Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 197: Isn't she prettier than me?

  Chapter 197 Isn't she prettier than me?

   Gu Chen, who was about to go back to work, was suddenly taken aback by the person in front of him.

   No one jumped out, who wouldn't be startled?

   Seeing who it was, his face immediately pulled down.

   "What are you doing?" Gu Chen's tone was very impatient, with a look of disgust.

   There is no way, this person sticks over like a dog skin plaster, and he can't hit people, it's really annoying!

  Zhou Juan also saw his impatient expression, and felt a chill in her heart.

  She said unwillingly: "Why don't you look at me? Am I that bad? What's so good about that woman, she spends money all day and can't live, isn't she just a little prettier than me?"

   It has to be admitted that Shen Man is indeed better looking than her.

  Even if Zhou Juan continues to tell lies, she still has to admit it.

  But she didn't understand, can such a person be favored to such an extent just because they are good-looking?

   "It's enough that she is beautiful." Gu Chen looked at her coldly and said, "I just like her beauty, how about it? I just like spending money on her, and I like her prodigal."

   "Do you have an opinion? It doesn't matter to me if you have an opinion!"

  He ignored the crazy woman and went directly to the gate of the department store.

  What a mess, where is the confidence? It looks ugly.

  Zhou Juan froze in place, she really didn't expect Gu Chen to say that.

  A woman who can't live a life and is a prodigal, is it really rare?

  She looked at Gu Chen's back angrily, feeling very uncomfortable, and couldn't figure it out.

  Here, Shen Man brought his clothes home, washed them first and hung them to dry.

  The weather is cold at this time, and it is difficult to wash clothes. The water is very cold in winter, which is not convenient at all.

   After packing these, Shen Man sat at the desk and continued to study. It's a holiday now, take advantage of this time to study more, and strive to graduate next summer, and then I can go back to work.

   To be honest, she doesn't like school days very much.

  After all, the mental age is different, so I can't get along with those students.

  Just like Wu You, she often comes here, but she always feels that she can't get along well.

  Maybe it's the age gap, or maybe I don't like such a person.

  That's right, although Wu You didn't have anything to say to her, but this person has too many eyes, just like her brother.

   If you can't get along, then go elsewhere, anyway, she has no shortage of friends.

   There is no need to force yourself to agree with someone you don't like.

  In the evening, Shen Man prepared the meals and waited for everyone to come back for dinner, but Gu Chen didn't come home.

   "My second brother said that there is no need to wait, let's eat first. He went to talk to the leader about work, and he probably won't be home until very late." Gu Nan sat on the sofa and said.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded and didn't ask any further questions. The man's work is normal. Besides, Gu Chen is in a rising period. He has just been promoted to deputy manager, so he must be busier than before.

   After eating, the two went to rest separately.

  One stove is installed in each house, plus the kitchen and living room, there are four stoves in total.

   It might be that Gu Chen was afraid that she would be cold, so as soon as he got home, he would burn all the coals.

  If it wasn't for Gu Chen's ability to buy coal, just relying on the supply, the burning would be gone in a week.

  Gu Chen did not come back that night.

  Shen Man has long been used to the fact that there is another person sleeping in the room, but the person who was out of the cold today didn't see him, so he felt a little empty in his heart.

   It was Gu Nan who cooked the meal in the morning, and the girl went to work after eating.

   While Shen Man is studying at home.

  Recalling what happened at the food factory two days ago, she put on thick clothes and went out.

   I have to go and have a look, after all, it is her new product. If it is not put into production for a long time, it will be delayed when the Chinese New Year is coming soon.

  As soon as he came to the food factory, Shen Man saw a car parked in front of him, the door of the rear seat opened, and Director Zheng walked down with a smile.

   "Comrade Shen Man, long time no see." He greeted with a smile.

   "Director Zheng, long time no see." Shen Man walked over and looked at the person opposite.

   The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time, and seeing that Director Zheng's eyes were dark, it seemed that he hadn't had a good rest.

  Factory Manager Zheng said: "Is this a holiday? I haven't seen you visiting the food factory before."

   The two chatted for a while, because the weather was relatively cold, so they didn't talk nonsense.

  Turning to Director Zheng, he said again: "Your new product has already started production, and it is indeed very good. Although the fruit pulp for cold drinks needs to be purchased from other places, it cannot support high profits."

  That’s right, I proposed to make pineapple-flavored soda, which is definitely not available in the Northeast, but there are berry flavors in tropical areas.

  The price of these things is not high, and it is definitely better than making fruits by yourself.

  Hearing this, Shen Man asked: "It has been handed over to the factory for so long before, why is it only put into production now? I thought it had already started selling."

  It is impossible for her to ask why the childbirth was not allowed a few days ago, why she gave birth today. Didn't that kick Director Liu out?

   It is impossible for others to tell her about this matter. She has a good relationship with the director, so she talks more to Director Liu.

   Those who know about this matter are at least above the director level, so when this word comes out, Director Zheng will definitely think of it.

   Seeing that she didn't know, Director Zheng sighed and said it.

   This is what he said himself, so even if Shen Man said it later, it would be fine.

  There is no difference between what Director Zheng and Director Liu said about this matter, except that Director Shao and Shen Man did not say that Director Shao had a grudge against Shen Man.

  In fact, Director Zheng also understands that after all, he has passed through the recommended places for college students. He also saw the name of Director Shao's nephew before.

   But Shen Man was changed later, there must be some hatred between the two.

  He looked at Shen Man complicatedly, and said: "Some time ago, your tutor called me and said that you are making very fast progress in your studies, and you know what some teachers don't know."

   "It should be said that you will be able to graduate early next year, congratulations."

  The students recommended by the factory are all in contact with the factory, and they occasionally learn about the learning situation.

   After all, they are cultivating talents for the factory and sending them to eat, drink and have fun, so why not worry about death?

   On the contrary, it was Shen Man's performance that surprised him. He graduated early.

  He is also a university graduate, of course he understands how difficult professional knowledge is.

Shen Man could see it naturally, the admiration in his eyes, and said: "Director, this is because the leaders have recognized me and recommended me to go to college. I must study hard and not lose the face of our food factory." .”

  Hearing this, Director Zheng laughed, feeling very satisfied.

   These words spoke to his heart. As a leader who cultivates talents, who doesn't want people to remember him?

  Who likes white-eyed wolves!

   "Okay, okay!" Director Zheng said with a smile: "I am very pleased that you think so, and you have lived up to everyone's expectations of you. I will wait for you to come back and take the food factory farther!"

   After a few polite words, Director Zheng left in the car. He still has a meeting in the city, so he doesn't have time to chat.

   Watching the car leave, Shen Man walked into the food factory.

   Let’s see what director Liu said, after all, there are some things that the factory director won’t say.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Didn't update a lot of things yesterday.

   Then I slept for more than two hours and made up for it when I got home at night.



  (end of this chapter)

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