Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 195: Hidden dangers (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 195 Hidden dangers (seeking a monthly ticket)

   "It's like this." Director Liu sorted out his mood and said, "Because the two new products are new, there are several leaders who oppose mass production."

   "We have completed the final experiment, but now we have to stop production because of this incident."

  Not everyone can know many things in the factory. Basically, if the director is above the level, there will be no news in the factory.

  Hearing this, Shen Man frowned and asked, "There were no such things in the previous production, why did you object this time?"

  She made so many cold drinks, and no one jumped out to object. Now that the factory asks her for help, she is still objected, which is really strange.

  Seeing what she said, Director Liu gave her a complicated look, "You still don't know what's going on?"

   "Huh?" Shen Man was immediately stunned by his question.

   Immediately thought of something, and said, "You said, it was Director Shao's action?"

  She also guessed, but in her heart she felt that she was pretty close.

   After all, some time ago, she was bragging in front of others, so she did it so soon?

  Director Liu nodded and looked at her with a look of "you're not too stupid".

   "You can think of it, and I can think of it. But it's hard to say, after all, as their opponents said, these two kinds of food have never been seen in the market."

   Innovation is rare because it is new, but this is not the reason.

  Shen Man sneered and said: "Looking ahead and thinking about innovation, it seems that the factory is not optimistic about these two kinds of food."

   These days, the bold starve to death the timid.

  As long as you have the courage to challenge and achieve results, the factory will also have corresponding honors and benefits.

  In terms of benefits alone, if you have what you have here, but others don’t, it is the only sweet pastry.

  Director Liu naturally understands these reasons, he said: "You can't say that, Director Zheng has already fought for it, and now is not the time to draw conclusions."

   "Let's talk about what we are talking about. You also know that you can't tell other people what you know above the director level."

   There was no result yet, but he felt that it was necessary to let Shen Man know.

  Because of Shen Man's ability and potential, he is very optimistic. He doesn't want this young man to be targeted, at least in this food factory, he will do his best.

   Shen Man nodded and said, "Don't worry, Director Liu, I won't tell anyone. You and I know about this."

  She understands the other party's kindness, and Director Shao is always a hidden danger.

   After the two finished speaking, she left the food factory. As for why I didn't go to the factory leader, this is completely unnecessary.

  Since there is no result, it is useless for her to go now.

  If the factory does not use innovative products, Director Liu will not be asked to find her.

   They find it but don’t use it, do they think it’s fun?

   Shen Man doesn't think so.

  She feels that as long as the innovation is good enough, it is useless to be blocked by others.

  Now Director Zheng is due to retire in a few years, and he wants to make profits more than anyone else.

   So, no need to worry about these things now.

  Back at home, Shen Man tidied up the house, then took his things and rode away.

  After riding for about twenty minutes, they stopped in front of a small courtyard and knocked on the courtyard door.

   Soon the door was opened, and Su Xin looked at her in surprise: "Student Shen? Why are you here?"

   It was already a holiday, and she thought that the two would not see each other.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "Didn't you say you were going home? That's why I wanted to come and see you."

  The relationship between the two is good, and she wants to continue to maintain it, since she doesn't have two friends anyway.

   Seeing her say that, Su Xin was very happy, "Thank you for coming to see me, let's go into the house."

   This small courtyard was rented by Su Xin's parents. She didn't know that schools in the city were so difficult, so she never thought about living outside.

  The school has a dormitory and a canteen, so moving out is actually more troublesome.

   But seeing their daughter being bullied, they just let her move out.

  Su Xin has a monthly subsidy of 10 yuan, which is enough for food or rent.

  The family will also subsidize, so she feels more free now.

  The house was cleaned up very clean. Although it is not big, it is very warm.

   "Are you ready to leave?" Shen Man entered the room and saw the duffel bag next to him, which contained several clothes and daily necessities.

  Su Xin nodded, and said: "There is nothing to do here, and the monthly rent is five yuan, and you can save ten yuan when you go home."

   It’s almost two months since the holidays and Chinese New Year. Staying here is really a waste of money.

  Sitting on the chair, Shen Man put the things beside him and said, "This is for you, be careful on the way home, we will get together again when you come back to school."

  She took five canned meats, all of which were given by the factory, and she didn’t eat the ones given to her before.

   To be honest, the taste of these cans is really not as good as the stock in the space.

  So basically at home, she eats food from the space, and gives away all the food from the factory, or keeps it for emergencies.

   But there were more and more things, so she gave Su Xin a few cans.

   Seeing this, Su Xin quickly refused: "No need, I won't eat this on the way."

  She has only a little expectation for Shen Man, that is, the two of them will always be good friends.

   After all, she has been in school for so long and has never made any friends. Shen Man is also the first person who treats her well.

   With such a friend, she is already content.

   "I've taken it all, if you don't want it, then I'll throw it out." Shen Man said with a sincere attitude, not like lying at all.

  Seeing this, Su Xin could only reluctantly accept it, and was even more grateful to her in her heart.

  Although her father is the captain of the brigade, her family conditions are average.

   There are grandparents on it, and my father subsidizes ten yuan a month, which is full of work points. In fact, there is not much money throughout the year.

  Seeing that she accepted, Shen Man nodded in satisfaction. "Student Su Xin, write to me if you have anything to do when you get home. Besides, Auntie has already told me the address of your home. I will write to you in the future!"

  When she gets married, Su Xin will be invited over.

  But now Su Xin didn't know, so she agreed.

  After returning home, Shen Man thought about getting married.

   It’s almost November, so it’s really time to get ready.

  For example, find a tailor to make two beautiful clothes, and then do beauty and skin care.

  The winter wind in the Northeast is very hard, and if you don't take good care of your skin, it is easy to blow out plateau red.

   Although the two **** of red are cute, she doesn't like them.

  She had thought about making clothes for a long time, but she had been going to school and going to work before, so she didn't have time at all.

   It happens to be a holiday now, so she thinks this matter can be put on the agenda.

   Shen Man is not good at drawing pictures. Before going home, he went to the tailor shop to inquire.

  The price is about the price of winter clothes, and the manual cost of a set is five yuan, because there are cotton clothes, it takes a little effort.

  If it’s just a single garment, the manual cost of a set is between two and three yuan.

   Looking for a monthly pass, the last day of the month, get a ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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