Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 181: your man is amazing

  Chapter 181 Your man is very powerful

  Gu Chen directly interrupted him: "I'm going to worry about something!"

   No matter who it is, his daughter-in-law's revenge must be avenged today.

  Hearing this, Zhang Fenghai sighed helplessly: "Chenzi, this is not something you can take care of."

  He almost said clearly, you are not working in the Shangjiang brigade, what can you do?

  Gu Chen looked at him and said, "Uncle Zhang, as far as I know, they haven't made any contributions. Even if they return to the city, they have to be accepted by a unit."

   "Yes, there is a unit accepting the indicators over there." Zhang Fenghai nodded, knowing this matter very well.

   Next, Gu Chen didn't make things difficult for Zhang Fenghai, he was indeed a little abrupt just now, and it depends on what it is for others to do some things.

   It's no wonder that people would agree to something that threatened Zhang Fenghai's brain.

  But Gu Chen also got useful information, don’t you like Jubao? Alright, then he will use his own way to treat his own body!

  Woke up the next morning, when Shen Man left the room, he saw Gu Chen who came with breakfast.

   There was some surprise in her eyes: "You didn't go to work?"

   It's time to go to work, why did you come over to deliver breakfast suddenly.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen replied: "Isn't there something wrong? The work is over, and the unit has two days off. It just so happens that I am not busy recently."

  In fact, the department store is also planning to promote Gu Chen. He has made a lot of contributions during this business trip, so he is going to be the deputy manager.

  In just two or three months, I can become a deputy manager from a regular worker, which is really fast.

  It used to take one or two years to go from a temporary worker to a regular worker, but he did it in a month.

  The benefits brought to the department store can be imagined.

  Seeing him say that, Shen Man was also very happy, "It just so happens that I don't have class today, so we can go out to play."

   After speaking, she went to wash up, and was going to play after eating.

   It’s been a long time since the two of us went out alone, so I’m quite happy.

  Gu Chen brought the bowls and chopsticks, and when she came back from washing, the two of them began to eat.

   After eating, the two of them went out.

   Arriving near the department store, Gu Chen said, "May I take you to buy some clothes? The season is about to change, and there just happened to be a lot of new clothes over there."

  Every girl loves beauty, and so does Shen Man, so Gu Chen feels that shopping for clothes must be one of the things that can make a wife happy.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man didn't refuse. She knew that Gu Chen had money, and if he didn't let him spend it and had to buy it randomly, she might as well choose it herself.

  The two entered the department store together. Gu Chen didn't go to work today, so it was quite surprising that they came here.

  Wu Qing just happened to go out to do some errands, and greeted him when he met him: "Brother Chen, why did you come back when you don't go to work today?"

  Although he is two or three years older than Gu Chen, the name Chen Ge has nothing to do with age, but an honorific title.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen replied: "I brought my partner to buy two pieces of clothes. Are you going to do something? Hurry up."

   Seeing what he said, Wu Qing greeted Shen Man and left.

  The salesperson at the door has seen it, and Shen Man is Gu Chen's object, everyone knows this last time.

  Seeing the two handsome men and beautiful women walking together, I feel very right.

   Such a combination looks particularly eye-catching in the crowd, let alone here.

   "Manager Gu is here." Seeing them walking together, Zhou Juan forced a smile and went over to say hello.

  She even confessed to Gu Chen before, but unfortunately he rejected her, and now she has the cheek to say hello again, in fact, she feels quite uncomfortable.

  Gu Chen nodded, and then took Shen Man to the clothing store.

   Zhou Juan saw that his attitude was indifferent, and her face was particularly embarrassing. The other salespersons in the department store more or less knew what she was thinking, and now they were secretly laughing at her one by one, and they knew it without looking.

   Seeing the backs of the two leaving, she couldn't help but clenched her hands tightly.

  When Shen Man heard Zhou Juan's address, she looked at Gu Chen in surprise and said, "Manager Gu? Are you a manager now?"

   That's amazing. She also knew that Gu Chen had just come to work not long ago, so he became a manager?

   You must know that promotion is not only based on ability, but also on qualifications. Of course, if you make outstanding contributions, you will be promoted quickly.

   Shen Man had experienced it before. When he was working in a food factory, he was also rewarded, so promotion is nothing.

   After all, the nature of the units is different.

  Gu Chen said with a smile: "Why, do you think your man is particularly powerful?"

  His voice is so low that only two people can hear it.

   "Your man"?

  Hearing these four words, Shen Man couldn't help but blush, "You are really thick-skinned."

   It's rare to see people boasting like this.

  Gu Chen doesn't care either, he thinks it's good to be thick-skinned, but what's wrong with being thick-skinned to his own woman? Even if he was asked to wash Shen Man's feet, he would be happy.

  A man has to spoil his wife. If you don't pamper yourself, should you wait for others to pamper you?

  The two of them were chatting and laughing at the wardrobe counter. The salesperson happened to be Shen Man who came here to buy clothes before, and he almost believed Zhou Juan's instigation.

  She looked at Gu Chen and said with a smile, "Manager Gu, bring your partner to buy clothes."

  Actually, she laughed on the surface, but panicked in her heart. After all, she almost embarrassed Shen Man before, because she was afraid that Shen Man would tell Gu Chen, and then she would be put on shoes.

  Wearing small shoes like this won't make me lose my job, but it's also uncomfortable.

  So she was cautious and smiled politely at Shen Man.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen nodded, in fact, he also knew about this matter. But he kept stumbling Zhou Juan, and the others were not implicated.

   After all, it was Zhou Juan who intervened. In the past two days, Zhou Juan has been making mistakes at work, and the director has heard about it.

  He turned his head and said to Shen Man: "Xiao Man, choose the one you like, and choose a few more."

   I'm afraid that Shen Man won't choose more, this season will be a long time, I can't just wear two sets of clothes, can I?

   And Shen Man was not polite, knowing Gu Chen's personality, she generously chose three sets of clothes.

  Because it is autumn clothing, it will be somewhat more expensive, especially the coats, two of which are almost 100 yuan.

  Including other clothes, the total is 210 yuan.

   Spending more than 200 yuan to buy clothes these days is really very expensive. Who can buy clothes like this?

  For an ordinary family, two hundred yuan is the salary of four cadres.

   Seeing Gu Chen being so generous, everyone was very surprised. While surprised, she also felt that Shen Man was really not a fuel-efficient lamp, spending so much money.

   Zhou Juan looked at this scene, and her heart was almost filled with jealousy.

  Why would Gu Chen fall in love with such a lavish woman? He really loves vanity and doesn't know how to live.

   Just because of being pretty?

   Then Gu Chen is really superficial!

   But even so, she still likes Gu Chen, young and capable, generous, who doesn't like it?

  Unfortunately, people are not interested in her, which makes her very uncomfortable.

  Why? She's not bad looking either!

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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