"Okay, you can go back to work." Director Zheng glanced at the time, and he still has a meeting next.

   Shen Man nodded, and walked out of the office in a cloud.

   It seems that you can eat a melon when you come?

  Then Director Zheng asked her to come here to talk about this matter?


   It is very obvious that Director Jiang Ce is optimistic about her, and Director Zheng called her to come here, which is also what he was talking about.

  It seems that there will be more and more jobs in the future, Shen Man knows that this is the beginning.

  Inside the office.

  When Director Xiao saw the person leaving, he said, "It's the first time I know Director Zheng is such a gossip."

  His tone was amused.

  Wearing this, Director Zheng waved his hand: "I just let her understand the situation, so as to avoid contact with Director Jiang Ce in the future without knowing the truth."

   "Oh?" Factory Manager Xiao raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "So, Director Jiang Ce is very optimistic about her, is it possible that she is going to be transferred?"

   This situation is not uncommon, ability is very important in this era. It is useless to have the ability to go through the back door, because without the ability to match positions, the problems will only increase.

  Director Zheng picked up the tea mug and drank a glass of water. Instead of answering, he asked, "How is the benefit this year?"

   "Fortunately, it's much higher than last year." Factory Manager Xiao saw that he didn't answer or ask questions, and the two continued to discuss work.

  The end of the year is coming soon, and there are many efficiency problems in the second half of the year.

   Shen Man returned to the office, where Ma Xiaoli was still knitting.

   "Miss Xiaoli, you've been knitting sweaters all day, can you wear them?" She looked at a basket of wool and couldn't help asking.

  I saw her knitting sweaters when I left last month, and she is still knitting sweaters when I come back.

  Ma Xiaoli put down the wool with a smile and said: "Isn't this a job? Helping neighbors knit sweaters. I have helped out before. It makes no sense not to help out this year after work is over."

  Except for the money, the neighbors often take care of them, and they are very good people.

  Seeing what she said, Shen Man didn't speak anymore.

   Now that the factory is not busy, she starts to translate documents.

   I read Zhang Qi's meaning before, and it seems that this document is a bit difficult.

  Shen Man browsed through and found that it was indeed difficult, but he could translate it smoothly after browsing the materials.

  This document has probably been placed for a long time, and it should be waiting for her to translate it.

   After get off work in the afternoon, Shen Man bought some pastries and fruits and went home. The old uncle's family will be here tonight, so he prepared to order something to eat.

   She doesn't have to worry about the food, Li Jinhua is here.

  As soon as I got home, I heard that the room was very lively.

   Li Jinyuan was standing at the door talking to Gu Chen, and when he saw her coming, he began to greet her.

   "Uncle." Shen Man walked over and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, and I haven't had time to see you."

   In the past six months, apart from giving birth, Shen Man has gone abroad. To be honest, she really has no time. And you also have to consider other people going to work, you can't go to visit when you are at work, right?

  Li Jinyuan waved his hand: "What are you looking at? They are both real relatives, there is no need for that. Just as long as you two are doing well, seeing how my sister lives with you, I am happier than anything else."

  He was also worried before that there would be conflicts between the two generations living together, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the city is more difficult.

  But looking at it for more than half a year, they get along very well, so there is no need to worry.

   Shen Man nodded: "I heard from my mother that the two children are back? How are you doing over there?"

   It seems that the college entrance examination is about to come, but there is no news, so I don't know if they have studied seriously.

   "Yes." Li Jinyuan nodded and said, "I want to transfer them back, but it's not that easy."

   It's easy to find a job. He's the director of a winery, so why not get two temporary workers?

  Up to now, all departments are watching very closely, especially their own children. If he dares to move, someone will report him later.

   At that time, let alone whether the children can return to the city, even his position may not be able to keep it!

  So, don’t dare to act rashly now.

   Take one wrong step, and you will be doomed.

  Shen Man saw his serious face. Although he didn't know what the other party was thinking, he could understand that this kind of thing was not so easy to do.

   Otherwise, the children of the leaders don’t have to go to the countryside, so why bother? There must be a reason to go.

   "It's time to eat, what are you doing standing at the door?" Li Jinhua shook the water off her hand and came out to shout.

  Everyone turned around and entered the house, and the meal was ready.

  Li Mei was busy serving the dishes. There are a bit too many people today, so there are two tables.

   "Hurry up, it's time to eat!" Li Jinhua greeted, and everyone went to the dining table to sit down.

  Li Wenwei and Li Wenjie have changed a lot. After not seeing each other for so long, the two have become darker and stronger.

  The height is even higher, it seems to be 1.8 meters.

   "Second sister-in-law."

   "Second sister-in-law!"

  The two came over to say hello. They respected Gu Chen and were naturally very polite to Shen Man.

   We don’t see each other often, and it’s not easy for the two of them to greet each other proactively like this.

   "Okay, let's eat first." Shen Man smiled and asked the two to sit down.

   Several people were eating, and Li Wenwei and his brothers couldn't eat anything good in the countryside, so they felt a little bit voracious when they came back to eat.

  Even if Li Jinyuan helps out by mailing things, he can't eat canned food all the time, right?

   The whole family ate and chatted, it was so lively.

   Li Mei looked at Li Jinhua hesitated and said, "Mom, I'm two months pregnant."

  Actually, she wanted to say it before, but she didn't plan to have this child, so she didn't say it.

  Thinking about a child these days is really a bit lonely. Now that I have one, it's too late.

   It's not due to the eldest aunt. If that man talks about it every day next to her, she will find a way to get rid of it when she is pregnant.

  Everyone was very surprised when they heard that she was pregnant.

  Li Jinhua nodded with a smile: "You just have to think about it, and I can help if you can't take it with you."

  She won’t be partial, she’s taking one, she’s taking two, she’s letting go of three, and it doesn’t matter if she’s three.

  But Li Mei refused, "Mom, it's so far away, I can take care of it myself. I don't have a job now, so I just take care of the children."

  Before, Shen Man wanted to introduce a job to her, but he forgot when he was busy going abroad.

   Now that she is pregnant, she must not be able to work. After all, temporary work is different from regular work, and it is not suitable for pregnant women to do it.

   Everyone continued to eat, and drank tea and chatted after eating.

  Shen Man sat next to Brother Li Wenwei and asked, "Have you reviewed your homework?"

  If this statement is placed on others, they will definitely dismiss it. How many years have it been since the college entrance examination was cancelled, what books do you still read?

  But the two brothers nodded in unison.

   "Look, second sister-in-law, some of our educated youths also read books, and we often study together." Li Wenwei said with a smile on his face.

   Even if you go back to the city to work, you need to have knowledge. You can't lose this thing.

   Shen Man nodded: "Before I go back in a while, I will give you the notes I studied before, which may be useful."

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