Chapter 309 Local Snake

   Shen Man wanted to laugh when he saw these people, but that's okay, he doesn't have to work on himself.

  Going back to the counter to invoice and collect the money, Gu Chen inspected the machine for them, and it went very smoothly.

  In just one morning, more than 50 tape recorders were sold. Plus other things, the income is more than 32,000. Guys, this is real money.

   "Daughter-in-law, I'll go out and buy a sack to put money in. It's really easy to make money." Gu Chen looked at the ledger and the money in the box, a little unbelievable.

   I really didn't expect that he could make so much money in one day.

   When I was in Jicheng, I only earned so much in five years.

  Of course, this does not exclude the cost, but that is a lot.

   "Is it easy now? There will be many easy things in the future." Shen Man smiled and packed his things.

  The money was earned, but she felt a little uneasy.

  There is no other reason, whether people in those markets will come to make trouble, I don’t know.

  After all, the market share is only so much, and now she has done it, that is to share the cake from others.

   Judging from the behavior of those people last time, it is estimated that they will not just let it go.

   "What's the matter, daughter-in-law?" Seeing her preoccupied appearance, Gu Chen was a little puzzled.

   Shouldn’t you be happy when you make money? Why are you still worried?

  Hearing this, Shen Man raised his head and smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just think we went well this time. I went to the market over there to see the goods, and those people are not good at it."

  Gu Chen understood as soon as he heard this, and said in silence for a moment: "It's okay, I'm here, if you are in danger, you run from the back, if you can't run, let's go to the warehouse and then go to that place."

   Unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not enter the space.

   But without entering the space, I don’t know if those people will have any weapons.

   Shen Man nodded and did not speak again.

   At noon, the two ordered two dishes at the restaurant next to them, and then ate them in the restaurant.

   Just after a few people came to buy things in the afternoon, Shen Man heard clanging outside.

  Looking carefully, three young men came in at the door, each holding a steel pipe in their hands, and knocked on the glass counter when they came in.

   "What are you doing?" Gu Chen walked over and looked at the person opposite him warily.

  Little young grinned: "Isn't that obvious enough?"

   Immediately, he slammed the glass counter into pieces.

  The glass shattered in an instant, and the ground was blown to pieces.


   Several girls were frightened and ran out yelling.

   Seeing that the situation was not good, the others put down their things and left.

  Shen Man looked at them, and then put the money box under the counter into the space, because it was below, so it would not be found.

   "Looking for trouble!" Gu Chen and the others left, and when they went up, they gave that person an electric blast.

  The three people on the opposite side did not expect to resist. Most people will definitely be scared when they see this posture.

   "Damn it! How dare you hit someone!" The three of them immediately turned on the steel pipe and were about to hit him.

  Seeing this, Shen Man pulled out a small electric baton, and while their attention was on Gu Chen, he went up in a mess.

   "Ah! What are you holding, stinky bitch!" The man suffered so much that he threw away the stick in his hand.

  Gu Chen hurried to pick it up, went up and started to say hello.

   There were no weapons just now, but now everyone is the same, so what are you afraid of?

  No one was talking nonsense, Gu Chen was tall and burly, and he beat people to the point of crying.

   No way, most of these men in Yangcheng are about 1.7 meters tall, and a few of them are over 1.8 meters, obviously not here.

   "Run!" Several people screamed after being beaten, and ran out quickly.

   Gu Chen chased and went out to fight, but he didn't chase after seeing the person running far away.

   As the old saying goes, don’t chase the poor.

  Especially there is Shen Man here, if these people try to distract him, he will have nowhere to cry.

   "Are you okay?" Gu Chen came over and asked.

  Shen Man pulled his arm and said, "I think you are the one who has something wrong. Does your bone hurt? Go to the hospital."

  Gu Chen's arm was pulled out by the steel pipe, and there was a purple mark, which was very wide.

   "It's okay." Gu Chen shook his head and said, "It's just flesh and blood injuries, but those people are really good and bad."

   These people are obviously here to find trouble, as for who it is.

  They didn't offend anyone, they must have touched someone's interests.

  The business they are doing now is the best proof, those people must have been found by the market.

   "Let's hide this time, there will definitely be more people coming to make trouble next time." Shen Man frowned a little helplessly.

   Really drunk, doing some business and being watched.

   But there is no way around this, the strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake, this is Yangcheng, not their Jicheng.

   Even if you are looking for someone, who are you looking for?

  The public is too busy now, things like them happen every day.

   "Let's go back first." Gu Chen glanced at the people around him, turned his head and entered the room, and then closed the door.

   Don’t even think about doing business. If something like this happens, other people won’t come to buy things, for fear of being involved in a fight.

  The two sat on chairs, looking at the mess on the ground, with different thoughts...

"daughter in law."

   "Brother Chen."

   After a while, the two spoke at the same time.

   "You talk first." Gu Chen smiled.

   Shen Man nodded, "That's right. I think we should find someone to act as an agent. It's really not easy to do business by ourselves. Besides, my purpose is not here, and it would be bad to waste too much time."

  Actually, she has always wanted to go to Su to do business, and there will be a big move there soon, within a few years.

  Now while you can make money, let’s make some money.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen was taken aback, what purpose is not here?

   "Daughter-in-law, the profit of this business is four or five times higher. Is there anything higher than this? There is still such a good thing in the world." He was a little confused.

   It is reasonable to say that they do this business well, and it is not a problem to earn hundreds of thousands a year.

  Hundreds of thousands! How much money was that in the early 1980s.

  Shen Man pursed his lower lips, and said what he had thought before.

   "The economic conditions in Su State were good two years ago. If we take advantage of this time and be a loser, we will definitely make a lot of money."

   "At present, there is a shortage of light industry over there. Blankets, furs, and weaving techniques are all very easy to sell."

  She inspected the market two years ago, and the price of a blanket over there is about 30 yuan.

  Even if there is no price increase in the past two years, there is still some profit.


  Currently, the ex-factory price of a blanket in China is about three or four yuan. How much cheaper is this?

  Ten times!

  Of course, she also has to set aside profits for others to earn.

   After all, they are for wholesale, not retail. That was time-consuming, labor-intensive.

   Maybe it’s like this place, being targeted by local snakes.

  It’s also very chaotic over there, it’s better to take a safe route.

  Gu Chen was silent, his face was solemn, thinking about the possibility of this matter.

   "I don't think so."

  He looked up, disapproval written all over his face.

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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