Chapter 429 Company disturbance

  There are a lot of things going on in the Eastern District, but Shen Man doesn't intend to delve into it.

  Those people can do whatever they want to make small moves. Anyway, she hasn't finished building the West District, so she has plenty of time to spend with them.

  Although Shen Man doesn't get involved in these things, there are still some people who don't want her well.

  A few days later at noon, Shen Man was sitting on a chair reading documents when several people came in from outside the door.

   "The procuratorate, someone reported your company's illegal operation, please cooperate with our investigation." The person who came was a man in his thirties, followed by several young people.

  He put the investigation order on the table with an upright expression on his face.

  The investigation order is true, Shen Man stood up and said, "I will cooperate with the investigation."

   "Hello, my name is Jin Kai. Thank you for cooperating with the investigation." Although the man said polite words, there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

   Shen Man felt a little strange, but the other party's procedures were normal, so he could only let him take all the documents away.

  Li Wenting stood there anxiously outside the door, watching people take away their things, almost crying.

   "Second sister-in-law, what should I do!" She ran around the room anxiously, obviously unable to calm down.

Shen Man sat on the chair and comforted: "Wen Ting, don't worry. We have always operated legally, and we can't find any loopholes in the documents. What's more, paying millions of dollars in taxes every month is not for nothing. Just wait at ease."

  The monthly import and export tax of blankets is a full one million, and the higher-ups also saw their active tax payment, so they gave the green light all the way.

  As for the entrepreneurs in Jicheng, which one will pay tens of millions of taxes a year?


  Shen Man's enterprise not only brought employment problems to Jicheng, but also solved many problems for the above by paying taxes.

   Otherwise, Gao Jiwei would not believe in her strength. He can only believe it if he has seen it.

  Those who have always opposed Shen Man holding two development projects are just afraid that she is too young and her work will be unstable.

  Actually, when it comes to financial resources, she is the number one in Jicheng.

   Seeing her so calm, Li Wenting couldn't help sighing, "Well, I'm the only one who is in a hurry..."

  But this matter is really unacceptable to her, and she has never experienced it.

"Wen Ting, don't panic when you encounter problems in the future. With me here, you only need to be responsible for your own affairs." Shen Man comforted: "No matter who you work with, as long as you are not the person in charge, it has nothing to do with you." .”

   After all, it’s not long since I first entered the society, so where have I experienced this?

  Li Wenting nodded, feeling aggrieved in her heart, isn't she doing this because she is worried about Shen Man?

   But thinking about it is the same thing, it is useless for her to be anxious, and she will tell the second sister-in-law if she encounters something that cannot be solved in the future, and someone will solve it.

   "Sure enough, I'm just a laborer, and I can't be a big boss in character." Li Wenting smacked her lips, agreeing with her thoughts very much.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled, "How old are you? After experiencing a lot in the future, you will naturally have the means to solve troublesome things. Learn more, you know?"

   This is a real relative, otherwise she wouldn't have said so much.

   But Li Wenting didn't realize until now that in fact, Shen Man has been teaching her how to behave, and to teach her with a heart.

   And other people do these jobs better than her, but the other party chose herself.

   This moved Li Wenting very much, and she was very grateful.

   It is more useful to have someone to help you in your career than to have a teacher to teach you in school.

   "Second sister-in-law, thank you." She is young and has little experience, but it doesn't mean she doesn't understand human feelings, or a fool.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "Do well, what you learn is your own, go get busy."

   Seeing people go away, she got up and went to stand by the window.

   "Don't let me know who..."

  There are many jealous people, and everyone hopes that their life is better than others.

   Although Shen Man didn't care, it was impossible for him to only know about being beaten.

   This incident caused a lot of discussion in the company. Everyone in the West District heard about it, and people were panicked for a while, fearing that the project would fail and no one would pay.

  Just after noon, some workers went to the foreman to ask for wages.

   "You just started working for half a month and you want to be paid? Are you dreaming?"

  The foreman had a fierce look on his face. Although he was also worried, how could a big company go bankrupt just by saying it went bankrupt? So he still believed it was okay.

  But these workers are a little shameless, and they have to be paid when they come up, what do they think?

   "Foreman, there are rumors outside that the company is going to be ruined. We are the breadwinners, so we can't have no wages. Let's work for nothing!"

   "That's right, we only need half a month's salary."

Hearing this, the foreman laughed angrily, "It's only half a month's salary? Have you forgotten that you signed a contract before entering the construction site! The salary must be paid every month, how can there be any reason to pay it for half a month? "

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone shut up. The contract was indeed written. For those who could not read, others helped to explain it. At that time, a lawyer helped to sign the contract.

   Now it seems that this contract is fatal!

  If I had known this earlier, I would not have signed any contract.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go to work? The project is so tense now, what are you doing here!" Liu Huaqiang came over and saw so many people not working, he was furious for a while, and his attitude was not good. up.

  Everyone silenced and dared not speak. The foreman and the others could speak hard words, and they dared not fart when they were face to face with the project manager.

  The foreman also noticed that this was a persimmon pick.

   "They want to pay half a month's salary, everyone has this idea."

  He made it clear that he didn't cause this matter anyway.

   Liu Huaqiang glanced at the people below, "What do you mean?"

  The words have already been said here, and everyone began to echo.

   "Yes! We need half a month's salary."

   "It's only half a month."


   Seeing their clear attitude, Liu Huaqiang actually nodded, "Okay, I agree. But there is one thing I want to explain to you in advance, don't make trouble at that time."

   After finishing speaking, he ignored the discussion among the people below, and told his assistant to call the accountant over.

   "The accountant will come to pay you immediately. What I want to say is that those who have received half a month's salary will immediately expire and leave the construction site."

   Liu Huaqiang continued: "Our company is not short of your salary for half a month, but there is no need to add insult to injury."

   "Those who receive wages go to the side to line up!"

   After he finished speaking, none of the people below moved.

   Everyone understands the meaning, you should leave when you get paid, don’t work here.

   Who can earn money by working hard here, who is not the pillar of the family? What's more, the wages on the construction site are not low. They earn 120 yuan a month, which is two months' wages of ordinary workers.

   Can find such a salary in Jicheng, which one is not highly educated?

  So everyone didn't move, and they were deadlocked there for a while, not wanting to leave here, but also wanting wages.

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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