Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 185: I don't like her

  Chapter 185 I don't like her

  The moment Shen Man closed the door, he saw Gu Chen's eyes in the corner, and immediately shivered.

   It's all about the hungry wolf.

  She regretted it, she should have let this person live in the living room earlier, is this inappropriate to lure wolves into the house?

   Shen Man didn't wear a suspender skirt pajamas, but ordinary short-sleeved shorts.

   Of course, she has maintained her skin for so long, which makes her long legs very eye-catching.

   White and tender skin, coupled with very straight legs, it can be said that no one can look away.

   "Ahem..." Shen Man coughed lightly, signaling the other party to calm down.

   It's a pity that Gu Chen didn't hear it at all, maybe he didn't want to hear it. I kept staring at those long legs and couldn't move my eyes, feeling very nervous.

How to do? Daughter-in-law let him go?

   Otherwise, why did you see him enter the house and dress like this again...

  His face was blushing, wondering if he should be more proactive?

   It is not impossible to be more active.

  Thinking about this, Gu Chen stood up and walked over,

   Seeing the people getting closer, Shen Man was a little surprised, and was hugged in his arms the next moment.

  The abdominal muscles touched by the arms are still a little hot, and the breathing above the head is faintly rapid.

   Seeing this, Shen Man was a little distracted, but she realized it the next moment.

   "Gu Chen! Gu Nan is in that room, please calm down." Her voice was lowered, otherwise she would be able to guess if she heard it, she must have done something wrong.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen was not immediately angry, but understood another meaning.

   That means no one can do it?


  At this moment, he felt that he was really smart, but it was really not good, there were other people in the room.

  When he thought of this, he regretted it. If he had known that he would rent another house for Gu Nan, why did he take this to delay the good things...

  Gu Chen let go of Shen Man, suppressed his emotions, and said softly: "Let her rent a house tomorrow and let her go out to live."

  Hearing this, Shen Man was a little speechless, "You can pull it down, if there is nothing wrong with you, let people move out, let's talk about it later."

   After waiting for such a long time, it’s not too far behind these few months.

  The two sat together and chatted for a while.

  Gu Chen is a young man, how can he really bear it? During the period, their hands and feet were dishonest, and Shen Man finally gave him a stare, and then they went to bed.

  Compared to Gu Chen who didn't fall asleep most of the night, Shen Man slept soundly until dawn.

   Waking up early in the morning, Gu Nan felt that the eyes of the second brother were not right. She frowned and said, "Why did I provoke you again? Why are you staring at me?"

   I'm really convinced, I don't like her all day long, is this my brother?

  Gu Chen hummed twice, and went out to wash up.

   After dinner, everyone went to work and school.

   Shen Man was forcibly sent to school by Gu Chen, and she was not allowed to ride a bicycle.

   "I only have one class today, so you don't need to come pick me up. I'll take the shuttle bus back after class." She reminded her to save people from picking up people when the time comes, but they won't be able to pick them up.

   At this time, there is no phone, and it is difficult to contact.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen was dumbfounded, "What? Just one class today?"

  If he knew it earlier, he would let Shen Man ride the bike. Now he has to go to work, so how can he pick up his wife from school.

   Shen Man rolled his eyes at him, and said, "You don't listen to me, do you? Take me away by bike before I can speak."

  The two get along more and more harmoniously, which is a bit funny.

  Leaving behind her back, she walked quickly into the school.

  Hearing someone calling her on the road, she turned her head and saw that Su Xin was running towards her.

   "Student Shen, I've called you several times, why don't you wait for me." She stopped panting, feeling a little helpless.

   Shen Man raised his eyebrows, "Sorry, I didn't hear that, I was thinking about something just now."

   She really didn't hear it. If she did, could she not wait?

   The two walked towards the classroom while chatting.

   "Student Shen, I would like to ask you a few questions." Su Xin said as she took out her notebook and pointed to a few Russian sentences on it.

   "How do you understand the grammar of these sentences? I don't know much about it."

  Seeing that Shen Man finished his notebook, he stopped to explain to her, and finally remembered that he told her to go to the teacher last time.

   "Why didn't you ask the teacher?"

  Hearing the words, Su Xin replied: "The teacher left after the class last time. I wanted to ask but I didn't have a chance to ask."

   It seems that the teacher has no time, and she can't catch up.

   Shen Man nodded and said, "Don't be afraid to ask questions when studying. Don't be afraid of these questions next time."

   "Yeah." Su Xin nodded, remembered something, and said: "By the way, my family gave me some things, and I'll bring you some after class."

   "No need." Upon hearing this, Shen Man quickly refused. Just explain the grammar, don't you need to give gifts?

  Seeing that she had misunderstood, Su Xin explained: "My family's rural products are all mountain products, so you're welcome. There are too many things I can't finish, so just don't dislike them."

  In fact, the family hopes that she can give it to the teacher so that they can take care of themselves.

  But Su Xin felt that the teachers in the city might not like these things, and if they disliked them, they might look at them differently.

   It’s better to eat it yourself, whether you don’t give it away or not, and your own study is not bad, and no one needs to take care of it.

  Hearing what she said, Shen Man felt relieved, "Alright then, go to class first."

   The two entered the classroom, and there were already many people in the room.

   "Student Shen, is it convenient to go to Brother Chen at night? My elder brother wants to catch up with him." Wu You walked over at this time, and it has been more than half a month since the last time we met.

  Shen Man thought for a while and did not refuse: "Sure, I will leave you an address, go to my house at night, he will be there."

   Upon hearing this, Wu You's eyes flashed with surprise, could it be that they are living together.

   Before I had time to think about it, the teacher had already entered the room.

  She took the note Shen Man wrote to her, returned to her seat and sat down, and guessed what she just said.

   However, this has little to do with her.

  After class, Su Xin took Shen Man to the dormitory.

  The school has dormitories, you don’t need to live here, you can do whatever you want.

  Because Shen Man is a girl, she can enter the dormitory after registration, no one cares about her.

   "This is hazelnuts, and some pine nuts, all fried." Su Xin took out a big bag, which was packed in a cloth bag, and it looked like it weighed ten catties.

   "I don't need so much, you can keep some more." Shen Man looked at the big head, there are so many things, I have to bite my teeth and I can't finish it.

  Su Xin shook her head, and said in a low voice: "If you don't take it away, someone will steal it and eat it. There are so many people in the dormitory, I don't want to give it to others for nothing."

  At the very least, Shen Man helped her, but the other students in the dormitory either stole food or blatantly took it, which made her very disgusted.

  Shen Man looked around, there was no one else in the room, but these six bunk beds, a total of twelve people lived together, indeed too many people.

   Moreover, if there are too many people, it will be chaotic. There are all kinds of people.

   "Okay then, thank you." Shen Man took the things, thinking about what to eat in the future, and gave this girl a copy, as a courtesy.

   At this moment, the door of the dormitory was suddenly kicked open.

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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