Chapter 434 We are protesting

   "Hurry up and wash your hands and eat. I've boiled the hot water, and I can take a bath in a while." Li Jinhua said while bringing her slippers and fruit.

   Seeing this, Shen Man hurriedly said: "Mom, don't worry about it, I can do it myself."

  Although I am very tired, it is still very uncomfortable to let the elders serve me.

  There is a nanny at home, so if you can prevent her from doing these things, don't do them.

  Aunt Mei went to help serve the dishes, and said, "I'll do it, Sister Hua, if you work like this, my value won't be reflected."

  After getting along for a long time, Aunt Mei also slowly let go, and now she can joke around when talking and chatting.

  Li Jinhua nodded with a smile: "Okay, you do it, girl, I won't fight with you."

  They are referred to as sisters, but Aunt Mei never really treats them as sisters. This is just an intimate name among employers.

   I really consider myself a family, so how can I do this job in the future?

   After eating noodles, Shen Man took a break and watched TV with his family. Taking a shower immediately would definitely make him feel sick to his stomach.

  It was almost noon, she went to take a shower for nothing, came out and changed into loose clothes, and then went downstairs.

   Liu Huaqiang didn't know when he came, so he stood aside and didn't dare to show his air.

  Gu Chen on the opposite side had a dark face, and he didn't know what happened.

   Originally, Liu Huaqiang was a son-in-law, and he was not used to it with his mother-in-law.

   Shen Man went downstairs and said, "Qiangzi is here, is it something about the construction site? Let's go to the study and talk about it."

  The old couple knew that they were working on a development project, but they didn’t know the twists and turns inside, so don’t tell if you can’t tell.

   In order to avoid the old couple worrying about it, it is difficult to do any work these days, and there are too many troubles.

   Liu Huaqiang was relieved to see her come down. Although Shen Man is not easy to fool, but at least he greets people with a smile.

  The three of them went to the study, and Li Jinhua sighed, "How busy are these two children every day, and they have to deal with things when they go home."

   In fact, she just loves her dearly, but some words are too pale. Who doesn't earn tens of millions a year? She had never seen so much money in her life.

  So she never objected, young people are willing to make money and want to start a career, why should she stop them?

   Gu Dacheng smiled and said: "I just didn't catch up with the good time, or else I would have to make a career!"

  He has a stinking expression, as if I can do it too.

  Hearing this, Li Jinhua curled her lips, "You can pull it off! I've been with you for all these years and still don't know what you are like? I don't want to tear you down, so stop talking!"

  Can my man still not know? He just likes to do the work in the field, grow the whole crops and order vegetables. If you want to do business and don't know a hundred characters, what are you doing?

   "Hey." Gu Dacheng was not angry, and continued to watch TV with a smile on his face.

   Thanks to my son? His life in his later years was so happy that even the landlord would cry when he saw it.

  Now he doesn't want anything, as long as his children are harmonious and the family is happy.

   I have everything I want, this day is so beautiful.

  In the room, Gu Chen was sitting on the sofa, looking at the two of them, to be precise, at Liu Huaqiang.

   Just now when he came in, he said he was looking for his wife. Is this what a brother-in-law should do?

   And he already knew why it came, and he was even more angry.

  Shen Man signaled him to sit down, and said, "Qiangzi, don't stand still, sit down. If you have anything to say, just say it, don't look at your brother-in-law."

   At this point, Liu Huaqiang sat down and said: "There have been workers making troubles in the western district for the past few days. Once the people called by the second brother leave, these people will not work well."

  During this time, it can be said that he was driven crazy, otherwise he would not know that Shen Man came back on the first day, so he came to find someone, and he also knew that he was tired.

  Hearing this, Shen Man frowned, "About how many people are making trouble?"

  Liu Huaqiang thought for a while and replied: "About one or two hundred people, all recruited locally."

   This scale is not small. Fortunately, they are all locals. If the people brought by Wu Xi make trouble, Shen Man will definitely not let it go.

   Now that it is clear, she said: "Let's have lunch here at noon, and let's go to the construction site together in a while. This matter must be resolved, otherwise other things can't be done."

  It happened that Aunt Mei had already prepared lunch and added a pair of chopsticks.

  Everyone eats meals. Four or five people usually have five dishes and one soup, and another staple food.

   After eating, the three of them drove to the construction site. As soon as they arrived at the construction site, they saw several people lying on the ground at the door.

   "What's the matter?" Shen Man stopped the car, then walked over to check.

  These people are fine, they just lay there without moving. But seeing someone approaching, he immediately stood up.

  They looked at Shen Man suspiciously, because there were too many workers, many people had never seen her.

   "What are you doing?" She asked with a cold face.

  Maybe it's because they had a lot of good looks before, do these people think they are easy to talk to?

   Seeing that she was dressed so well, the worker didn't dare to make a mistake, so he said honestly: "We are protesting, don't mind your own business."

   "Protest?" Shen Man sneered: "What do you want to protest?"

  The workers on the opposite side were taken aback for a moment, seeing that Liu Huaqiang behind her also understood something, and all of them dared not speak.

   Shen Man was a little more polite, and continued: "Do you want to protest the excessive wages at the construction site? Or is the food in the cafeteria too good, or the living conditions here are good?"

  After the words, everyone fell silent immediately, and many workers who watched the scene hurriedly went back to work.

  How should I say it? They were so right.

   The food in the cafeteria is free to eat two meat and two vegetables every day. Of course, it is quantitative, but it is enough for a labor force.

   Such conditions, they have never seen.

  The salary is also 20% higher than the average construction site. Where can I find such a good job.

   Seeing that they were silent, Shen Man turned to Liu Huaqiang and said, "Let them leave and the labor contract will be terminated."

   "Huh?" Several people were dumbfounded. They didn't expect to be fired when they said they were fired.

   Immediately, he knelt on the ground spineless, "Manager, we can't leave, I have seniors and juniors, I can't live without this job."

   They have just worked for more than two months, and they have received every penny of the money, but now they are about to lose their jobs. How can people accept this?

   Liu Huaqiang said coldly: "Don't beg me, what did you do?"

  Why don't these people ask for help when they make trouble for him?

   Shen Man walked over and asked, "Who ordered you to make trouble?"

  Hearing this, everyone was stunned. Liu Huaqiang came back to his senses, walked over quickly and grabbed the other party's neck, "You are riding a horse, who ordered it, tell me!"

   It's no wonder that he was so excited. He couldn't find anything during this period of time, which made him a little anxious.

   Seeing this, Gu Chen went to pull him away, "It's useless."

   Liu Huaqiang didn't say anything, and kept that person sealed.

   But Gu Chen turned his head and said to that person: "If you tell me, I'll change your job for you."

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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