Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 188: was beaten and hospitalized

  Chapter 188 was beaten and hospitalized

   "That's not true, but you have to be careful when getting along with others. It's too tiring to get along with people who are too deep in the city, so our relationship is just like that." He curled his lips and didn't say any more.

  It's getting late, Gu Chen didn't sleep here today, he still has work over there.

  In the end, I had no choice but to leave reluctantly. It seems that the only way to get married is to speed up the progress, otherwise the two of us will not be able to live together...

   Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and Shen Man completed the credits for one year before half a month of vacation, and officially entered the second half.

  The school didn't pay much attention to this matter, but the tutor attached great importance to Shen Man and asked her to study hard, strive to graduate early, and then continue her studies.

   Yes, Shen Man doesn't have those thoughts, she just wants to graduate early.

   She didn't think so much about other things.

   Import and export trade will be very profitable in the next 20 to 30 years, so reading Russian is just for the convenience of doing business.

  In her previous life, she graduated with an English major, but she hasn't majored in it yet. She thinks about starting school after the new year and minoring in English.

   At that time, just listen to a few classes, mix your qualifications, make your resume look better, and avoid unnecessary troubles.

   After all, if you are proficient in grammar without listening to a class, anyone will think too much.

   Shen Man went to class that day, but he still didn't see Su Xin. In fact, she hadn't seen this person for several days, as if she had disappeared suddenly.

  After class, she was going to inquire.

   "Student Shen." Wu You came over and asked, "Where are we going to play after school? We are going to the park, do you want to go?"

   "I want to find Su Xin, so I won't go." Shen Man was thinking about this matter, so he stopped playing.

   "Do you know what's wrong with Su Xin?" Wu You looked at her in surprise after hearing this.

   "Su Xin? What's wrong with her? I haven't seen her come to class for several days." Shen Man is also curious. He wanted to find her before, but he never got the chance.

  Seeing Wu You's expression, she couldn't help but wonder, something must have happened, right?

   Sure enough.

  Wu You sighed and said, "Su Xin was beaten up by her roommate and hospitalized. That female classmate was punished, but according to others, Su Xin is not in a good condition."

   After all, she is a little girl, and being beaten can easily cause psychological shadows.

   It would be better if she was a strong one, but seeing Su Xin's soft and weak appearance, I guess her mental capacity is not too strong.

  Hearing this, Shen Man's heart sank, and his face became ugly.

  Originally after that incident, no one troubled Su Xin, so she relaxed, and she really could bear not finding these two people.

   It took several days before I started.

   "What's the matter?" Wu You saw that her expression was not right, and asked, "Do you have a good relationship with her?"

  Usually, she didn't see any interaction between the two of them, so she asked this question.

  Shen Man replied: "When I went to their dormitory before, there were two people who bullied Su Xin and even spoke ill at me, so I taught that person a lesson."

   "It may be because of me that I shot Su Xin."

  She had already removed the possibility in her mind, because of that incident.

  Wu You's expression changed when he heard the words, "In this case, I will go with you to find that person, I remember Wang Li, right?"

   This obviously didn't make Shen Man think that this person actually offered to help.

  But Shen Man waved his hand and refused: "Don't worry, this person is at school, and he can't run away. I'll go and see Su Xin first. Do you know where she is?"

   "I heard that there is a health center near the school. Let me go with you to see it? I will let my classmates go first." Wu You asked people to leave first.

  But Shen Man knew that Wu You didn't have much contact with Su Xin, and they didn't even speak to each other.

   "Wait a minute, Wu You, go first. I'll talk about it after I've seen Su Xin. I'll definitely ask you for help then, don't make your friend wait."

  Anyway, I don’t plan to touch Wang Li today, so let her play first.

   This person is very particular.

  Seeing what she said, Wu Youyou nodded and agreed, "Alright then, remember to call me if you need anything."

   The two agreed and separated.

  Shen Man thought for a while and went directly to the health center. When he was about to reach the place, he found a place where no one was around and took out two canned fruits.

  Seeing that patients should never be empty-handed, they should take what they need.

  The cans are all dated, so no problem.

  Because she didn't know which ward Su Xin lived in, she found out after asking the nurse.

  As soon as he reached the door of the ward on the second floor, he heard someone mention Su Xin's name.

   "You still don't talk? Su Xin, I came all the way with your dad just to see if you don't talk?"

  A woman's voice sounded, with suppressed anger in her tone.

   There is still no response, and the woman is also angry.

  Footsteps sounded, and the door of the ward was opened.

   Shen Man looked at the woman who went out. She looked like she was in her forties. The clothes on her body were washed white, but they were clean and tidy without a single patch.

  Looking at her leaving back, Shen Man pushed the door open and went in.

  Su Xin's hospital bed was next to the wall at the door, and beside him was a man in his forties, who was silent with a dignified face.

   "Student Shen? Why are you here?" Su Xin remained silent, but a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes when she saw the person who came over.

  Seeing that her face was bruised and purple, Shen Man felt uncomfortable.

  She walked over and said, "You won't tell me if I don't come? Why don't you ask your classmates to send me a message."

   Communication is difficult right now, but is it okay to let someone notify you?

  Su Xin pursed her lips and didn't answer. This look made people a little angry.

   Say whatever you want, no wonder the woman just left in anger.

  The man looked at Su Xin and asked, "Is this your classmate?"

   "Dad, she is my classmate Shen Man." Su Xin introduced.

  Su Guangzhi turned his head to look at Shen Man, "You sit down, classmate, thank you for watching and being careful."

  He got up and gave up the only stool. The space here is not big, and there is only one stool for each hospital bed.

   Seeing this, Shen Man said: "No need uncle, I can just stand."

   Before he finished speaking, the man stood up, "You're welcome, sit down classmate. I'll go see where her mother is. You sit down."

  Shen Man put the can on the cabinet, watched him leave, and said to Su Xin: "Wang Li hit you, right?"

  Dog thing, do it while she is not around, bullying more and less is nothing.

  Hearing the words, Su Xin nodded, "And Li Juan, I can't beat them, but Li Juan gave me black eyes."

  Although she can't beat two people, she can grab one person and beat her.

   You can't suffer a lot, right?

  Anyway, Li Juan looked miserable, so the school gave a verbal warning, but Wang Li was recorded as a major demerit.

  Seeing her proud look, Shen Man couldn't help but touch her forehead, why does this girl still feel good about herself?

   "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will clean up the two of them when the time comes." Shen Man's tone was unquestionable.

   She also participated in this incident, so she can't just watch the little girl being beaten up like this and not take revenge on them, is that still her Shen Man character?

   Asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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