Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 310: find someone to cooperate

   "Why?" Shen Man looked at him in surprise, but unexpectedly this idea was rejected.

  With such a large profit margin, what does it mean to refuse?

  Gu Chen thought for a while and said: "Daughter-in-law, I know that there is a big profit margin here, but have you ever thought about it, the people over there are not easy to mess with."

   "Even if they swallowed the goods and didn't pay, who do we turn to to reason? Let's go further and silence us?"

  They are all ordinary people, how could they fight against hot weapons?

  There are quite a few thermal weapons over there, after all, the regulations are different in each country.

  In fact, what Gu Chen said is very reasonable, but this kind of thing does not have to happen.

   Shen Man nodded, agreeing with his idea, but could not agree.

   "I understand what you said. I think the person I worked with before can give it another try. If he is willing to cooperate, it will definitely be much more convenient for us."

   Seeing her so stubborn, Gu Chen sighed.

   "Okay, I'll go with you, now, it's better to solve the trouble in front of you."

   The two discussed it, and then started to prepare.

  The local snakes here are not easy to get in touch with. It is possible that they promised well one second, but changed face after collecting money the next second.

  So, they dare not easily decide to trust a person.

   Just when the two were at a loss, there was a knock on the door of the shop.

"anyone there?"

   Shen Man looked up at Gu Chen, the two of them have not been open for three days, who will come at this time?

   "Who is it?" Gu Chen walked over and opened the viewing window.

  A young man stood outside the door, he smiled and said: "You are at home, why don't you open the door, I haven't gotten any goods in the past two days."

   "Purchase?" Gu Chen sized him up and felt that this person looked familiar.

   "Huh?" The person opposite was stunned, scratching his head in embarrassment: "I thought you remembered me, I often buy blank tapes from you."

  He thought that he would remember it after buying it several times, but he didn't expect that people didn't know him at all.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen understood, "I remembered, I'm sorry, we won't be able to operate these days."

   This matter is not resolved, they can't continue to operate.

  The person opposite was stunned when he heard this, "Don't be like this, I've been waiting for your business, is it out of stock?"

  Gu Chen thought for a while and said: "You can also see that we are all foreigners, and our price is very favorable, so there must be someone looking for trouble. Come back in a few days?"

   After finishing speaking, he was about to close the door, but was stopped again.

   "Wait a minute, my uncle is the leader of this area, I can introduce you. No matter who comes to make trouble, he must give my uncle face."

  Little young man looked confident, as if what he said was true.

   "Brother Chen, let him come in and talk." Seeing that they were talking endlessly, Shen Man didn't want the people nearby to watch.

  After the two of them entered the room, the door was closed again, cutting off the sight of outsiders.

  The three of them sat down around the table, and Shen Man said: "Little brother, we don't have hot water here, so you can drink something cool."

  She casually poured a glass of water from the thermos and handed it over. This kind of thermos does not keep heat, and it gets cold after half a day.

   "Don't worry, who is following you? I can help." The little brother took the teacup with a smile and looked at them.

   What Gu Chen didn't want to say, after all, people he didn't know were involved, what if the wolf was lured into the house?

  Actually, he felt that he was a little too careful, but at this moment, he couldn't be careless.

   I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will fall into the pit, and I may not be able to climb up when the time comes.

   Seeing that he was silent, Shen Man understood what he meant. But the two of them don't have any background here, so it doesn't matter what they say.

   The big deal is to sell the things, or just go back to Jicheng?

  She explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and she also shared her guess.

   After all, the biggest thing here is the market.

   "I don't know your name yet?" Shen Man remembered to ask after finishing speaking.

   "Oh, my name is Zhang Ze."

   After Zhang Ze learned about their situation, the two sides got to know each other, and he went back first.

  Looking at the hurriedly leaving figure, Gu Chen said: "Is this person a whistleblower?"

   "No." Shen Man shook his head and said: "You also recognized it, he often buys things here, probably not. Otherwise, why buy so much?"

  If I were really with those people, I would have waited for a cheap price, who would buy so much for retail.

   While the two were discussing whether to bring the goods back to Jicheng first, Zhang Ze came back with a middle-aged man in his forties.

   "Brother Chen, I'm back, this is my uncle Liu Tian."

   Both parties sat down to get acquainted, and Gu Chen closed the door cautiously.

  They didn't expect that Zhang Ze would really bring someone over, but it was unexpected.

   "Uncle, don't you enjoy yourself here? Help them, and you're helping me too." Zhang Ze had a smile on his face.

  He is young, does not have a high degree of education, and has no job. He has just made some money from retail sales, so he is really reluctant to quit.

   There are also wholesalers in other places, but they earn too little. After running for a day, they don’t make much money, and they all work for others.

  Liu Tian shook his head helplessly, "You, I don't know what to say about you."

   Just help strangers like this, what if you get into trouble?

  But he really enjoys a lot in this area, and there are many younger brothers under him. Everyone is just sticking to their own business, there is not so much mess.

  It's normal for locals to reject outsiders, so it's no surprise.

   "I've heard from Zezi about your situation. I can come forward to help you take care of the arrangements, but the brothers under me also need to eat." Liu Tian kept his expression calm and his tone was indifferent.

  Most of them don’t have serious jobs. They work here, that is, buying and selling.

  But those who do not work in vain have to pay.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and said: "That's for sure, how could it be possible for you to work for nothing? What are your conditions?"

   It is best to have a deal, otherwise she will help in vain, and she is afraid that people will miss her.

Liu Tian saw that she was so talkative, so he smiled: "Ms. Shen is really courageous. In this way, I will charge you one hundred yuan a month, and the goods we give to Zezai will be lower than others. This is up to you Certainly."

   One hundred dollars?

   Shen Man was a little surprised.

   It’s not more than one hundred yuan, but less.

  You need to know who does not earn dozens of dollars a day among small business vendors?

  Of course, ordinary people spend more than a dozen yuan a day, and it’s not uncommon for a few to spend more than one hundred and two to three hundred yuan a day.

  So in Shen Man's view, this kind of request is just for her to help Zhang Ze.

   Gu Chen on the side also understood, it was nothing more than the elders wanting the children to do a good job, and they were there to help.

   As for other things, if others help, it will be fine.

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