Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 183: Can I control you?

  Chapter 183 Can I Control You?

   "You're here." Gu Nan graciously served tea and water, and those who didn't know thought she was a maid at home.

  Seeing her worthless appearance, Gu Chen couldn't help but touch his forehead.

  Why is there such a girl? It's not long at all.

  Jin Baoyu took the water: "Thank you."

   After finishing speaking, he handed over the things he brought, and continued: "You mentioned these things before, and it happened that the department store arrived yesterday, so I left them for you."

   It was mentioned that Gu Nan was hospitalized some time ago, and he visited from time to time, so I just thought of it.

   Seeing these things, Gu Nan's eyes were full of surprises, because she felt that she could let the other party remember by saying a word casually. How much did she care about herself?

  Thinking of this, she looked at Jin Baoyu in a different way.

  She felt that people must be interested in her.

   "Thank you, Brother Jin."

  Jin Baoyu waved his hand, "You're welcome."

   Seeing the interaction between the two, Shen Man and Gu Chen looked at each other, with obvious doubts in their eyes.

  Because Jin Baoyu rejected Gu Nan before, so how could he be nice to him again?

   Could it be a scumbag? If I don't love you, I still want to play with you?

  Thinking of this, Shen Man was not very happy, and looked at Jin Baoyu with strange eyes.

  But there is no way to say this kind of thing directly, not to mention Gu Nan's wishful thinking, she can only figure it out by herself.

   Besides, with Gu Chen here, he must have made it clear to Gu Nan.

   Sure enough.

   After chatting for a few words, Jin Baoyu was about to go home, after all, it was getting late.

  Gu Chen took the initiative to send him out, and the two of them walked a long way before stopping.

  At the gate of the courtyard, Gu Nan watched the two of them stop talking, and said, "What are you doing, second brother? This is, you're talking behind your back."

  This silly girl.

   Shen Man couldn't help but want to complain, isn't it because of her? Why can't I figure it out.

  Sometimes Gu Nan acts very smart, but becomes silly when dealing with feelings. Maybe it's because of his young age that he doesn't care about people.

  Gu Chen looked at the person opposite, and said: "Baoyu, you don't need me to tell you that Nannan has different feelings for you. If you don't plan to develop her, then don't talk to her anymore."

   "But if you like her too, I hope you take it seriously."

  Although he has a bad attitude towards Gu Nan, anyone who dares to bully his sister will definitely not do it.

  Hearing this, Jin Baoyu's eyes flashed surprise, and he felt uneasy.

  Because he found out that he really treats Gu Nan differently. On the day of Gu Nan's accident, he was so frightened that he often went to see people to make sure that nothing happened.

  He also thought about these things in the past few days, but he was afraid that Gu Chen would be unhappy. Everyone makes money together, but he misses other people's girls, which is not good.

  But today is different, because Gu Chen said that he should treat Gu Nan well, does it mean that he admits to developing a relationship with Gu Nan?

  Thinking of this, he tentatively asked: "Brother Chen, is it possible for me and Gu Nan? I do have different feelings for her."

   "Can I manage you guys?" Gu Chen glanced at him, then went back without saying anything.

  Jin Baoyu stood there stupidly, and he wasn't really stupid, so he naturally understood what Gu Chen meant and agreed.

  Since everyone in the family agrees, why is he hesitating?

  When Gu Nan went back to work, he was ready to confess his love.

   On the second day, Gu Chen was supposed to go to work, but he took the initiative to find the leader on a business trip, which surprised the leader.

   But it would be better if someone took the initiative.

  Gu Chen took the task of the department store, got on the train and left.

   And he told Shen Man about this last night, so there is no need to say hello again.

the other side.

   Looking at the return indicator, Qiao Xin seemed to be stupid.

   "Brother Jie, I am, are you really going back to the city?" She was in disbelief, her eyes were full of surprise.

   Few people can understand this feeling of rebirth from the Jedi.

  Xu Jie nodded with a smile on his face, "Yes, I'm back in the city."

   "What about you?" Qiao Xin didn't forget Xu Jie's care during this time, and she was still very touched.

   "I..." Xu Jie said with complicated eyes, "I can't go back now, I have to wait."

  Actually, he got this indicator, but he asked his family to give it to Qiao Xin.

  Although the parents disagreed, they couldn't hold back their son, so they had to give it to Qiao Xin first.

  Hearing his answer, although Qiao Xin was a little disappointed, she was soon washed away by the beautiful event of returning to the city.

   Finally able to return to the city! She finally doesn't have to work here, like a mud leg!

  Seeing Qiao Xin's excited expression, Xu Jie was also happy for her, but for some reason, he felt a little uncomfortable.

   Maybe it's because Qiao Xin is used to his indifference to him, and now she doesn't think so much at all.

  That night, Qiao Xin started to pack her things. As long as the indicator is down, she can leave at any time.

  Xu Jie originally wanted to chat with her, but when he saw that she was packing her things, he didn't speak.

   Seeing him coming, Qiao Xin said: "I don't take my bedding away, you can keep the bed, and I don't want these things either."

  She didn't even look at Xu Jie's face, and just cleaned up on her own.

   Seeing this, Xu Jie sat on the chair next to her, watching her busy.

   In fact, it would be a lie to say that it is not uncomfortable. I gave Qiao Xin the index of returning to the city, but now it is ignored, and there is no basic comfort. How can he accept this?

   Qiao Xin finished packing, only to find that Xu Jie was still there, she said with a smile: "Brother Jie, I will often write to you and post things to you when I return to the city."

  Of course she doesn't care about this when she has money, and her family's conditions are considered average, so she doesn't care about eating and drinking.

   But the return card is too tight, and there are not many connections at home, so I haven't been able to do it.

   Fortunately, I can go back to the city!

  Actually, Qiao Xin didn't know that Xu Jie had given this indicator, because no one said anything, and she thought the family was finally settled.

   Seeing her happy look, Xu Jie forced a smile and nodded, "Okay."

  Woke up the next day, Qiao Xin was ready to leave with the package, even Xu Jie was very surprised.

  Yesterday, the two chatted a few words, but they didn't say they would leave today.

   "Are you leaving now?" Zhang Min also heard the news. He just got the indicator yesterday, and he left today.

  Hearing that, Qiao Xin nodded as a matter of course: "That's right, I can't stay any longer, so I'm leaving today."

  Xu Jie looked at her, walked over and asked, "You didn't say you're leaving today."

  He didn't know why, he was always the last to know about Qiao Xin, and he didn't tell him about such things.

   Could it be that he was afraid that he would not let her go?

   Qiao Xin dodged her eyes, and said with a smile: "Isn't it the same when you go someday? Don't worry, Brother Jie, I will definitely let my uncles and aunts speed up the progress and let you go back to the city."

  Is she still comforting people?

  Xu Jie was dumbfounded when he heard this, he didn't expect Qiao Xin to be so decisive.

   Originally, I wanted to talk about the fact that I gave her a quota, but now I don’t even have the chance to talk about it...

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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