Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 184: Eight pack abs mermaid line

  Chapter 184 Eight-pack abs mermaid line

  Seeing that the tractors were coming, Qiao Xin hurried over and got into the truck in a hurry.

  Waved his hand excitedly, the car left.

  Xu Jie has not reacted until now, he just left before washing his face when he got up?

that's it?

  What are his contributions?

  Now he can't feel Qiao Xin's care for him at all, he really doesn't even consider him a friend.

  Even if a friend leaves, you will say a few words and shed a few tears, right?

  But Qiao Xin didn't do that, on the contrary, she was very happy. As for those two words about writing a letter, he didn't even have to think about whether he would write it or not.

  When the two were together before, no matter how much Qiao Xin did too much, he didn't feel much, after all, the two were together.

  It's different now, everyone has left, and there is no nostalgia for it.

   This made Xu Jie not happy at all, and felt that his heart was being fed to the dog.

   And Qiao Xin?

  She took the train for two days and two nights, and finally returned home.

   Qiao's parents were very surprised to see her, and asked her to stay for a few days.

   "Go?" Qiao Xin was stunned, and asked, "Didn't you find connections for me and get the indicators to go back to the city? Where am I going?"

   It's really inexplicable. I thought she was going home to visit relatives?

  Hearing this, Father Qiao was also stunned: "I didn't get it done, and there is no news at all over there. What's more, there are indicators that were mailed to you through my hands."

  Mother Qiao thought of something, and said, "Is it the indicator Xu Jie gave you? He has come back too. I heard that the Xu family got a place for a bakery factory, but I didn't hear that there were two."

  As soon as Qiao Xin heard this, she understood, took out the indicator and said, "I'm the one for the van, Xu Jie didn't come back."

   It seems that Xu Jie gave her the indicator, but she didn't appreciate it too much. Now that she has returned to the city and saw these colorful worlds, she no longer thinks about the person in the country.

   Qiao's parents understood that it was given to her. This person is really stupid, but it's okay, the burden will be reduced if more people come back home, after all, they can get wages.

  They were happily picking up the wind and washing the dust. Before they had eaten, someone came to the door.

  Five people came and said with serious faces: "Who is Qiao Xin!"

   "Comrade, what's the matter?" Father Qiao walked over, ready to make sex.

  But when people show proof, they will take them away immediately.

   "What are you doing!" Qiao Xin was arrested and looked at her parents in horror: "Dad, help me quickly, I didn't do anything bad!"

  She panicked, she couldn't think of what she had done, why was she arrested?

  Father Qiao looked cold, and said: "Don't worry, people will let you back if nothing happens, go."

   If there is nothing wrong, of course I will put it back.

  The leader of the team was very satisfied with his understanding, and took Qiao Xin away with a wave of his hand.

  As for Qiao Xin's yelling, no one would pay attention to it.

  After a day and night of investigation, Qiao Xin was sent directly to the labor farm.

  Because she took someone else's index, the bakery didn't recognize her.

   As for how she will live in the future, it must be difficult. The labor reform is not allowed to take the college entrance examination, and when she comes out, this stain will not allow her to study smoothly.

   And Xu Jie returned to the city smoothly. As for Qiao Xin, although her heart ached, she didn't go to see her again.

   Such an ungrateful woman, he never wants to meet again in his life...

  The words are divided into two ends.

   Gu Chen didn't go to work until he finished these things, and he didn't go home until he was on a business trip for five days.

   And Shen Man had a very leisurely life these few days, went out to play with Wu You once, and then studied.

  Gu Nan's body is recovering very well, and he can go to work tomorrow. If he can't do physical work, he can do other things.

  When Gu Chen arrived home at night, the two of them happened to be having dinner.

  Shen Man didn't expect him to come back so soon, and he didn't prepare any meals.

   "Sit down first, I'll heat up the meal." She took out the pastries she prepared from the refrigerator, but they were all in stock in the space.

   "Okay, don't bother cooking, just warm up the rice." Gu Chen was also quite tired, so he took advantage of this time to take a bath.

   The clothes he changed into were naturally the pajamas that Shen Man gave him before, but now he is used to them, and the clothes are very comfortable to wear.

  Shen Man steamed a pot of milky steamed buns, one bite at a time.

  Of course, children and girls can't eat one bite at a time, but men can eat one bite at a time.

  Steam a pot full, and steam it for five minutes.

  Then the frozen plum vegetables and braised meat in the pot are also brought out. They are all finished dishes, and they can be cooked as soon as they are heated.

  Before there was no refrigerator at home, she didn’t dare to eat these things, but now it’s better, she can eat any frozen fast food.

  Gu Chen entered the room and saw the sumptuous meals, and felt warm in his heart. It would be nice to have a wife, and there will be hot meals to eat when he returns home.

   After all, I’ve been out for a few days, and it’s not a trip. How can I have time to eat and drink? Basically just fooling around with rice.

   "Everything is done." Before eating, he gave Shen Man a wink.

  This meaning is only understood by them.

  Shen Man didn't expect to do it so quickly, and it was done. It seems that she usually underestimates Gu Chen, maybe, she can really rely on him in the future.

  Although she is a strong woman, who said all women are tough?

  A strong woman also needs love and protection from a man. If it is not for practical reasons, who would want to be a strong woman.

  It feels so good to be a little bird, someone to protect.

  Shen Man nodded with a smile and said nothing, the feelings in his heart may not be very expressive.

  Especially there is Gu Nan, although Qiao Xin did something flawed, but if they don't make trouble, it will be normal for her to join the job.

  Gu Nan looked at the two of them mysteriously, couldn't help curling her lips, and went into the room after eating.

   "Why don't you stay in my room tonight." Shen Man suggested when she saw that the door was closed.

  Gu Chen stopped eating and was choked.


   Seeing this, Shen Man hurriedly handed over his own water. There is no time to pour water at this time, so drink whatever you want.

   It took a while for Gu Chen to calm down, looking at the opposite person in surprise, with some excitement in his eyes.

   "Really, let me live in the same room with you?" His tone couldn't be suppressed, and he was about to jump up with joy.

  God, is he dreaming?

  Seeing his excited look, Shen Man rolled his eyes, "Bring over the single bed from Gu Nan's room, you sleep against the wall."

  You think so beautifully, and you still want to share a bed with her?

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen couldn't help but sigh, this is the feeling of going from heaven to hell, right?

  Really, I thought I was going to get started...

  Through the pajamas, Shen Man saw his muscular eight-pack abs, and couldn't help swallowing.

   It's not impossible...

  Gu Chen took the time to eat, and didn't notice the sight just now.

   After the meal, the two of them packed up, and Gu Chen moved the bed. Even his quilt was actually Shen Mangai's before, but now it is his exclusive property.

   At this time, Shen Man entered the room after taking a shower, and Gu Chen's eyes were straightened...

   Please ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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