Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 200: Gu Chen pretends to be drunk

  Chapter 200 Gu Chen pretends to be drunk

   Gu Nan took a sip of soda and smacked his lips, "It's so delicious!"

  She has never eaten pineapple, so drinking this taste feels very novel.

  Sweet and sour, or carbonated drinks, delicious!

   Seeing her surprised expression, Shen Man blinked and didn't speak.

  Is something of this level really delicious? Don't those drinks in that space make Gu Nan jump up?

   It was after nine o'clock in the evening that these people finished drinking, Gu Chen sent them out smelling of alcohol, and then came back to help clear the table.

   "Go and sit down and drink some tea, I'll just clean up with Nan Nan." Seeing that he drank a lot, Shen Man didn't ask for help.

  But Gu Chen has always been doing whatever he wants, insisting on going his own way.

   After helping to clean up, when he returned to the house, he fell headlong on Shen Man's bed, as if he had drunk too much.

   Seeing this, Shen Man didn't let him get up, and helped him take off the shoes, and then covered him with a quilt.

   After coming out of the bedroom, Gu Nan also went back to sleep. After a long day of work, she was already sleepy by this time.

   Shen Man came back from washing and looked at the single bed behind the door.

   "Huh?" She looked around in surprise, but couldn't find it.

  Where did it go?

  Turned through the cabinets but couldn’t find the single bed, could it be that it was taken away?

   She sat on the sofa in doubt, and then went to Gu Nan's room to have a look.

   As a result, the door did not open, and the man locked the door.

All right…

  Shen Man could only go back to the room, Gu Chen breathed evenly on the bed, and seemed to be asleep.

  She thought about it, and she got the certificate anyway, so it's fine to sleep on the same bed.

  Thinking about this, she took out the quilt from the cabinet and put it beside the bed.

   Quietly turn off the lights, and get ready to sleep.

  So many people came tonight to do a lot of work for Shen Man, and she fell asleep after lying down for a while.

   A few minutes later, Gu Chen heard that the person next to him was breathing evenly, so he quietly turned around.

   Yes, he pretended to be drunk.

  Although it is despicable, this is the only way to draw the relationship between the two.

   It's pitiful to sleep on a single bed all the time, right? He also wanted to sleep with his wife in his arms.

  Who doesn't want a wife and children?

   Seeing Shen Man's sleeping face clearly by the moonlight, Gu Chen had a satisfied smile on his face.

   It’s okay to just look at it like this, I’m really happy.

  He drank a lot this morning. Although he didn't drink much, he still felt uncomfortable.

   After watching for a while, turned over and fell asleep.

  The next morning, Shen Man felt very warm, and the moment he opened his eyes, he met a handsome face.

   No way, it’s nice to start looking at handsome guys as soon as you open your eyes...


   "When did you wake up?" Shen Man looked at him and asked with a bad expression.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen smiled and replied: "Just woke up, daughter-in-law, are you awake?"

   As he spoke, he tightened his arms and pulled the man into his arms.

  Oh, the daughter-in-law smells delicious, so nice.

  The imprisoned Shen Man was a little speechless, she deeply suspected that Gu Chen must have been pretending to sleep last night.

   "Second brother and second sister-in-law, it's time to eat." Gu Nan greeted outside the house.

  Hearing the sound of bowls and chopsticks, Shen Man pushed him away and said, "I'm not in shape every day! Hurry up and wash and eat."

  She got up when she spoke, then opened the door and went out to wash her face.

  Gu Chen was lying in bed, missing the warmth and softness just now, and really didn't want to eat.

  If he can hold his wife all the time, he can not eat or drink.

   But obviously impossible...

  When Shen Man came back from washing, he got up and went to wash.

  The three of them did their own things after dinner, the two brothers and sisters went to work, and Shen Man was at home.

  Since there was nothing to do during this time, Shen Man devoted herself to studying.

   Time flies by, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

   It will be New Year's Day soon, Gu Chen discussed with the unit and asked for two days off.

  As for Gu Nan, if you don’t have time off, you can ask for it, so let’s be a social animal!

  As the end of the year approached, all the stores began to be busy, so Gu Chen could ask for leave because the leader agreed to give it to him after seeing his good performance at work.

   "I'll take you out to play, wear a padded jacket." Gu Chen glanced at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

  It's snowing lightly outside, and I don't know where to go to play.

  Shen Man looked at him with crazy eyes, and said, "Where are you going to play in the snow? You are not cold."

   "Let's go to the movies, I've bought tickets." After speaking, Gu Chen took out two movie tickets.

  My good fellow, it's all ready.

  Seeing how happy he was, Shen Man couldn't bear to refuse, put on a cotton jacket and a hat, and went out with him.

  But now that I think about it, Gu Chen has really become more and more thick-skinned recently, and he has to push forward.

  Ever since they got drunk that day, they have been sleeping in the same bed, of course not a quilt.

  However, Shen Man felt that he seemed to have always been the passive side.

  It's not that she doesn't want to take the initiative, but she has never experienced it, and she doesn't know how to take the initiative.

  After arriving at the cinema, Gu Chen parked his bicycle and took her to check the tickets.

  Movies nowadays are really boring, most of them are inspirational movies.

   Shen Man likes some comedy, but it is not allowed now.

  The movie was shown on time at ten o'clock, and Shen Man fell asleep at ten o'clock.

  Well, I just don’t want to watch it.

  Looking at the sleeping person next to him, Gu Chen couldn't help but want to smash Jin Baoyu.

  What a bad idea, and watching movies, watching boring ones for his wife, fell asleep!

  Before Jin Baoyu suggested that two people can go to the movies to enhance their relationship. There are no romance movies now, but other movies are also acceptable.

   After all, the atmosphere of the movie theater is here, and the two of them secretly hold hands, which is different from usual.

The results of it?

   Gu Chen gritted his teeth, as expected he couldn't trust the person who just fell in love.

  That’s right, Gu Nan and Jin Baoyu have started dating, and they get along pretty well.

  Gu Nan's personality has changed a lot now, he is not as bluffing as before, but he is much quieter.

  But her temperament is just as lively and cheerful, and she is still the Nan Nan who loves to laugh.

  When the movie was over, Gu Chen looked at the other people leaving the scene, and his voice was much louder.

   At this time, Shen Man, who was leaning on his shoulder, also woke up.

   "Huh? Is it over?" Shen Man rubbed his eyes and said embarrassedly, "I fell asleep haha."

  Seeing the dazed look of his daughter-in-law, Gu Chen pampered her with a scarf.

   "Let's go to the hall and stand for a while before leaving, otherwise you should catch a cold when you go out suddenly."

   I have to say that Gu Chen is very careful and always takes care of her.

  The attitude towards Shen Man is also like treating a child.

   The two walked out of the screening room, and someone from another show had already entered.

   "Do you want to go out to eat tonight?" Gu Chen thought that it was too cold and there was nothing to eat at home, so he might as well go out to eat.

  Hearing this, Shen Man thought for a while and agreed, "Then call Gu Nan and the others, which happen to be near the department store, let's go there."

  Gu Chen nodded, and the two stayed for a while before heading to the department store.

  As soon as he arrived at the door, he ran into Jin Baoyu who was running out in a hurry.

  When he saw the two people coming, he became more nervous for a while, but he still said hello, "Brother Chen, sister-in-law..."

   Two hundred chapters! I want to write another four hundred haha! Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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