Chapter 435 The Fancy Bicycle

  Hearing Gu Chen's assurance, several workers looked at each other in blank dismay.

  The problem now is that if people want to fire them all, what should they do if they don’t say anything?

  Gu Chen said unhurriedly: "There is only one job quota, and whoever speaks first will get it."

  As soon as this remark came out, several people were stunned, and the person standing in front quickly said: "It's a man, surnamed Wu, I don't know the rest. Give us five yuan each, so..."

  Others regretted that they didn't say it in advance. It's a pity that the job quota just slipped away.

  Everyone frowned when they heard the news. Isn’t it the same as not saying anything?

   Gu Chen asked Liu Huaqiang to arrange that person to go to another place, and the others called the accountant to fire him on the spot, and then settled the salary.

   This kind of operation also made other hesitant people rest their minds for a moment, and at the same time understood a truth.

  People are doing such a big project, do you care if they work or not? Those who don't work will be fired directly.

  Every day, people come to the construction site to ask if workers are needed. There is really no shortage of workers here.

   Not to mention spending once a month, even if it is opened every six months, there will be people coming to work.

  Now there are too many people in the labor market and too few jobs. Who would give up hard-won jobs?

  Nobody wants to give up.

  Come to the office, Shen Man looked at the file.

   "The house is basically built, and the pipes are well protected. In addition, the window installation will enter the construction site immediately. Now the project has come to an end." Liu Huaqiang said beside him, still feeling a little helpless.

  He dared not teach too hard, for workers, he is a manager. And I can't get past Shen Man, basically I have to ask for instructions on everything.

  Shen Man put down the documents and said: "In the future, we can do whatever we want to do with the construction site, and follow the rules and regulations. We signed the contract, and if they don't work, do we still need to come to me?"

   This time she didn't give her a good face. If she came to her for any trivial matter, then what's the use of these people!

  Hearing this, Liu Huaqiang lowered his head and admitted his mistake, "It's my fault, Mr. Shen. From now on, I will follow the rules."

  With this sentence, he doesn’t have to think about the consequences of what he does, at least he needs to know what to do.

   Gu Chen said: "Those people have gone too far and resorted to some hard methods. We are businessmen, not philanthropists or orphanages. It is impossible to let them do whatever they want."

  Doing business is the most taboo of being soft-hearted, blindly forbearance will only make people ride on the neck, they can't do that.

  Hearing this, Liu Huaqiang nodded solemnly. He is not a good person. If he has this sentence, then it will be fine.

   Things on the construction site were almost over, Shen Man went to the bicycle factory again before going back. At present, the factory buildings in the factory are also completed.

  In addition, a new product has been designed, two bicycles, one for men and one for women.

  Men's bicycles are available in black or dark blue, with the latest technology, which is very beautiful.

  Women's are yellow and pink, the bright colors are very suitable for the current era.

  In the past, everyone was afraid to use bright colors, but now it is different, and they can do whatever they want.

  In addition, there are small white **** interspersed on the bicycle wheels, which are colorful and look very good when riding on the road.

  There are no men's ones, and people may not like them if they are too flashy.

  Looking at the new product, Shen Man was very satisfied, "There will be no problems with all the parts, right?"

   Some accessories are ordered from other factories, if one of them fails, it will affect the production.

  Wen Changzhang said with a smile: "No problem, the quality is strictly controlled, and the accessories are the same, they are all signed contracts."

  Since there is a contract, follow the contract, no problem at all.

   "Okay, increase production, and try to start sales before the year." Shen Man took a deep breath, it's time to make money.

  The bicycle factory invested two to three million yuan, which is not a small amount. If they don't make money, they will all work for nothing.

   On the way back, Gu Chen talked about what happened in the East District.

  The talks are going well so far, but if I want to finish the talks completely, I'm afraid it will be the middle of next year.

  Shen Man is not in a hurry about this. People will be able to live in the West District in the spring of next year, and it is still early.

  The developers in the other two districts have just entered the initial stage and will not be able to work in winter. On their side, it is estimated that there will be specific progress next year.

   In the next few days, Shen Man will rest at home, and the affairs of the company's factory will be handled by someone. Besides, all the places that need her will be dealt with that day.

  After staying for several days, Shen Man changed into new clothes and went out.

  The weather is getting colder, and the northeast wind is very dry in winter.

   Driving to the company, Li Wenting sent all the documents from the past few days.

   "Mr. Shen, that Haikang company called again, saying what kind of connections do we have, he can still produce blankets without giving raw materials."

   She said with a depressed face, obviously disgusted by this kind of evil.

   Shen Man comforted: "There are everyone in this society, and you will meet people who are more extreme than him. You have to learn to adapt."

   "In the future, just hang up their phone calls, and companies that don't cooperate don't need to show face."

  For that kind of person, it's better to talk less.

  Hearing this, Li Wenting nodded in agreement, and then went out to work.

   It was late to process the documents, and the phone rang again.

  The call was made by Gao Jiwei's secretary, just to say hello.

   Now the development of the West District has satisfied everyone, not only the leaders, but also the residents there.

  The common four-story building is also friendly to the elderly.

  Although I want to build taller ones, these are relocated buildings, and it is not good to have opinions if they are too high.

  Develop slowly, there will be more opportunities in the future.

  In about a month, the bicycle factory produced 20,000 bicycles. The main reason is that the preparations in the early stage are sufficient, and they can be installed directly.

  As the end of the year approaches, everyone starts to consume.

  Shen Man converted his idle house into a shop, and then set up a factory direct sales point.

  When the bicycle was placed at the door, people passing by stopped, some went into the house to have a look, and some looked at the door.

  There are two people outside the house looking at the car, and there are eight salesmen in the house to introduce.

  If you want to buy something, you can pick it up directly.

  If there is not enough in the store, you can go to the factory to get the goods, which is very convenient anyway.

   "Oh my god, three hundred and two cars? What kind of car is this!"

   "Three hundred and two?"

  Some people noticed the price and started discussing it.

  Eternal brand bicycles are only in the early 200s, and this broken bicycle costs 320? Enough to buy two regular bikes.

  The salesperson introduced politely: "The bicycles in our factory are very durable, not worse than permanent. In addition, this kind of advanced painting and touches cost a lot of money."

   "What's the use of looking good, it's the same ride."

  That's what they said, and they were disgusted, but none of these people left, they were still watching.

   I ask for this monthly ticket every day. After one month, I only get 40 or 50 tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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