Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 182: The big deal is to be insidious?

  Chapter 182 The big deal is insidious?

  Facing everyone's eyes, Gu Chen calmly asked someone to issue an invoice and then went to pay the money.

  What is this little money? Even if Shen Man wants the stars in the sky, he will pick them!

   After the two of them finished shopping for clothes, Jin Baoyu came out from the back office, and when he saw them coming, he was stunned for a moment.

   "Brother Chen, wait a minute." He stopped the person in front, walked over and said, "I have something here, bring it to Gu Nan when you go back."

   After finishing speaking, he will go to the logistics to pick up things.

   Gu Chen called him: "Wait a minute, we are going out to play, and we don't have time to bring things. You can deliver it yourself after get off work, don't ask me to deliver it."

   As he said that, he still felt a little disgusted, and he was unwilling to bring anything.

   Seeing this, Jin Baoyu was a little dumbfounded, blinked and said, "Alright then."

  He had no choice but to nod.

   The two left the department store and went directly to a nearby park.

  Because it is not a holiday, there are not too many people, almost all of them are old men and old ladies, and occasionally young men and women are seen walking separately.

  Shen Man found a place to sit down and said, "How is your work recently? Are you still busy?"

  After the two got together, they seldom talked about work, nor did they inquire.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen glanced at her, and replied: "It's okay, but I'm not busy at work. Now that I'm a manager, I'll have more free time in the future."

  The current state is indeed like this. The manager only takes care of things and doesn't need to do any work.

  Like before in logistics, I have to do warehouse work, and I have to go to lift and unload goods.

  So as a manager, at least you don't need to do these things.

   Shen Man nodded, she was also curious and casually asked, and then said: "That's pretty good, being a small cadre is easier than ordinary workers."

   Speaking of this, Gu Chen looked at her: "After you graduate from university, do you still want to work in a food factory?"

  He never asked about this matter, mainly because he didn't want to interfere with the other party's work. Whatever work the two of them want to do, they can do it according to their hobbies.

Seeing that he asked this question, Shen Man thought for a while, and then said her own thoughts: "Actually, I think I still have to go back to the food factory, after all, I came from there. And I have a working habit, and I will develop new food. I have ideas too."

  Compared with other jobs, she doesn't know what is most suitable for her. Since she doesn't know what is suitable, she chooses the job that suits her.

   It's nice not to have to start from scratch.

   Besides, after graduation, she believes that the food factory will not treat her badly.

  Gu Chen heard her answer and nodded in agreement. It seems that the daughter-in-law has already made up her mind about her plans for the future, and since that's the case, he won't say anything more.

   Again, everyone has a job they like and their own choices, so there is no need to interfere.

  Especially for couples, you should pay more attention to this point, don't impose your own ideas on each other.

   "Let's go to the park today?" Shen Man looked at him suspiciously, why should he go out to play? Is playing just to stroll in the park, isn't it too sloppy?

   What a rare learning!

  Gu Chen shook his head, changed the topic and said: "The captain found out who reported you, do you want to know who this person is?"

  He looked at Shen Man, eager to know what the other person thought.

  Wearing that Shen Man is also very different, because she also thought about going to the Shangjiang Brigade to ask questions, but unfortunately she has never had time, because school cannot be delayed.

   But since Gu Chen has found out, he nodded, wanting to know who this person is.

  Gu Chen said: "That person is a collective household, named Qiao Xin. She wrote an anonymous letter in the town, but she didn't forge the font, and was discovered."

   As for how he found out, he didn't say much.

   And Shen Man didn't ask too much, after all, to know this kind of thing, many people must be involved.

   If there is a problem, it is estimated that the captain will not be able to do it.

  So she was smart enough not to ask more.

   "How do you want to punish her?" Gu Chen asked.

  Hearing this sentence, Shen Man didn't know what to do, so he frowned and thought about it.

   "Isn't she unable to go back to the city? And the distance is so far, I can't trip her up."

  In fact, Shen Man wanted to beat him up, but unfortunately he couldn't, the distance was too far.

  Just a little girl, she is not afraid of being defeated.

  Just Li Tianbao, a big man, didn't try to please her.

   At worst, use dirty tricks? Anyway, as long as he can teach the other party a lesson, it doesn't matter what moves he makes.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen chuckled, and talked about Qiao Xin's return target.

   Thinking that Qiao Xin could go back to the city, Shen Man couldn't help but want to complain.

  Thinking of harming others all day long, but still going back to the city? It's ridiculous.

   At the beginning, he failed to forcefully buy Shen Man's quota, but now he is applying for it again, what a good person he is.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man sneered and said, "She wants to go back to the city? Just wait."

   Seeing her say that, Gu Chen was relieved. He wasn't afraid of Shen Man's cruelty, after all, Qiao Xin was screwed to death.

   You must know that if something happens, Shen Man will not only be sent to the countryside, but also easily sent to a labor camp.

   Go to work on the farm, don’t think about it in three or five years.

  So, if Shen Man is soft-hearted at this time, he is really kind.

  Gu Chen would not agree either, he would secretly dig holes for Qiao Xin.

   "Daughter-in-law, I support your decision!" He said firmly, with appreciation in his eyes. As worthy of being his woman, she must have revenge!

  Shen Man said with a smile: "It's fine to support, but we have to know the unit that accepts her? Report back!"

  Using the way of the person to treat the body of the person.

   "You don't need to worry about this." A sternness flashed in Gu Chen's eyes, and he said, "I'll do it myself, just wait for my good news."

   Wait for him to do it?

  Shen Man looked at him foolishly, feeling that he didn't need to do anything himself.

   Shouldn't you tear up the **** yourself, and then step on your feet and laugh?

  Gu Chen rubbed her hair, "My woman doesn't need to do anything, you just need to enjoy life beautifully."

  He will not let Shen Man's hands be stained with a little bit of filth, and protect his wife from being wronged.

  Hearing this, Shen Man felt sore, and it was good that she was pampered.

  The two stayed in the park for a long time, chatting and hanging out, and finally rowed and went home.

   What happened today made Shen Man very happy. He cooked a lot of dishes in the evening, and the refrigerator that Gu Chen sent before was very good.

  She has made a lot of cold drinks recently, not to mention how comfortable they are.

  Although this refrigerator came late, it is better than never.

   This also proves that Gu Chen values ​​her and pays attention to himself all the time.

  Not long after they finished their meal, Jin Baoyu came to the door with something.

  Before he wanted Gu Chen to help, but Gu Chen didn't agree, so he had to come by himself.

  Gu Nan's eyes lit up the moment he saw him. He was stupid because he didn't understand it before, but now he feels that he eats dog food every day, which is very uncomfortable, and he is shown all day long...

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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