Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 201: married after two years

  Chapter 201 married after two years

   "What are you doing? You're in a panic." Gu Chen took a look at him, and it was the first time he saw this kid bewildered.

   "Eh...it's nothing, you guys came for a walk?" Jin Baoyu changed the subject.

   Gu Chen, who was on the opposite side, glanced at him, and replied: "Come here and ask you to go back to dinner with Gu Nan, why, do you have something to go out?"

  He could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Jin Baoyu, so he didn't elaborate.

  Jin Baoyu smiled and nodded: "Let's talk about it tomorrow, I'll be leaving first!"

   After speaking, he ran away without waiting for others to respond.

   That's weird.

  Shen Man could also see that something was wrong with this person, but Gu Chen didn't ask just now, so she wouldn't say anything.

   "Let's go." She urged.

   If Jin Baoyu doesn’t go, you have to call Gu Nan, right?

  The two of them went in and told Gu Nan that there was nothing wrong with this girl, and they agreed and waited to get off work.

   And Gu Chen and the others did not wait in the department store, they went to play elsewhere first.

  It was already dark after four o’clock in the afternoon. The winter nights in Northeast China are very long, so it is normal for it to be dark at this time.

  After Gu Nan got off work, they met at Jicheng Hotel.

   It’s not that there are no other restaurants in Jicheng, but that the taste of other restaurants is not as good as here.

   What's more, there are stir-fried dishes and hot pots, and there are many chefs who can even cook Sichuan dishes.

  The three of them sat down in the private room, and Gu Chen asked, "Nan Nan, when we went to find you, there seemed to be something wrong with Jin Baoyu, did the two of you quarrel?"

   After all, she is his sister, so he still cares about her very much.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan was stunned for a moment, "No? What's going on?"

  The two of them are very busy today, so they didn't talk much.

   I was suddenly asked this question, and I felt a little confused.

   Seeing her saying that, Gu Chen didn't ask any more questions, "It's nothing, let's go and order. I heard that there are boiled fish today."

   Sure enough, Gu Nan's eyes lit up when he heard that there was something delicious.

  She happily went downstairs to order food. Gu Chen ordered two dishes just now, and he can order the rest as he pleases.

   "Daughter-in-law, when are we going back to Shangjiang brigade?" He turned to look at Shen Man, his eyes full of tenderness.

  Of course, he was still very anxious, wishing he could go home and get married right away.

  Regarding this topic, Shen Man said with a smile: "You can go back whenever you want."

  She doesn't care, anyway, she decided to marry Gu Chen a long time ago, one day sooner or later.

  Hearing this answer, Gu Chen's eyes lit up, and he hugged her happily and said, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind!"

   Oh, goodness to a person is always rewarded. Did you see that beautiful daughter-in-laws listen to him.

  The two were chatting and laughing together, downstairs Gu Nan and the waiter ordered two more dishes.

   One boiled fish, one stewed potatoes with braised meat.

   Ready to go back to the second floor, but saw a familiar figure.

   "Brother Jin? Why are you here?" She walked over to say hello.

   Gu Nan said hello but didn't see it. There was a **** in her teens at the corner, and she didn't see it until she got closer.

  The two girls looked at each other, and there was a flash of scrutiny and vigilance in their eyes.

  Jin Baoyu didn't expect to meet her here. He thought that he would never meet acquaintances, but now it seems that Jicheng is still too young.

   "I, I'm eating here, and you're coming to eat too?" His answer was a bit questionable, but the people on the opposite side were all young girls, so how could they judge people's faces?

   Gu Nan nodded and said, "Yes, my second brother and second sister-in-law are also there."

   It's because she was slow to respond, and now she feels something is wrong.

  Jin Baoyu said a few words to her casually, and said that he was going to eat.

  The moment the box door opened, Gu Nan saw Jin Baoyu's parents, who were chatting with others.

   It turned out that I had dinner with my family, no wonder.

   When Gu Nan was at work, he met Jin Baoyu's parents to see their children, so they met.

  They are just dating, so they haven't formally met their parents yet.

  She didn't think too much, and then went up to the second floor.

   "Why did you come back? The food is already here." Gu Chen asked while putting the rice over.

  Where did this person go? Don't stop eating.

  Gu Nan didn't hide anything, and replied: "I met Brother Jin just now, and I said a few words."

   "Baoyu is here too?" Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at her with some doubts in his eyes.

  Before asking him whether to come or not, it turned out that he was having dinner with others.

   "Well, I also saw his parents and a little girl." Gu Nan didn't hide from her brother because she didn't think about it that much.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen's eyes flashed a strange color, but he didn't say much.

   At this time, someone came to serve the food again, so they ate with peace of mind.

   After eating, everyone went out. Gu Chen thought for a while and said, "You two take the bus and go back first. I have something to do, so I'll go home in a while."

  Both got in the car and left, Gu Chen turned around and returned to Jicheng Hotel.

  Standing at the door for a long time, finally saw Jin Baoyu and his party come out.

  Because it was getting late, Jin Baoyu didn't notice Gu Chen standing not far away.

  Father Jin said with a smile: "In the future, the two children can only benefit from it, and we can't help the rest."

   "Baoyu, be nice to others in the future, you two are not young, and it is just right to get married after two years of dating."

  Jin Baoyu nodded and said nothing, his expression was a little indifferent, but no one said anything.

  After walking out, Gu Chen looked at him coldly, and Jin Baoyu also noticed him.

   "Chen, brother Chen? Why are you here." He was a little flustered, and his heart was cold when he saw that indifferent look.

  He deliberately delayed leaving for a while. Before leaving, he went upstairs to look around, making sure that Gu Chen and the others had left, and then left with his family.

   Unexpectedly, people are waiting here.

  Gu Chen snorted coldly, then turned around and left. In this case, there is no need to ask any more questions. What else is there to ask?

  The parents of both parties meet for dinner, this kind of situation will only happen to those who are rushing to get married.

   Okay, his sister has become a tool for other people's entertainment?

  Because both Jin Baoyu's parents were there, Gu Chen didn't hit anyone. To be honest, he couldn't hold his fist anymore.

   No wonder I feel that something is wrong with this person today, and my feelings are full of shit?

   Gu Chen gritted his teeth and returned home, seeing Gu Nan heartlessly drinking a drink and listening to the radio, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

  His younger sister is also the darling of the family, why should she be bullied?

   "Second Brother, what's the matter with you?" Gu Nan stood there stupidly when he saw him come back, and kept staring at her, and couldn't help but feel hairy.

   Did I do something wrong again?

   It shouldn’t be, I was fine when I ate just now, and I didn’t go together when I came back.

   "Shall I get a bottle for my second sister-in-law? She just said she wouldn't drink it." Gu Nan put down the drink, thinking it should be about this.

  But Shen Man said he didn't like to drink it, or else he would have taken it himself.

  Gu Chen rolled his eyes, "Hurry up and go to sleep, drink a drink after eating, you are not afraid of hurting your food!"

   After finishing speaking, he went back to the room directly, and it was uncomfortable to look at it even more!

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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