When Shen Man was taking the university entrance examination, he studied and took down a lot of notes.

  When they heard that there were notes, the two brothers were very happy.

   "Then thank you second sister-in-law first!"

   "Second sister-in-law, you have been of great help!"

   Seeing this, Shen Man went to find it, and thanked her, why don't you hurry up and give it to others?

  Looking at the note, the two brothers put it in the bag carefully.

   Everyone chatted for a while and then parted ways. It's getting late, and everyone has to go to work tomorrow.

   Shen Man carried the child back to the house, while Gu Chen went out to see it off.

  In the past two days, she misses the child very much, and whenever she has time, she hugs the child to be close to her, so as to prevent the child from forgetting her.

  Looking at the translation documents on the table, she thought about it and put it in the space.

  Shen Man has never been busy with work at home. He always feels that home is a place to relax, and he feels tired when doing work.

  There is plenty of time to go to work during the day, so there is no need to be busy all the time.

  Gu Chen sent everyone away, and entered the room lightly. Glancing at the children on the kang, he asked in a low voice, "Are you all asleep?"

   "En." Shen Man nodded.

   Seeing this, Gu Chen quietly went to get the pajamas, and then went out to change.

  Their hut was converted into a cloakroom, which is exactly the style of later generations.

   One-piece wardrobe, large mirror.

   This was made by Gu Chen, and most of the clothes inside were Shen Man's.

  She also said, where will the children live in separate rooms when they grow up.

  In the end, Gu Chen said: When you grow up, you can live with your grandparents...

  Good guy, there are only two rooms next door, this is about to kick Gu Nan out.

  Since Liu Huaqiang's parents had dinner with Li Jinhua and his wife last time, their relationship has been officially confirmed.

   After the new year, the two are going to get married, and Liu Huaqiang needs to prepare a bride price and the like.

  Actually, Li Jinhua didn't ask for much, but Liu Huaqiang asked for it himself, so it was decided to celebrate the new year.

  Gu Chen changed his clothes and came back, and said: "Let these two cubs live with mother tomorrow, and there is room for a crib in that room."

  Hearing this, Shen Man replied in surprise: "Didn't you say that they will live with their grandparents after they are five years old?"

   "It's too late!" Gu Chen had a displeased expression on his face: "How nice is it for us to live in the same room? We have to change their diapers at night."

   As he spoke, he looked at his two sons with disgust.

  Those who didn’t know thought it wasn’t their own.

  Shen Man sighed helplessly: "The child is so young, parents often wake up at night can't do it."

  No matter what, this is their child, so what's the point of always letting the old couple take care of it? People also need to rest.

   "Actually, Mom asked us to send it there because she was afraid that you wouldn't want to. She wanted to take care of the child, and she was afraid that we would not be energetic at work the next day." After finishing speaking, Gu Chen patted her hand to reassure her.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man agreed after thinking about it. She is really lethargic. She wakes up late every day because she has to change her diaper in the middle of the night, and then it takes a while to go back to sleep.

  Sometimes Gu Chen would get up to change, but he often overslept.

  The two agreed, and they will send it to the old couple tomorrow.

   In the next few days, Shen Man has been busy translating documents.

   Fortunately, after consulting the information, the translation went very smoothly.

  After handing over the document to Zhang Qi, she said, "Editor Zhang, I have to go on a business trip during this period, so I won't accept the task. I'll talk about it when I come back."

  Hearing that Zhang Qi didn't ask any more questions, he nodded, "Then Director Shen is busy with you. I will pay attention to whether there are any good documents here, and I will keep them for you when the time comes."

   After the two finished speaking, Shen Man was ready to leave.

   Before leaving, he saw Tan Yun staring at him sullenly not far away, and then rolled his eyes.

   This person really has no skills, except for making trouble.

  In her opinion, Tan Yun's acting like a monster will drag down Editor-in-Chief Xu sooner or later.

  After returning to the factory, Director Zheng went directly to the office in person.

   Sitting on the opposite chair, he said, "I've decided to leave in three days. Are you okay?"

   "No problem." Shen Man nodded, and everything that should be dealt with has been dealt with.

  There are Li Jinhua and his wife in the family, and Gu Chen is there for any major event.

   "That's fine." Director Zheng thought for a while and then said: "This time, I hope you can take Director Xiao around more to see the market over there."

   This can be regarded as doing work for the factory. Although I go to help buy machines, I still have my own time.

   Shen Man understood what he meant and agreed.

  In these three days, she has to spend time with her family, so she won't come to work.

   Soon, three days passed in a blink of an eye.

  After spending time with family members, life always feels very fast.

   Shen Man came to the train station ahead of time, but she was the last one to arrive.

  Looking at the watch, there is still half an hour before departure.

  Everyone is very anxious, it is probably the first time to go abroad.

   "Director Shen is here." Factory Director Xiao came over to introduce her to the colleagues.

  Director Lin Jun of the textile factory, director Jin Fuzhu of the sugar factory, and Zhang Liwen, deputy director of the bakery factory.

  The three of them were all in their thirties or forties, and none of them brought an assistant or secretary.

   Everyone didn't mean to take it seriously just because Shen Man was young.

   Shen Man greeted everyone, and then waited to enter the station.

  Lin Jun is a **** man in his thirties. The nervous expression on his face makes passers-by look sideways.

   Jin Fuzhu on the side smiled and said: "Brother Lin, this is not the first time to travel far, so don't be so nervous."

   It seems that they are very familiar, and they speak in different tones.

  Lin Jun gave a wry smile: "Sister, are we going on a long trip? This is going abroad."

  He wouldn't be nervous if he went to another province.

   Seeing this, Jin Fuzhu shook his head: "I think it's the same."

  She didn't take what Director Zheng said seriously, why is it very dangerous abroad, how dangerous can it be?

  Growing under the flag of planting flowers, how have you ever seen the dangers in the world?

  Shen Man felt that this person was in his thirties and didn't seem to know much about the world. It is estimated that it is grown in a greenhouse, and it has never been seen in foreign countries.

  Perhaps the worst she has ever seen is a hooligan teasing a good woman.

  No one said anything, what you said is not as good as what you saw with your own eyes, sometimes it is useless to say more, it is better to see for yourself.

  The train pulled into the station soon, everyone checked their tickets and boarded the train, and entered the workshop.

  This time, the factory arranged for them a soft bag with two single beds and a separate bathroom.

   Besides Shen Man, only Kim Bok Joo is a **** this time, so the two of them enjoyed preferential treatment.

  Others go to the hard sleeper in the four-person room. After all, big men, it’s nothing to suffer a little.

  The money box is naturally placed here in the soft bag, because it has an independent door lock, which is safer.

  Shen Man put all the money boxes into the cabinet, the cabinet is not big, after putting the money, they couldn't put their luggage.

   "Where is my suitcase?" Jin Fuzhu glanced at the cabinet, and it was already filled with money boxes, and the door couldn't even be closed if I put anything else in it.

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