Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 186: Have you been punished?

  Chapter 186 Is it retribution?


   There was a loud noise, and the two looked at the door together.

  Two girls walked in and stared at them unkindly.

   "Hey, Su Xin, are you bringing friends here? Don't lose anything." The girl with short hair rolled her eyes and walked in, but she didn't look at the ground, and suddenly tripped over the luggage bag.


   With a scream, the girl fell directly in front of Shen Man and the two of them, kneeling on the ground with both hands.

   "Oh, it's not a year or a festival, why are you giving a big gift? I didn't prepare any red envelopes." Shen Man gloated at the other party.

  Let her mouth smell bad, will she be punished now?

   Deserved it!

  Su Xin didn't expect such a thing, she stared at her with wide eyes in surprise.

   "Wang Li, are you okay?" The girl behind hurried over to help her.

  Wang Li's teeth were itchy, the palms of her hands were in pain, and her knees were definitely broken.

   "You stinky frame!" She was lifted up and rushed directly in front of Shen Man, about to scratch her hand.

  The ruthless Su Xin looked at the frightened one, and hurriedly stood in front of her.

   Originally, Shen Man sensed that something was wrong with this person, and she faintly seemed to pounce forward. She was holding a bottle of anti-wolf spray in her hand.

   I didn't expect Su Xin to stand in front of her, and this is where the image came into play.

  Shen Man grabbed Su Xin, and then backed away. After all, no one can stand this moment, and it is easy to be scratched and disfigured.

  Wang Li missed it and fell to the ground again. This made her a little crazy, she got up and jumped up like a lunatic.

  This time, Shen Man left early to prepare, and sprayed it with anti-wolf spray.

   "Ah! What!" Wang Li shrieked while stepping back.

  The burning sensation on her face made her unable to open her eyes. The more she rubbed it down, the more painful it became, and finally her face was full of burning sensation.

   "What did you make!" The girl with braids pointed at Shen Man, her eyes were fierce.

   Shen Man was not frightened, and snorted coldly: "What did I do? I don't have anything in my hand."

   After finishing speaking, she spread her hands, and there was indeed nothing.

  I was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and pants, and there was no place to hide things at all.

   "Impossible!" The braid glared at her bitterly, about to pull it up.

  Wang Li kept wailing behind, but she didn't care.

  At this time, the dormitory administrator came up, entered the room and shouted loudly: "What are you doing? Stop!"

  Actually, there are more disputes in girls’ dormitories than boys, mainly due to too much thoughtfulness.

   Seeing the administrator coming, Twist Braid hurried over and said, "These two beat us, look at Wang Li!"

  In fact, she never saw Wang Li the whole time. When she asked the administrator to watch it, she watched it herself, and found that her face was flushed as if it had been scalded.

   "Hurry up and wash with water first." The administrator didn't say anything, and asked Wang Li to wash her face first.

  It happened that there was water in the basin, so Wang Li hurried to wash her face and rubbed it with soap to get better. It was only a little bit, but her face was still burning with pain.

   "You little slut!" Wang Li rushed forward again regardless of the pain on her face.

  The administrator's face turned black when he saw this, "Calm down!"

  Wang Li is usually domineering and domineering. In her opinion, being beaten is at best a fight.

   "Li Juan, let me go!" Wang Li was held back by the braids, and she was still yelling with teeth and claws, with such vigor that she wished to swallow the two people opposite her alive.

  Shen Man watched coldly, not to be afraid when things happen, no one should think about it anyway. It's impossible to just stand there and get beaten, right? That's not a big deal.

  The administrator walked over, stood among them and said, "What's the matter with you? Is there anything you can't talk about? If you do it like you, others will follow suit."

  At this time, Wang Li also calmed down, but her face was hot and painful, and she stared at Shen Man unkindly.

   "Take her to the infirmary." The administrator said to Li Juan, and then asked Shen Man and the others to stay.

"what happened?"

  Hearing the words, Shen Man told what happened just now, telling the truth.

  Wang Li tripped when she entered the door, and then she wanted to scratch someone. Under normal circumstances, everyone would fight back, right?

  The administrator frowned and said, "Then what happened to her face? If you do this, if she is disfigured, do you think you can escape responsibility?"

  Seeing what she said, Shen Man shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "I just use chili water to fight back, she can't beat me, I'm indifferent, right?"

   "You can also see her physique, I can't beat her."

  Wang Li is very strong, mainly due to her big frame and tall stature. So it looks a bit powerful, but in fact there are no tricks, it just scratches people when it comes up.

The administrator didn't speak, just stared at her, and then said to Su Xin: "If you live here, you won't be afraid of being targeted? I don't want to teach you a lesson, I just go to school to learn knowledge. One more thing is worse than one less thing, you guys Figure it out for yourself."

   Saying that, she turned her head and left.

  Her words are very reasonable, Shen Man can pat her **** and leave, but Su Xin belongs to this dormitory, so she can't move away, right?

   Every dormitory has disputes. If you have something to do, you can change the dormitory, and you can’t play every day.

  Shen Man turned to look at Su Xin, seeing that she was a little flustered, but she didn't look particularly scared.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully." Shen Man sincerely apologized.

  But in the situation just now, it is impossible to fight back. Judging from the appearance of Wang Li and the two of them, it is estimated that they usually bully people a lot.

  So even if you don't fight back, the opponent will get worse.

  Su Xin naturally thought of it, she shook her head and said: "It has nothing to do with you, I am often bullied, even if you are not here, they will also bully me."

  Of course, she fought back before, and the result was that she was hit harder.

  Thinking of this, she actually felt a little happy, "Thank you, classmate Shen, I have long disliked them. If you didn't vent your anger for me, I would still be bullied."

   This time Su Xin also figured it out, instead of being bullied, she should fight back, otherwise she will always be bullied by others!

   Seeing her attitude, Shen Man breathed a sigh of relief, and was afraid of doing bad things with good intentions. Of course, this time it may not be a good thing.

"Don't worry, I will be with you often these days. They don't dare to go too far in the dormitory, there is an administrator here." Shen Man patted her on the shoulder and continued: "Call me if you have anything, for sure Help you fight!"

   During this period of time, Gu Chen has been protecting her, and she hasn't done anything by herself for a long time.

  Su Xin looked at her gratefully: "Thank you, I will definitely."

  Because of this incident, the relationship between the two went further.

  Shen Man left the girls' dormitory with Shanhuo, and felt a little worried when he heard ghosts crying and howling in the infirmary not far away.

   This time, she was really afraid that the two of them would beat up Su Xin when they returned home.

  But she won't regret it, people have said that about her, and if she still doesn't talk back, how useless is that?

  If the administrator hadn't come too fast, she would have given these two a good lesson.

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  (end of this chapter)

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