To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 15: The girl (strike out) is on the run

After Coboga decided to escape, the first thing she did was to use poison to turn her sleeping son into an incense fan.

Although she has an antidote, using poison that stuns a child who is only a few years old may affect the development of the brain. She can't care less about that now. If Wan himself was so busy that the child woke up halfway, he might cry and make a fuss—it would be bad if he alarmed the guard at the door. It would be even worse if he woke up and started making trouble when he was halfway through his escape. It will take about three hours to escape from here to a safe place outside Yashen City. So the dose she gave her son was just enough to make him unconscious for three and a half hours. The remaining half an hour is a safety margin just in case.

Afterwards, she took off her gorgeous and heavy gown, and put on shorts for easy movement, and took all the money she could find in her room. There are a total of three Augustus gold coins, seven Augustus silver coins, two French gold coins and some small change. Unfortunately, apart from the collection of ten ancient coins, the remaining money is not enough for her to live for too long. And Cobojia didn't dare to take money from the place where the money was hidden—so she thought about it. He brought some of his jewellery. Afterwards, Coboga cut off the bed sheet with a silver dagger that protects the body from evil. She first wrapped her son into Jane in some sheets. Cut the remaining sheets into long strips.

She first sewed two neatly with a needle and thread. Later, she realized that this was too slow, so she simply tied all the remaining cloth strips into a string in a hurry. Coboga tied one end of the long cloth strip to the foot of the bed, and the other side hung out of the window. After that, she kicked up her son, and it slid down like a piece of cloth. Thanks to the funnel outside the castle, she has a place to step on. She staggered a little when she landed. But in the end it was a smooth landing. But her palm was also ground with blood.

Once you get here... it's much easier.

Coboga breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that there was a groom she could trust—he was her father, the man placed here by Earl Sathorn. So she immediately looked for it, and she looked calm along the way. Although the people around felt that Goboga's clothes were a bit strange today, they didn't ask too much because of the difference in status.

Of course, when seeing the groom, Coboga secretly kept an eye on it. Instead of telling him the whole truth, she simply said "Father will go back to Burgundy by himself" and gave him a Frankish ducat.

And all this. All under the gaze of Floros.

If Coboga had looked up the moment she left the castle, she might have seen Floros in Charles' room who had been silently staring at her.

Maybe it's because of bad luck, or subconsciously not daring to look up. Until Cobojia left, he didn't know that his academy had already been exposed.

"Your Majesty. She has escaped."

Floros turned around and said respectfully to Charles, who was lying on the bed with half-closed eyes and meditating: "I heard...she said she was going to Burgundy.

"No, Burgundy is too far." Charles shook his head.

When he said too far away, he didn't mean too far from here... but too far from the city where Solomonism is located.

The cities that Solomonism initially required were Orleans or Paris. But obviously, Injustice III would not allow such an outrageous request. Later, they settled for the next best thing and got Saint-Denis, which is also on the banks of the Seine and not far from Paris. Saint-Denis is in the western part of Frankia. Although it cannot be said to be the western border, it is similar; and Burgundy is the southern border of Falk. This is not only a geographical distance, but also a difference in administrative regions. This area of ​​western aristocracy and Solomonism can be regarded as the direct line of Zhirs. The nobles in the south are closer to Luoman, and Du Juanhou on the eastern border is a famous water paddler. If Goboga returns to her father on the famous wall, then even if the Solomon Church has some ideas, they will not dare to go directly to the south to grab it. human. Because that didn't just offend Carloman. Even Charles has doubts about their allegiance.

"After all, traitor is the most difficult identity.

Charles chuckled softly: "Even if the situation is a little wrong, our lord Pope will definitely give priority to pretending to be a loyal minister. And what we have to do is to force him to jump back and get a fair reason to declare war with him.

"So, send someone after them. Push them westward...don't let them go back to Burgundy." He said softly, "Then, find a way to reveal the route to the Pope." Let him send someone to rescue this weak mother and child.

"Also. If the person who was taken away is really a witch... Charles thought for a while and asked Floros: Gothic. Do you already know the news of my enthronement?"

"Yes. And they will also know that you will be the king of Zhili tomorrow." He thought for a long time. Then he said: "Give me the list and general information of the traitors, rebels, traitors, and traitors we have seen. I will select a group of people who will be executed for treason the day after tomorrow and hanged in the east of Yeshen City for seven days.

Then... you come forward and let the Archbishop of the Solomon Church endorse this matter for me. Beat all these people as traitors and depraved people, and then spread the news that King Zhili executed many people close to Du Juanhou on the day after he succeeded to the throne, through pigeons, especially in the east where Du Juanhou is located, and find some more People say I'm going to kill him.

"Then, you send another announcement one day later to appease Du Juanhou in my name. Then write many copies of this announcement, distribute and post them in the cities within the territory of Du Juanhou. The corner of Charles' mouth raised: "I don't believe that he Still not afraid.

"Also, I'm going to summon Baimon tonight. I need to read it and solidify it in my new body, right?"

"Your opinion, I will tell Lord Baimon. Charles shook his head, looked at Floros again, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, where did Baal go? "

"Master Baal is in the east, raising materials and manpower for your King's Landing. Floros smiled and stroked his beard: "You might as well call her to ask? "


Ah, forget it.

Charles hesitated, but dropped the idea.

"When I have summoned Yastaru, I will try to summon Baal and Asmodeus.

He said sternly.

It was definitely not because of a sudden unexplainable anger in my heart.

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