Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 430: Daily chemical export

  Chapter 430 Export of Daily Chemicals

   "Manager Liu, the accountant is here." The assistant was carrying a box containing cash.

   Every month's salary is paid here, and everyone is no stranger to this box.

  Compared to the excitement just now, I dare not queue up now.

  They couldn't figure out whether Liu Huaqiang was speaking forcefully, or deliberately saying this to prevent them from leaving without paying their wages.

  In the end, a few people couldn't stand it any longer, so they went straight to the queue and signed to receive their wages.

  From this moment on, they no longer have any labor relationship with this construction site.

  At the beginning, only three or four people went to sign, but in the end there were more than a dozen.

   But only these people signed and received their wages, and the others did not move.

  The person who yelled loudly at the beginning has gone to nowhere, and he didn’t sign to receive his salary anyway.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Huaqiang was so angry that he shouted to the foreman: "Where is the favorite person you called just now? Get him over with me! Let him sign his resignation!"

   Really convinced this old six, and flocked others to leave, and now they run away again?

   Did he think that no one would be held accountable? Think beautifully!

  The foreman hurried to find someone. It was all caused by that person. Today, more than a dozen people left, all of which are his responsibility.

   It didn't take long for the person to be found. Compared with the toughness just now, the person is now cowardly.

  However, Liu Huaqiang did not expel him immediately, but took him away alone.

  The others continued to work, although they felt uneasy, but judging by Liu Huaqiang's attitude, he was not short of money.

  Besides, the initial investment in this construction site is much more than their labor costs, how could it be possible not to pay wages?

  In the evening, Shen Man sits in the study after dinner and reads a book. Recently, he is supplementing his economic knowledge.

  Gu Chen brought her fruit and said, "Daughter-in-law, reading at night is not good for your eyes, eat some fruit."

   There were only the two of them in the study room, Shen Man took a bite of the fruit, looked up and asked, "How is the production of the daily chemical factory, has it met the standard?"

  Being busy recently, the two of them seldom mention work when they go home, so they don't know much about it.

  Gu Chen replied: "It's going very well, and the production has already increased. When will the export trade be?"

  Seeing that the inventory in the warehouse is increasing, he is actually quite anxious, but he doesn't know where Shen Man wants to sell this matter, so he can only wait for the news.

  But Shen Man is not in a hurry, she has already made plans for this matter.

   "I'll go out in two days, and you still need to take care of the family affairs."

  Hearing this, Gu Chen hesitated and asked, "Where are you going?"

   If it is very far away, he hopes to go with his wife. The current situation is not very good. After the economic opening, many people are very courageous, so he is really worried.

  Shen Man sighed and said: "I know you are worried about me, it's okay, I'm going to go to Bangzi Country. The people there have the same skin type as ours, and they are all Asian, so the cleaning and care products should be sold."

   At the beginning, he didn't open up the market, but Shen Man actually felt that this item would be easy to sell.

  As for why I didn't choose China in the first place, it was because of the pricing of things.

  A piece of soap for washing hair is only one yuan at most, and the cheapest is a few cents.

  The factory price of their shampoo is only 2.5 yuan. How can they sell it to the public?

  Market demand also requires a reference price, and it is not possible to sell a lot if there is a demand.

   Seeing her saying that, Gu Chen could only nod his head. His daughter-in-law has been in the world for so many years, he knows in his heart, and there is room, so there is no need to worry too much.

   As soon as the two finished talking, the phone rang.

   Shen Man connected and heard that it was Liu Huaqiang, so he asked what was the matter.

  No one has mentioned what happened at the construction site today, so they don't know.

  Liu Huaqiang also made this call after the solution was over.

   Tell what happened, this is his accusation. Regardless of whether it is solved or not, Shen Man has to be told, because he is the leader.

   "I see, you should pay more attention to the West District project. The situation is different now. Those foreign businessmen are watching us closely, and we can't make trouble at this juncture." Shen Man instructed.

  The two talked about the construction site again, and hung up the phone without any major issues.

  Gu Chen also understood something from a few words, "Is there someone making trouble at the construction site? Has the person behind it found out?"

  Jicheng is very chaotic now, probably because there are so many projects to be developed, so there are many foreigners and locals jumping up and down.

   "I don't know, but we must be in the same industry. Now that we have made money and are one of the largest companies in Jicheng, it is no wonder that no one is jealous."

  Shen Man sighed and continued: "I don't have time now, I've already asked someone to investigate, and it probably won't be long before there will be a result."

   She had expected this situation a long time ago, but there is no way to change the current situation.

   Only by finding the person who caused the trouble behind can the solution be solved, but who knows whether the trouble is caused by one person or two?

  The two didn't talk about these things anymore, and Shen Man left the country by plane within two days.

  I brought a lot of shampoo products this time, so I have to get an order.

  After arriving in Bangzi Country, Shen Man exchanged money and went to find someone to do market research. The development here is better than in China, and there are companies that specialize in research.

  Although they are all equally backward, their economy has always been closely following the Cherry Blossom Country and the Beautiful Country. These people's economic philosophy is completely different, and the national life is not bad.

  Besides the country of cherry blossoms, the standard of living of people in Bangzi country is the second highest in Asia.

  The market research took three days. Shen Man got the report and read it, and felt that it was very marketable.

   Contacted several daily chemical companies, and they thought it was good after trial, so they are ready to negotiate.

  Because she doesn't know Bangzi and can only communicate in English, the people from these companies only selected one person to represent the negotiation.

   "Miss Shen, I think the price of this shampoo can be lowered. The economic level of Bangzi Country is similar, and we also need to make money."

   After speaking, the representative calmly drank his coffee.

  Shen Man couldn't get used to the pretense of these people the most, but he still wanted to make money, so he kept smiling, "Then how much money do you think is appropriate?"

   After finishing speaking, she looked down at the price list, and her price was 25 yuan a bottle.

  This price is no longer a mid-range product. The high-end cleaning and care products are in Bangziguo, but they are only in their early twenties.

  But the effect is definitely not as good as this, so they are willing to negotiate, otherwise the supply to small businesses will affect their interests.

  The representative looked back at the managers behind him, then thought for a while and said, "At the price of 18 yuan a bottle, we can order 30,000 bottles for the first batch."

  This person's attitude seems to be giving alms.

   "Thirty thousand bottles." Shen Man laughed directly, "I'm sorry."

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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