Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 193: She did it herself!

  Chapter 193 She killed herself!

  It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when Shen Man left the food factory.

  As soon as she walked to the gate, she ran into Director Shao head-on.

   Enemy’s road is narrow. This is it.

  Because the two have met and know each other, it is not good not to say hello now.

   After all, there is no shame, and there is no grievance in front of him.

   "Director Shao." She greeted with a half smile.

   Seeing Shen Man's expression, Director Shao's expression was not much better.

   What does this mean? Reluctantly come out in front of your face?

  In fact, Shen Man really disgusted him on purpose. This person has never troubled her. Who knows if he is holding back his big move?

  Besides, during the chat just now, Director Liu mentioned that Director Shao is a person who will take revenge.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man was even more rude.

   If you have any tricks, you should use them quickly, and don't make cold shots in the back.

  Director Shao nodded with a flat face. After all, he is an old fritter.

  Although he didn't know what Shen Man meant, he was not provoked either.

   Oh hoo.

  When Shen Man saw this, his heart sank even more, my good guy, the concentration is really extraordinary, no wonder it is the director.

   "Director Shao, how is your work doing recently? I'm very busy with my studies now, and I rarely come to the factory." She brazenly talked about family matters.

   It seems that they are chatting normally, but what they say hurts their lungs.

  Director Shao thought Shen Man was not pleasing to the eye, not to mention snatching away his nephew's college recommendation quota, how could he still be so annoying?

   What a joke!

  He looked at the little girl opposite with a blank face, and sneered: "Little comrade, do you think you can embarrass yourself in front of me after you go to school?"

   "How is that possible?" Shen Man hurriedly explained: "I went to school thanks to the approval of all the leaders in the factory. How could I be embarrassed in front of you? Misunderstanding, it is a complete misunderstanding!"

   What she said made Director Shao feel uncomfortable, but did he believe what Shen Man said?

  Who would believe it?

   "Hmph!" Director Shao snorted coldly, then flung his sleeves and left.

  Looking at his leaving back, Shen Man withdrew his hypocritical expression. That's right, everything I did just now was intentional.

  But she didn't know, why this person didn't do anything?

   Even Director Liu, who has worked with Director Shao for many years, is very curious. So remind her to be careful before leaving.

   But such aggressive methods are useless, is it really her villainous heart?

  Shen Man didn't think about it, and didn't think too much, and left the food factory on his bicycle.

   And is Director Shao really not angry?

how is this possible!

  Backing to the office, Director Shao dropped the document on the table with a "bang".

   "It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable!" His face was flushed with anger, and it was obvious how bad his mood was at this moment.

   It's off-duty time now, so there is no one outside the house.

  Director Shao sat on the chair, thinking of what Shen Man said, every word was mocking himself.

  He is in college, but his nephew is still working as a worker.

   Isn’t that what it means?

   What a great job, when will a little worker climb on top of him and do whatever he wants?

   It's ridiculous!

  At this time, there was a knock on the office door, and a young man in his mid-twenties came in without waiting for a response.

  When Director Shao saw the person coming, he was holding back his anger at first, but now he was also suppressed.

  The visitor knew something was wrong with Director Shao at a glance, so he walked over and said, "Second Uncle, what's wrong?"

  Shao Jinyang planned to come over to take a look, but he didn't expect to find that the second uncle's expression was not right, something must have happened.

  Hearing this, director Shao waved his hand and said, "Oh, it's not a big deal. Do you remember the last time you were robbed of your university quota?"

  As soon as this matter was brought up, Shao Jinyang felt a little panicked. Who knew that the university student quota that he thought he could get it at hand would be cut off halfway?

  In the factory, he had this uncle who was the director, and it was the first time he was cut off. Usually, he cuts off others!

  But this matter is not bad for Second Uncle, he also knows how much the other party loves him.

  Thinking of this, he nodded, "I remember."

  This incident is not only remembered, but also a thorn in my heart.

   Similarly, Director Shao thinks so too.

  Director Shao continued: "I met that person when I entered the factory just now, and he actually showed off in front of me, saying that he was busy with school and didn't have time to come to the factory!"

  When he thinks of this, he can't breathe well, it's really unreasonable!

  It was the first time I met such an arrogant person when I grew up so old.

  Shao Jinyang was very surprised. He didn't expect this person to be so crazy?

   You must know that although his second uncle is only the director, his speech is very important in the food factory.

  Even the factory manager has to show some face, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the quota right from the start.

   Although it was not decided in the end...

   "Second uncle, isn't this person too much?" Shao Jinyang frowned, thinking that person was really arrogant.

  Director Shao's face was gloomy, and finally he let out a long sigh of relief: "She committed suicide. Since she is willing to come out and be the first bird, then hit her. The things discussed before are ahead of time, so you should be prepared."

   Upon hearing this, Shao Jinyang's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, Second Uncle, it will be done."

   Shen Man naturally has no way of knowing what the uncle and nephew said.

  When she returned home, she could already smell the strong aroma of food.

   Entering the room and looking, there are four dishes on the dining table, and Gu Chen came out from the kitchen with rice.

   "I'm back." Gu Chen said with a smile: "It's time for dinner, and you are quite punctual."

  After reading the note, he knew that Shen Man was going to the factory to discuss work, so he didn't pick it up.

   If he doesn’t come back after cooking, he will pick up someone.

   "Why didn't Nan Nan come back?" Shen Man looked around and found that someone was missing.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen said: "I'm out on a date, and I won't be going home for dinner today. I guess I'll be back before seven o'clock."

   "A date?!" Shen Man's eyes widened in surprise.

   No, how long is this?

   And didn't it mean that no one likes Gu Nan?

  In fact, in her opinion, Gu Nan is not ugly, but quite beautiful, a lively and lovely girl.

  Maybe everyone in this era is reserved, so they don't like carefree girls very much.

  Gu Chen curled his lips, and the disgust on his face was very obvious: "Jin Baoyu has jumped into the fire pit, and I deeply sympathize with him."

  Yes, it is sympathy.

   With his **** the table, it's probably not going to be a good day.

   Shen Man rolled his eyes at him and said, "Don't say that, Nan Nan is fine."

   Or siblings?

   Forget it, when she chose to date Gu Chen, it seems that Gu Nan also said so.

   They are really brothers and sisters, they have the same personality!

  Gu Chen didn't want to talk about her, so he quickly pulled Shen Man to eat: "It's just the two of us eating today, how clean? Hurry up and enjoy the good time."

  In his opinion, the days without Gu Nan are good times.

   It's best for the two of you to get married quickly, so as not to delay him and his wife, bobo, etc., and delay things!

   Ask for a monthly pass! Give me a monthly pass at the end of the month! (*)



  (end of this chapter)

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