Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 198: meet acquaintances

  Chapter 198 Meeting an acquaintance

   When I came to Director Liu's office, there were a lot of documents piled up on this man's desk.

   All the documents blocked Director Liu, so that he couldn't see anyone who entered the door.

   "If you have documents, put them on the coffee table."

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and said, "Director Liu, I didn't bring any documents."

   Approaching Director Liu and looking up, he took off his glasses and said, "Haha, I didn't see who was coming. Sit down, I'll get you some water."

   As he spoke, he got up and went to the place next to the thermos.

   "No need, Director Liu, I'm not thirsty." Shen Man didn't intend to drink water, let alone came to have something to talk about, not to drink water.

  Director Liu didn't seem to hear what she said, and sat down after pouring water.

   "Comrade Shen Man, why do you have time to come here today?"

   "Didn't you say last time that the factory doesn't produce new products? I'll come and have a look." Shen Man didn't say anything about meeting the factory manager.

   It's not that I can't say it, but I feel that I have nothing to say.

   What's more, the two people have different ideas. She wants to hear what Director Liu has to say.

  Director Liu nodded and said: "The meeting was held yesterday, and production has started today. The factory manager's attitude is very firm. This must be produced, so it is useless for them to object now."

  The factory director made the decision at the beginning, and the result was the same, but Shen Man didn't understand why this objection was useless.

   "Director Liu, is there some reason in the middle? Otherwise, it would be useless to object all of a sudden."

  Shen Man thought of this and asked. Seeing that Director Zheng was so busy just now, he didn't say much.

  Besides, if there is a reason, I may not necessarily tell her.

  Director Liu on the opposite side looked complicated, and said, "I didn't tell me about this matter, but I heard other people's opinions, and I guess Mr. Jiang said something. After all, the benefits of each factory are also Mr. Ce's business."

   "Would you be happy if this happened during his reign?"

  Actually, this time, Director Shao has hit the iron plate. After all, some things cannot be shaken by a small director.

   Shen Man was a little surprised when he heard this. Director Liu's words were true, but just because of this, Jiang Cechang might not be able to come forward, right?

  She nodded and didn't ask any further questions. Even if she asked about this kind of thing, she couldn't find out why.

   "Director Liu, since production has resumed, I can rest assured."

   After the two exchanged a few words, Shen Man left.

  Because there has been nothing to do during this period, she still has time to come and have a look.

  If she really went to school, it would be difficult for her to spare time.

   "Wait until Comrade Shen Man, you take this back, and the factory will distribute benefits."

   Director Liu saw that she was leaving, and took out an envelope from the drawer, which seemed to be prepared in advance.

   "This is a bonus, and the other is a benefit. You performed very well this time, and the factory decided to give you a bonus."

   As he spoke, he handed over the envelope and two cartons.

   It can be seen from the packaging that one box is for beverages and the other is for canned food.

   "Thank you, Director Liu." Shen Man took it with a smile.

   Isn't it a fool if you have money and don't want it? Besides, she got it in exchange for her hard work!

   "Thank you for what?" Director Liu replied, "You deserve it, and it was given by the factory, so I will hand it over. If you hadn't come over, I'm afraid I would have to go to your house to deliver it."

   Having said all this, Shen Man didn't say any more words of thanks.

  Leaving the food factory, she rode her bicycle to go to the post office.

  Find a secluded place, take out a large package from the space, and put the cans issued by the factory into it.

   As for drinks, it’s not good. This glass product is easily broken during transportation, so don’t put it away.

  She intends to send this package to Li Jinhua.

  When she was in the Shangjiang Brigade, she took care of her a lot. Although she wanted to make herself a daughter-in-law a little bit, she never forced her.

  I don't have any relatives, so I will have a good relationship with my future mother-in-law, at least don't let myself become lonely.

   Repacked the package and went to the post office.

  At this time, mailing things is still very fast. It takes three or four days to arrive in a city, and it takes seven or eight days to arrive locally.

   Now that it snows heavily in winter, it is easy to get stuck on the road. It is not impossible to send it by post in ten days.

   After posting the package, Shen Man went to the grocery store.

  She has a lot of coupons in her hand, and if she doesn’t spend them, they will have to expire.

  Generally, this ticket is exchanged once a year, and some have no expiration date.

  Passing by the department store, Shen Man planned to go in and take a look, but was attracted by two people at the door.

  A young couple was chatting and laughing at the door. The man gave some instructions, and then ran to a nearby grocery store.

  The woman supported her waist with a happy face, her belly swelled, and it seemed that she was quite a month old.

  To Shen Man's surprise, this woman was Wang Yuwei from the same collective household before.

   It seems that she left the collective household, married someone in the village, and lived very well.

   It can be seen from the smile on the face, which is something I have never seen before.

  Wang Yuwei turned her head and saw Shen Man, she was surprised and greeted with a smile.

   "You are here too, I saw Gu Chen just now."

   They just came out of the department store, so they must have seen it.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded, "How many months?"

   "It's been seven months." Wang Yuwei touched her stomach with a smile, and the warm expression on her face made her look like a different person when she was in a collective household.

  Shen Man couldn't help feeling that if he left the person who made him sad, he would definitely meet the person who made him happy.

   "Comrade Yuwei, I heard that the college entrance examination will take place in two years. What do you think?"

  When she said something casually, the expression on Wang Yuwei's face immediately changed.

  First surprise, then disbelief, and finally hesitation.

   "Really?" She asked tentatively.

   Shen Man saw her expression, nodded and replied: "This kind of thing is still uncertain."

   "Even if the college entrance examination is resumed, I will take it." Wang Yuwei looked at her and continued: "But if the college entrance examination is over, I will bring my children and my family with me."

  Her expression is firm, without any affectation.

   This is the truth.

  Since leaving the scumbag, she has lived a very happy life. Wang Yuwei wasn't sure if she would meet someone better in the future, but what she was sure of was that she would definitely regret leaving her current home.

   Therefore, she will not divorce, nor will she leave her children behind.

  Hearing these words, Shen Man knew in her heart that Wang Yuwei was fundamentally different from other collective households.

   "If you have the opportunity, do your homework alone. Although I don't know if knowledge can change your destiny, it will definitely change the status quo." That's all she can say.

  Actually, the original intention of her asking was to see if there really were any women who would abandon their families and careers and their children who were pregnant in October for the sake of their future.

   Now it seems that this person is really not bad at all.

   "Then I'll go first." Shen Man said goodbye to her, and then rode home.

  There is no need to go to the department store, they will get off work in a while.

  Looking at the back of Shen Man leaving, Wang Yuwei stood there thinking...

   Asking for a monthly pass, what a pity, do you guarantee a minimum monthly pass? give it to me!



  (end of this chapter)

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