Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 277: Little Platinum Fuzhu

  Shen Man looked back at her, smiled and said, "Put it under the bed, there's no room here."

  But most people can’t ask such a question, right?

   To be honest, every move of Jin Fuzhu makes Shen Man feel worried.

   Isn't this like a rich girl?

  People in their thirties seem to have no social experience.

  Maybe Shen Man looked at her for a long time, Jin Fuzhu said: "Why do you always look at me?"

  Her skin is fair and translucent, and she looks much younger than her peers. The skin on her hands is also good, and she knows that she doesn't usually work.

  Shen Man didn't change his face, sat down and looked at her: "Director Jin, I just see that you are young and beautiful, how do you take care of yourself?"

  Her words stunned Jin Fuzhu, who was not very happy at first, and then she immediately smiled and said, "Oh, Comrade Xiao Shen, if you want to talk about maintenance, then I must be regarded as a teacher."

   "You see my skin is very fair, right? But I'm afraid of the sun every day. I used to come out without protection, and my face was covered with spots. Now I wear this hat when I go out. It's very useful."

   As she spoke, she took out a simple sun hat with a big brim. It looked like it was made by someone, and it was not available on the market.

   There is still a difference from the big sun hats of later generations.

   "Director Jin is really smart, this kind of thing is really good for sun protection." Shen Man had a smile on his face.

   This person really doesn't boast, at first he thought he was not pleasing to the eye, but after a few compliments, he pulled her like a sister.

   I don’t know how many people such a person usually offends?

  However, judging from the position and current situation of the other party, the family conditions are good, and they may not be afraid of offending anyone.

"Of course, if you have any questions about skin care, you can ask me." After Jin Fuzhu finished speaking, he looked at the person opposite and continued: "Your face is also very good. You must protect it well when you are young, otherwise Get old fast."

  She only believes that Shen Man's skin is good because he is young. As for other maintenance, it is probably impossible, right?

   Now that Shen Man knows the character of this person, it will be very easy to get along with him in the future, just a few compliments will do.

  This person's eyes aren't bad, but he's a little idiot.

  After getting in the car, everyone rested. Around noon, Director Xiao came over and asked the two of them to go to the dining car for dinner.

  The restaurant was crowded, but there were still two empty tables, and they chose seats for six.

   "What do you want to eat?" Director Xiao glanced at the menu in front of him.

  Because there are so many people, you have to take into account whether other people have taboos. Regardless of the current poor conditions, there are many people who don't eat fat meat and can eat lard.

   And don’t eat onion, **** and garlic, this is all a matter of personal preference.

   "I don't eat fatty meat! You can eat vegetables, and you can eat other meat." Jin Fuzhu spoke first.

  She just doesn't eat fat, and doesn't like the greasy taste. Even the pork belly that everyone is looking forward to, she can only eat one or two pieces, and she can't eat too much.

   "I do whatever I want."

"Me too."

   Everyone has no taboos.

   Seeing this, Director Xiao went to order food. As for what to order, just come here.

  There are five of them, and four dishes are just right.

   "Director Shen, we'll go talk to you after dinner." This was the first sentence Director Xiao said when he came back.

  Hearing what he said, He understood what he meant, and nodded in agreement.


  Everyone ate up all the food for this meal, adhering to the principle of not wasting. It is not easy to eat now, and people rarely waste it.

  Even Jin Fuzhu, who has always been delicate, is the same, eat as much as you want, and there will be no leftovers.

  Back to the box, Director Xiao closed the door, and everyone sat down.

  He asked: "Director Shen, how is the situation abroad now? What should we pay attention to when we go out?"

  In fact, he understands everything, and will not underestimate anything abroad.

  But other people don’t know, so this time I want everyone to be more vigilant and don’t cause trouble after going there.

  They are away from home, and they are in a foreign country. If something happens to them, no one can help them.

  Shen Man briefly talked about what not to go to remote places, don't go out at night, and don't talk to strangers.

  Of course, they can't speak foreign languages, otherwise Shen Man wouldn't be here.

   "Comrade Xiao Shen, is it really as serious as you say?" Jin Fuzhu still looked ignorant of world affairs.

  She was hesitant to Shen Man's words, after all, she heard that the development abroad was particularly good.

  But now she is not allowed to go abroad, let alone have any contact, so she doesn't know.

   Shen Man nodded, and patiently explained: "Director Jin, I'm not exaggerating, but I'm speaking conservatively. It's normal to name people over there."

   "We are all people in a foreign country, and no one can help us if something happens."

  Hearing this, everyone was silent.

  Those things are still conservative?

   Seeing this, Shen Man added to the fire: "Actually, we heard snatching noises last time we went. Section Chief Wang of this rolling mill can testify. But you can't verify it now, he is not here."


  Everyone was shocked, and they all retreated in their hearts.

   Is it too late to get off now? Jumping is also fine.

   It’s no wonder everyone is so scared. Compared with other things, your own life is more important.

   Greed for life and fear of death is nothing ugly.

  Everyone here, everyone is old and young.

  Jin Fuzhu's face was slightly pale. She looked at Shen Man several times, opened her mouth, and finally said nothing.

  What are you talking about? Now things are clearly laid out in front of us.

  The atmosphere was very gloomy, but no one comforted everyone. After all, everything that will be faced next needs to be done by oneself.

  Shen Man and Director Xiao exchanged glances, then said nothing.

   When Factory Manager Xiao led his people away, Jin Fuzhu finally couldn't sit still.

   "Director Shen, you must keep an eye on me from now on. If anything goes wrong, let's run away." There was a trace of fear in her eyes.

   People are afraid of the unknown.

  She was born in a greenhouse since she was a child, and her family conditions are good. Even the turmoil did not make her feel wronged.

   Now that she has to face such a dangerous situation, it really makes her uneasy.

  Shen Man comforted: "Director Jin, don't worry, everyone is on the same line. If there is danger, I will definitely take everyone to run together."

   This time Jin Fuzhu didn't call her Comrade Xiao Shen anymore, and Shen Man didn't feel much about the change of address.

  People are like this, only by respecting and relying on a person will there be a change.

  No one slept well that night. Thinking of the coming end, everyone felt very heavy.

   I'm really afraid that if I fall over there, there will be old people and young people here, and I will be helpless.

  In fact, after going back, Director Xiao regretted it. He said such a serious word, and everyone lost energy.

  If this is the case, it will not be good for future work.

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