Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 194: Open the door in broad daylight?

  Chapter 194 Inserting the door in broad daylight?

   After the two finished eating and cleared up, Gu Chen took her to sit down and listen to the radio.

   I have to say that Gu Chen works in a department store and can buy everything.

  At the very least, don’t worry about things like tickets, and news about good things can be heard as soon as possible.

   The two sat on the sofa and chatted for a while after eating.

  Gu Chen glanced at the position of the gate, pretended to get up casually, then went out and closed the gate, and fastened the latch.

  Shen Man sitting in the room didn't know his movements at all, and was listening to the radio intently.

   When the others came back, Shen Man said, "What did you do?"

   "Oh, it's okay, let's go inside and stay." Gu Chen replied casually, and then went to turn off the radio.

  Shen Man didn't think much, turned around and entered the room, and then changed into home clothes.

  When Gu Chen came in, she was already sitting by the bed.

   "Daughter-in-law..." Gu Chen leaned over cheekily.

  It smells so good, the daughter-in-law is so pretty.

  He looked at the person next to him happily, and the smile on his face gradually became obscene.

   "What are you doing?" Shen Man frowned, pushing away the plate with a big face approaching.

  Why is this person getting thicker recently?

  Gu Chen said pitifully: "Daughter-in-law, after all, there is no one at home, and we are close."

   No matter what you say, they are all talking about evidence, so let's get close, is there anything wrong?

   Indeed, the two have been together for so long, yet Shen Man hasn't given Gu Chen any sweetness.

  Just when she was hesitating, she was thrown down...

   Do you think this will succeed?

   "Boom boom boom!!"

   "What are you doing opening the door in broad daylight? Open the door!" Gu Nan's voice came.

  The atmosphere brewed by the two of them was directly broken.

very good.

   Shen Man laughed helplessly, looking at Gu Chen's blushing face, it was so funny.

   "Okay, get up quickly, I'll open the door." Saying that, she pushed Gu Chen away.

  Gu Chen took advantage of the situation and sat beside him to calm down.

   It can only be said that the anger is a little bigger...

  Open the door, besides Gu Nan, there are Li Jinyuan and his wife.

   "Uncle, aunt, you are here." Shen Man greeted and let people enter the room.

   Gu Chen also came out of the room, and everyone sat down.

  The last time Gu Nan was ill, Wang Chunying went to see it once, but because of busy work, she didn't go there again.

   "Xiaoman, how is school going?"

   A few people chatted about the daily life, Gu Chen and Li Jinyuan went outside to smoke, and let me say something by the way.

  Gu Chen looked at the person opposite and said, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

  Being busy with work recently, he didn't go to see the other party.

  Hearing this, Li Jinyuan sighed and said, "You boy, the old uncle has nothing else to do with you, right?"

   "Actually, the above is quite strict during this period of time. I hope you can be more cautious and don't do things you can't do."

   Li Jinyuan's words were serious, and he looked at him with helplessness.

   The main thing is that he can't control it, he can only talk up to this point, whether he listens or not, that's Gu Chen's business.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen nodded, not smiling like usual.

   "Old uncle, I understand what you said. By the way, didn't your factory say that there was a batch of wine to be sold outside? How is it? Have you reached a conclusion?"

  The two of them mentioned this matter a month ago, and Gu Chen still doesn't know if it's sold or not.

  Li Jinyuan replied: "We are preparing to sell it outside. Do you want to stay in the department store?"

   "No, the sales department should have contacted you."

  Even if you ask, you can’t ask him here.

   Gu Chen said with a smile: "I have contacted, and I have given a batch of goods, but they are not enough to sell. Uncle, the task of the department store was given to me, and now it is in my hands. You can't just look at it."

  He originally planned to talk about this matter tomorrow, but he didn't expect Li Jinyuan to come here today, so he didn't have to make another trip.

  Seeing what he said, Li Jinyuan frowned: "Okay, I still have an order for 2,000 bottles in my hand, and someone will send it to your unit tomorrow."

   It is not necessary for him to do things like running business to send orders.

   There are plenty of people in the unit to run, just call anyone.

  Gu Chen said with a smile: "Then I will trouble the old uncle."

  He didn't expect to agree so quickly, but luckily he agreed.

   After speaking, they entered the room, and everyone sat and chatted together.

  Li Jinyuan remembered that he had heard that they were arguing, and turned to look at the two: "When do you plan to get married?"

  I have received all the certificates, and I have to do everything that needs to be done, otherwise the name will not be justified, and it will not sound good.

  Gu Chen looked at Shen Man subconsciously, and seeing that she was still, he said, "We decided to go home during the Chinese New Year. We don't know many people in the city, so it's better to go back to the countryside to have more fun."

   I also mentioned to Li Jinhua before that they will get married after the new year.

   Seeing that they had paid attention, Li Jinyuan didn't ask any more questions.

  On the contrary, Wang Chunying was very happy, "Then let's go to the elder sister's house to spend the Chinese New Year. This year, the children will not come back. Let's join in the fun when we go back."

  Because the two children in the family went to the countryside, it is indeed not as lively as before.

  Plus, I didn’t go to see Li Jinhua during Chinese New Year last year, so I have to go back this year anyway.

   Li Jinyuan also nodded in agreement with this proposal.

   After sending Li Jinyuan and his wife away, Gu Chen turned his head and stared at the ice cream eaters.

   "What are you doing?!" Seeing his uneasy expression, Gu Nan couldn't help playing the drums. Didn't do anything? Why are you stretching your face again?

  Gu Chen didn't answer her, but instead sat on the chair and asked flatly: "How is the development with Jin Baoyu? Isn't today a date for dinner?"

  When Gu Nan heard this, her face turned red. After she got the hang of it this time, she knew what it meant to be shy.

   "What?" She faltered, but didn't talk about the development.

  Gu Chen sneered coldly and curled his lips, this Jin Baoyu is not making progress?

  Can't you hurry up and try to get married early?

   "Okay, let's go to bed." He didn't speak anymore, and turned his head into the room.

   Went to find a baby wife!

   Nothing happened for the next period of time.

  Su Xin recovered and returned to school smoothly.

  In addition to taking professional courses, Shen Man also takes English classes every day. It's a pity that the current education is average, and the teachers don't understand those obscure professional knowledge.

  Finally, as winter approaches, school is out.

   In this way, Shen Man does not need to look at the class schedule every day, and can stay at home.

  The new products of the food factory have just been completed and are ready for sale.

   But at this juncture, something went wrong.

   Shen Man rushed to the food factory immediately after receiving Director Liu's news.

  Looking at the people in the workshop sitting idly, I was still not sure what happened.

   When they came to Director Liu's office, the two of them didn't exchange many pleasantries.

   After sitting down for a break, Director Liu got down to business.

   "I called you here today because of the new product."

  Hearing this, Shen Man was startled, could something go wrong?

   It stands to reason that there is a formula, so there will be no problem.

   "Director Liu, tell me." She was mentally prepared to see what was going on.

  . Ask for a monthly pass. It’s the end of the month. Give me the monthly pass! (●\'\'●)



  (end of this chapter)

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