Chapter 308 Who is his family

   In the afternoon, Shen Man put all the things into the space, and then went to the stall to return the keys.

   Booked a flight ticket for the evening, and then went shopping.

   You can’t come in vain, can you?

  Bought clothes in the morning, they are all her own, don't worry about others, her husband does.

  Shen Man turned around and went to the big shopping mall, where he bought two suits, shirts, and high-end leather shoes.

  Buy a few more casual outfits.

  The two have been together for so long, and it is very clear what kind of clothes and shoes they wear.

  While walking around, Shen Man was suddenly bumped by someone, and his backpack was dragged away.

   "Thief!" She shouted while chasing and running.

   Shen Man really didn't expect that there would be robbery in this big shopping mall.

  I went to buy running shoes in the morning, and there was no money in the bag. The small high-heeled shoes I wore this time could not run at all, I would have known better if I had known it earlier.

   Now it's all right, there's a wave in the waves!

   "Thief! Catch the thief!" She twisted her hamstring while running, and sat down directly on the ground.

  The security guards chased after hearing the movement. I haven’t heard of any robbery in this mall. Why are you so bold today?

   This is a black shadow rushing out, a pounce, throwing the thief down.

  The two rolled around for several times before stopping. The man held down the thief, and the security guard also came over and held down the thief.

  The man picked up the backpack and walked towards Shen Man, knelt down and asked, "Miss, are you okay?"

  The man on the opposite side was 27 or 28 years old, with a gentle appearance, but after squatting down, the suit strangled his arms, and he could faintly see the muscular muscles.

   Also, without a strong body, it is impossible to press the thief to death.

   Shen Man shook his head, "Thank you."

   She took the bag and when she was about to stand up, she found her ankle hurt.

   But fortunately, I can hold back.

   "Don't be brave, if this is the case, I'll take you to the hospital." The man supported her, ready to go to the hospital.

   "No need." Shen Man refused, "Just wait a while, I'll go and sit over there for a while."

  She points to the bench next to her, and goes to sit down.

  The security personnel over there have taken the thief away, but she doesn't know where to go.

   Immediately someone came over and asked her if she had lost anything.

  Shen Man opened the bag, and there were only a few hundred foreign exchange in it, and there was nothing left.

   "I didn't lose it, thank you." She sincerely thanked you.

  I don't have much money, but I can't continue to go shopping safely after being robbed, so she chased after her just now.

   As a result, I fell off without wearing high heels for a long time.

   Received a reply, the man left without saying anything.

   "My name is Han Jin, miss, where do you live and I'll take you off?" The man on the opposite side hasn't left yet.

  Hearing this, Shen Man was not very happy, what kind of name is this.

  But she also came from the new century, so she didn't care about this person like this.

   "Forget it, thank you, I can go back by myself." Her attitude was polite, and she could not stop.

   After all, it was someone who helped, but it was not good to deliver it to the place where I lived.

   Seeing her resistance, Han Jin said, "Are you from the mainland? So are my parents. They are from the capital."

   "Oh, I didn't catch all of you capitalism back then, did you all come here?" Shen Man looked him up and down with a half-smile.

   Not to mention, she was right.

  Han Jin was a little embarrassed, smiled and said: "The situation is forcing, the development of the mainland is just right now, and everyone will be a family in the future."

   This is what I said.

   Who is his family?

   Shen Man twisted his ankle, and the pain was gone, so he stood up and looked at him: "That's all for the future, thank you for today's matter, I'll go first."

   "Huh?" Han Jin wanted to stop her, but the man left immediately.

   In fact, there is a reason why Shen Man is so indifferent. After all, she did not get her passport through legitimate means, so she can avoid trouble when she goes back, and she doesn't want to involve too much with the locals.

  In addition, this person looked at her with strange eyes. He is a married woman, so he can't mess around.

  Back to the hotel, Shen Man tidied up all his things and put them in the space, waiting for the evening flight.

  At five o'clock in the afternoon, the hotel delivered the air ticket. They helped and bought the air ticket very quickly.

  The plane is at seven o'clock, and we can leave now.

  Take a taxi to go out, and then go directly to the airport.

  It was already half past ten when we arrived in Yangcheng, Shen Man was a little scared, what if someone intercepted me?

   "Hello, do you need a taxi?" The staff at the exit gate saw that she hadn't left, so they went to ask.

  Shen Man remembered that there are special cars for international hotels now, so he asked her to call a car for him.

  The staff takes foreign guests very seriously, so they contacted Che immediately.

  There is someone on standby here, so I sent a car over here.

  Shen Man got in the car and arrived at the International Hotel, because it was getting late, he would open the room.

   When I got to the room, I called Gu Chen, because I was developing business here, they answered the phone the day before the store opened, five thousand yuan!

   "Hello?" Gu Chen's deep voice came.

  Shen Man raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously, and said, "It's me."

   "Daughter-in-law? Are you back yet?" Gu Chen suddenly regained his energy.

  According to the agreement between the two, he should be home today, but there was no news at eleven o'clock, so he was in a hurry to grind at home.

   "Well, I stayed at the International Hotel, it's dangerous to go back too late." Shen Man explained the situation so that the other party would not worry.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen replied: "You are right, so I can rest assured that I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

   "No need." Shen Man glanced at the time and said, "I'll take a taxi back tomorrow morning, but we have to buy a car, it's too troublesome."

   "Car?" Gu Chen hesitated for a moment and said, "I can drive, but I asked, a car costs 50,000 to 60,000."

   This is still the cheapest, ordinary vehicles, there are more expensive ones.

  50,000 to 60,000, in this day and age, ordinary people dare not even think about it. Those who have three or four thousand in savings at home are the upper class.

  Shen Man smiled and said: "After selling this batch of goods, we still have a surplus after buying a car."

   The two of them didn't continue after talking about it. It was getting late and it was time to go to bed.

  Woke up the next morning, Shen Man took a taxi and went back to the store. As soon as the door opened, many young people gathered at the door.

   "Boss, is the recorder here? I've been waiting here all day and all night!"

   "Yes, can you take it out and sell it to us."

  They are all the same people, ready to resell. But the market over there is too expensive, even if there is a difference of twenty yuan, they still want to buy it here.

  There is no other reason, twenty yuan can buy more than one hundred blank tapes, it is all money.

  Shen Man saw this and walked over quickly, then said to Gu Chen: "Brother Chen, help me move things."

  As soon as the item came, these people didn't need the two of them to do it, and rushed to help each other.

   "I'll do it, I'll do it, just put it on the counter?" The young man's eyes lit up when he saw so many boxes in the truck behind him.

   Others rushed over to help.

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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