Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 187: Eight hundred minds

  Chapter 187 Eight Hundred Hearts

  Shen Man went home by car after leaving school. There was nothing to do today, and school ended early.

   But going home doesn’t mean staying there. She has to hurry up and study, and she will be on vacation soon. There is another month, and she needs to take credits quickly.

   At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Chen's brother and sister came back with a bag of cooked food.

  The weather is not so hot now, so I also bought some cooked food at home recently, mainly because the refrigerator can’t fit it.

   Gu Chen buys breakfast every morning, and sometimes there will be a lot left over, which he piles up in the refrigerator and eats at night.

   "Daughter-in-law, what are you eating today?" He walked into the kitchen to see if there was anything he could do to help.

  Gu Nan couldn't help curling her lips when she heard this name outside. She's called a daughter-in-law before she's married, and she really has to be her second brother, she's thick-skinned.

  Hearing this, Shen Man said with a smile: "Eat beans stewed pork ribs."

   "By the way, today Wu You said that she came with her elder brother and wanted to see you."

  Almost forgot about it, but it's past five o'clock, so you shouldn't come during dinner, right?

  Gu Chen nodded without any surprise.

   "Did you know he was coming to you?" Seeing his calm expression, Shen Man couldn't help asking.

   Gu Chen immediately shook his head, and replied: "I don't know, but didn't Wu You mention it before? Come here."

   While talking, a voice came from outside.

   "Is anyone home?"

  Hearing the movement, Shen Man knew it was Wu You, and she was familiar with this man's voice.

   "Go out and have a look." She asked Gu Chen to take a look.

   I thought I wouldn't come during dinner, but I didn't expect to come at this time.

  After taking out the dishes, she went to the refrigerator and took out two bowls of finished dishes, put them in the pot to heat up, and then went out.

  Brother and sister Wu You had already entered the house at this time. Wu You was not about 1.58 meters tall and looked gentle and pleasant.

  But her elder brother Wu Qi is different. He is a big man of more than 1.8 meters, but unfortunately he is as thin as a stick.

  This man wears a pair of glasses, and he smiles when he sees people, very gentle. It looks like a little boy, this kind of look is very popular among lesbians now, anyway, Shen Man doesn't think it looks good.

   It's Gu Chen's sunny and tough face that attracts him. There's no way, who made him handsome and have eight-pack abs?

   "This is my partner, Shen Man, my sister Gu Nan. This is my high school classmate Wu Qi." Gu Chen took the initiative to introduce.



  Everyone greeted each other, and then took their seats. They were all of the same generation, so they didn't pay much attention.

  Sit down casually, Wu Qi looked at the person opposite and said, "How long have you been in Jicheng? I told you when I graduated, and told you to come to Jicheng to find me. Why hasn't there been any movement?"

   It can be seen that he is very familiar with Gu Chen, and the relationship between the two must be closer than that of classmates.

  But Shen Man never heard him mention it, which is very strange.

  Gu Chen replied with a smile: "How can I have time? I went on two business trips a while ago, and after I came to work, I have no time. You also know that the work in the city is more particular, and there are no holidays at all."

   "Okay, where do you work now?" Wu Qi didn't dwell on this matter, and asked about work instead.

   "Department store."


  The two chatted quite harmoniously. From the conversation, I learned that Wu Qi works in the Health Bureau.

  No specific position, nor did they say.

  Shen Man took advantage of their talking time to serve the food on the table.

   "Shall we have dinner together? I'll take your share."

   I just steamed the vegetables and heated up a few steamed buns, enough for everyone to eat together.

   Seeing the rich food on the table, Wu Qi thought it was specially prepared for them, after all, Wu You said they would come.

  He said embarrassingly: "I'm really bothering you, I planned to talk and go back."

   "It's okay, let's sit down and have something to eat together. I haven't seen you for a long time, let's talk more." Gu Chen offered to help move the chair.

   Everyone sat down to eat together, chatting while eating, and did not drink.

   Most of the time, Gu Chen and the others chat, and occasionally Wu You talks to Shen Man.

  Seeing the situation, Wu You realized that only Shen Man and Gu Chen's sister lived here.

  I thought Gu Chen and the others lived together.

   After dinner, Wu You helped clean up, came to the kitchen, looked at Shen Man and said, "How long have you been with Brother Chen?"

   "It's been a year, what's the matter?" Shen Man looked back with some doubts.

  Because she has never seen Wu You show anything to Gu Chen, nor does she usually target herself, so she thinks there is no problem between them.

   Just asked suddenly, a little curious.

  Wu You smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing, did you know Brother Chen had a date in high school?"


  Hearing this, Shen Man was stunned. She thought that Gu Chen had never had a date before, so why did he suddenly appear?

  Seeing her expression, Wu You knew that he had said something wrong, and quickly said: "You don't have to care, they've only been together for one day..."

   Speaking of this, her expression became a little strange.

   Just dated for a day?

   Shen Man was even more confused, and asked, "What's going on?"

  She hadn't heard Gu Chen mention it, so she was very curious, why on earth did she get married for just one day?

  Wu You glanced at the living room and saw that they were still chatting, so he whispered, "It's nothing. I heard that on the first day they were dating, that female classmate was hit by a bicycle when she went out."

   "It's nothing, but I stumbled a few times on the way home."

   "The next day I fell into the ditch again, didn't go to school, and then transferred to another school. There was no news at all. Anyway, that period of time was very unlucky."

  Others in the school have talked about it, but everyone just thinks that the female student transferred to another school and moved away.

  Wu You never saw that person afterwards.

  After listening to her narration, Shen Man was a little dazed. Isn't this just bad luck?

  The same goes for the people who had a blind date with Gu Chen before, none of them escaped the bad luck.

   But she is fine, and on the contrary, she is getting better and better.

   "Don't talk about this matter, you don't quarrel because of this matter." Wu You regretted it because he talked too fast.

  Shen Man smiled and waved his hands: "Don't worry, I didn't take it seriously, just stay for one day, so what's the matter."

   Guess the two of them haven't even held hands, right?

   Seeing that she really didn't care, Wu You breathed a sigh of relief, and then talked to her about other things.

  The two went out from the kitchen, Wu Qi in the living room looked at the time and said, "It's getting late, you guys go to bed early, I'll find you when I have time."

   "That's okay, we can go out together if we have a chance." Seeing him get up, Gu Chen followed him to see him off.

   After leaving so quickly, Shen Man also followed.

  Watching them leave, she turned her head and asked, "I haven't seen you mention this person before."

  I wanted to ask before, but I didn't have the chance.

  Gu Chen replied: "This person has too many eyes, and he doesn't want to associate with him. Don't look at him as a good man, he has eight hundred eyes hidden in his heart."

  His evaluation is not very good, it seems that he doesn't like to associate with this person.

  Hearing this, Shen Man was a little puzzled: "Have you suffered from him?"

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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