Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 192: who saw me hit you

  Chapter 192 Who saw me hit you

  Shen Man followed the dean to the office. At this time, besides other school cadres, Wang Li was also in the room.

  This man's nose is bruised and his face is swollen, coupled with a high-spirited expression, he really deserves a beating.

   Beat it lightly!

  She glanced at the others indifferently, and stood there neither humble nor overbearing, waiting for them to speak.

   Seeing her so calm, the teaching director couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

   But what should be said still needs to be explained clearly.

   "Student Shen Man, did you hit Wang Li last night? She came to the school newspaper this morning and said that you hit someone." His tone was cold, without a trace of emotion.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man did not answer immediately, but looked at Wang Li meaningfully.

  Wang Li was frightened by her eyes, but with so many leaders in the room, she would not believe that Shen Man dared to do excessive things.

  When she thought of having a leader backing her up, she straightened her back.

  At this moment, Shen Man spoke, and she said: "Beating? Director, this is not a nonsense. You must have heard Wang Li's nonsense. It is impossible to say that I beat someone."

   "Who knows if she provoked other people and got beaten, and then turned around and blamed me."

   After saying these words, everyone present was stunned.

  Where there are many people, there will be disputes, not to mention that there are some young people here, and it is normal to have quarrels and fights.

  But they thought that Shen Man would panic when he was brought to confront him, or he would admit it directly.

   It was the first time I saw the person who said the victim was lying.

  Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"You are talking nonsense! It was you who beat me! Last night you asked someone to call me out, and you lied that someone gave me something. If you take me to the grove, beat me." Wang Li stood up and pointed like a madman. looking at each other.

  The words are indeed right, but they have to be believed.

  Shen Man said unhurriedly: "You said I would take you to the grove to beat you, why did you follow me? Wait to be beaten."

   "You are ashamed to say such things to lie to everyone, do you really think everyone is a fool?"

   This idiot made the leaders’ faces darken, because they only asked about the process of Wang Li’s beating, but they didn’t ask why they went to the grove with her.

   It's strange to say, since you know someone lied to her, why did you go to the grove with him? Obviously the foreword does not match the afterword.

  Thinking of this, the dean looked at Wang Li with a cold face: "What else do you have to say? You actually lied to us! Do you still have a school in your eyes?"

   Now Wang Li can't argue with a hundred words. If there is evidence, it doesn't have to be like this, but she can't say it.

   Given the chance, she is useless.

   "No! It was she who hit me." Wang Li now repeats this sentence over and over again.

  Shen Man sneered in his heart, and asked solemnly: "Then let me ask you, who called you, and who saw it when I beat you."

   "I..." Wang Li opened her mouth, but couldn't explain why.

  In such a situation, even if Shen Man hit someone, she would ignore it.

  You don’t understand, and you don’t have evidence, who would believe it?

  Seeing this, the teaching director asked Shen Man to go back first, leaving Wang Li alone.

  Shen Man naturally wouldn't stay here, walked out of the office door, and went straight out.

  The class is over, and I am going to send the recipe to the food factory today, and I will also hand in the canned food that I have expected before.

  She left, Wang Like will be miserable.

   The beatings were in vain, and the school leaders were embarrassed.

   In the end, she made a small demerit, and now her education background is even more difficult to read. Even if she graduates successfully, she will probably be assigned a job with little ability.

   If you are lucky, you will return to the commune where you are registered as an ordinary cadre.

  Wang Li also thought of this, and stood at the door of the office stupidly.

  Yes, she has been kicked out by the teacher.

  Wang Li really couldn't figure it out. She was obviously beaten, but a victim was refuted as a person who disturbed the order of the school?

   Is there any reason for this?

  But she never thought about whether those classmates who were bullied by her were in a worse mood than her? Will life change for the worse because of her?

   Naturally, Shen Man didn't care about these things. She wrote down the formula when she got home, and then prepared some trial products.

  This time, in addition to a canned tomato sirloin recipe, she also has a pineapple-flavored soda drink.

  Actually, she doesn't need to focus on the additives at all. After all, Director Liu is more professional than her in the food factory.

  As long as the formula is available, it will be easier for them to follow.

  Before she left, she left a note at home, saying that she had gone to the food factory.

   It’s still inconvenient. Do you still need to leave a note when you make a phone call?

  By bike to the food factory with the things, the ordinary workers have already got off work, except for some overtime workers, the leaders are also busy.

   Arriving at the workshop, Lin Yu was very surprised to see her coming.

  Ever since he knew that Shen Man had a partner, he never thought about chasing after him brazenly.

   "Shen Man, why are you here suddenly." He smiled and greeted him.

   Shen Man saw that it was him, and said, "Isn't this coming back to see you?"

   This is just a joke, Lin Yu naturally understands, seeing her carrying things, said: "The director is in the office, I'm off work first."

   "Okay." Shen Man turned his head and went to the office.

  In the room, Director Liu is preparing to go out for dinner, and he will continue to work overtime at night.

  Seeing Shen Man coming, he knew that there was something to be done about the new product. But didn't you say it would be within a month? It's only been two days.

   "Sit down, why are you here at this time?" He said while pouring water.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "Isn't this going to school? I don't usually have time. I think you must have come here after get off work at this time."

  Although I am not tired from studying, the courses are not fixed in time, occasionally in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and sometimes when there is no class.

  Seeing what she said, Director Liu sat beside him, and nodded, "Study is very important, you just need to spend some time here."

  In fact, he is also embarrassed. After all, he is in school, and he is making new products. How can he have so much energy.

   He inquired about the other one. Shen Man did very well in school.

  Shen Man didn't say much, took out the formula and the trial products and said: "If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time. I have been researching these two new products for more than a month."

  Hearing this, Director Liu's affection for Shen Man surged in his heart. What kind of comrade is this? He didn't forget about the food factory when he was in school.

   It seems that recommending her to go to college is really a smart decision!

   Otherwise, let other people go, probably won't remember the food factory.

  Especially Director Shao who wanted to go through the back door, he has never seen this person give him a good face.

   But he doesn't care, as long as Shen Man is around, it really doesn't matter if he offends someone or something.

   Ask for a monthly ticket! It’s the end of the month!



  (end of this chapter)

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