

  Shen Man's study also entered the first exam. It may be because he is usually serious and studies hard at home. The result this time is very good.

  While she was relieved, she also decided to study the next stage before the end of the semester.

  As long as you earn all the credits in school and pass the exams, no one will be embarrassed if you graduate early.

  Back home, Shen Man saw that Gu Nan had finished cooking, and said, "You just feel better, stop cooking, and take good care of it. What if you stretch again? Isn't Aunt Liu still here?"

  She looked around, but she didn't see Aunt Liu.

   It's weird, this person packs up after eating every day before leaving, why didn't he see anyone today?

  Looking at her appearance, Gu Nan said: "I let her go back, and I'm fine. Besides, don't people need to spend money to help?"

  She didn't care about these things before, but she has a lot of thoughts recently. The money is all paid by Gu Chen, and she is not willing to let people spend it like this.

   Regardless of whether Gu Chen has money or not, he will get married after the new year, so what can he do if he has no money.

  So, Gu Nan thought that she was much better and no one needed to take care of her. Let Gu Chen save some money and save it for marriage.

  Hearing this, Shen Man couldn't help but support his forehead, "Nan Nan, it's a good thing to have someone to take care of you. If it's because you save some money, it's really not worth it."

  She feels that this child always thinks differently from others. How can you be so fussy about spending money wisely?

  In fact, she also thought about it, is it because her own thinking is different from others?

   It may be from modern society, everyone has different ideas.

   Gu Nan ignored her, greeted her to eat, and then began to fill the rice.

  Since people have already left, Shen Man can't say anything more.

   The two sat on chairs to eat, neither of them spoke.

  After eating, Shen Man cleaned up, and then the two of them sat together and chatted.

   On the other side, Gu Chen looked at Zhang Fenghai who was opposite, with a glint of gloom in his eyes.

  He said, "Are you sure it's her?"

   "Yes, but her family has indicators down, what should I do?" Zhang Fenghai hesitated.

  Because of Shen Man's matter, he went back to investigate for several days, and finally found clues from the collective household.

   Someone in the town revealed it to him. People like him also have a lot of connections in the town, so it's easy to know something.

   Gu Chen frowned and said, "So what? Want to go back to the city? Heh..."

  He sneered, and then looked at Zhang Fenghai: "Detain her index, don't let her go. In this life, I have to stay with me in the Shangjiang brigade!"

   I have to say that this approach really surprised Zhang Fenghai.

  He hesitated: "Chenzi, this is not a trivial matter! What if the leader finds out..."

   Ask for a monthly pass! (*)



  (end of this chapter)

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