Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 307: Go to Hong Kong City

  Chapter 307 Going to Hong Kong City Again

   During this period of time, he has been running around, and Shen Man will be the shopkeeper when he comes back.

   Leave the rest to Gu Chen, let him figure it out.

  When the store was installed, they officially opened.

  With a serious business license, no one dares to trouble them.

  Shen Man spent two days recording popular songs on 2,000 blank tapes.

   Then I played it on the tape recorder. As soon as the song came out, people passing by all looked around.

  Now people in the south are quite rich, at least richer than in the northeast. Small businesses here made a lot of money in the past two years.

  For things like tape recorders, although they are expensive, you can buy them with a bite.

   Not long after, several people entered the room.

   They looked at the novelty posters on the wall and the dazzling tapes on the counter machines, and their eyes lit up.

   "Boss, how do you sell the tape?"

   There is already a young man who can't wait.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "One piece is one piece of eight."

  The price is not high, and there are still two yuan a piece on the black market, so one can imagine how false the price here is.

   Besides, she bought the blank tapes wholesale for ten cents a piece.

   "Give me one, the one you put on now." The young man paid for it immediately.

  Shen Man gave him a tape to collect the money. Although the money was not much, it couldn't support many things.

   With the beginning, the people behind also started to buy.

  If you don’t have a tape recorder, buy a tape recorder and get a tape as a gift.

   After a while, all the tape recorders on the counter were sold out.

   More than 20 units were sold out!

   "The boss doesn't have the stock yet? We haven't bought it yet."

   "That's right, hurry up, take out the goods as soon as they are available."

  The people behind couldn't wait to shout, watching others move away the tape recorder, everyone was in a hurry.

  Shen Man didn't expect it to be sold so quickly. She bought more than 20 units in Hong Kong City, and just like that, she spent several thousand.

  Of course, she sold it and made a profit of 150!

   "The item is gone, and it will arrive in two days." Shen Man comforted everyone and introduced other items.

   Those who buy tape recorders are actually those who want to do business and record their own tapes.

  In these days, who doesn't have a brain?

   But even though it took a few days for the goods to be available, these people have not left yet.

   Individual young people bought dozens of tapes at a time, and some bought a hundred tapes.

   They take it back and mainly sell it. After all, the wholesale market here is also a dime more expensive than this price.

   So, they would rather buy from a stranger than from a local.

  After a busy day, the two of them went to the port city to prepare the goods, and only half of them were left.

   "Daughter-in-law, this won't work, there aren't enough things to sell." Gu Chen did the calculations, and this time they have already made back their capital, and doubled it.

  The remaining half of the goods, is that pure profit?

   Even if you make more money, you can’t do without anything.

  Shen Man thought for a while and said: "I will go to Hong Kong City today, and I will be back tomorrow afternoon."

   Why don't you hurry up to make money?

  After hearing this, Gu Chen felt worried: "No, I have to go with you."

   "Don't worry, Hong Kong City is better than here, and there are no such black-and-white activities." Shen Man comforted.

  But she was a little worried here, "You must pay attention to safety when selling goods, and don't let people rob you."

  The laws are not perfect these days, and there are many people who take risks.

   Gu Chen nodded in agreement, his skill against a few people would not be a problem.

   After Shen Man finished explaining, he took the money and went to the airport, and encountered another problem here.

  She was about to enter the airport when a man in his thirties jumped out, wearing a pair of dark glasses.

   Shen Man frowned and was about to leave, but this man came up and pulled her sleeve.

  Good guy, dare to make a move on the road of Langlang Qiankun!

   "Let go!" Shen Man snorted coldly.

  The man saw that the security guards at the surrounding airports were coming, so he quickly explained: "Miss, don't be angry, I just want to ask you if you are short of soft sister coins, and you can use foreign exchange."

   "You are the lady, your whole family is a lady, get out!" Shen Man threw him away, and then walked straight into the airport.

  She still lacks foreign exchange!

  Of course, you can’t exchange them in the Mainland even if you don’t have them. These second-hand dealers are very black. Foreign currency is so valuable and they can do business. How could they give you a cheap price?

  Shen Man won't be fooled by that one, and wants to exchange money when he gets there.

   At the very least, he is more realistic than these people.

  A flight ticket at the airport actually needs to be booked in advance, but she has a passport and added money, and the airport quickly arranged for her to board the nearest flight.

  It was already dark when we arrived in Hong Kong City. Time was tight and the task was heavy. Shen Man didn't pay attention, so he went to the money exchange place first, lost hundreds of dollars and changed the money, and then found a place to sleep.

  The market needs to open at 7:00 tomorrow morning, so it’s useless to go now.

  At this time of night, no matter where you are, it is very dangerous.

  So Shen Man didn't go out, ordered some food at the hotel, took a shower and went to bed.

  Wake up the next morning, wash up and go straight to the wholesale market.

  Same as last time, there were a lot of people.

  She still found the store where she bought the goods last time. This time she exchanged hundreds of thousands of foreign exchange, so she bought a lot of things.

  It is impossible to lose money, and a lot of people will come up to grab it at the original price.

   "Do you want this? It's a gift." Seeing that she spent a lot of money, the female boss directly brought a lot of celebrity posters, and it cost a lot of money to sell waste paper by the catty.

  Looking at the one-meter-high poster postcard, Shen Man's eyes lit up.

   "Beauty boss, since you are a gift, why don't you give more, I have given you hundreds of thousands of business, so you can't be so stingy." Shen Man smiled, holding people in his arms, and calculating their things.

  In fact, these are all printed in batches. After these few months, new posters and postcards have been released again.

   Being praised so much, the boss smiled and nodded, and finally gave her three one-meter-high posters and three postcards.

   Naturally, find someone to send these things to the rented warehouse. When the purchase is almost done, then go to buy some things for inspection.

  The clothes here are very beautiful. Shen Man bought more than a dozen sets of suit jackets, suit skirts and small high-heeled shoes.

  Don't talk about it, she has matured a lot with such a dress.

   It's a bit like a strong woman.

   There are many colors and styles of this kind of clothes, which are roughly the same.

   Went to wholesale another thousand pairs of toad mirrors and two thousand electronic watches. Let's see how the market caters.

  Shen Man is accumulating assets now, and when the time comes, she will make another big ticket. In her eyes, these things are just small things.

  Maybe in Gu Chen's eyes, this kind of four or five times the flexibility is already a lot, but she thinks it is not enough.

  If you want to become the richest man in the country, this amount of money is really not enough.

   Shen Man still has to work hard for the safety of his younger generations.

  After several years of precipitation, Shen Man is now very ambitious.

  In the past, Gu Chen was at the front, but now she is going to be at the front too.

   At the forefront of the times, she is waiting for her to put money in sacks!

   Please ask for a monthly ticket, there are few updates recently, and more will be added in a while



  (end of this chapter)

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