To Four Thousand Years Later

Vol 3 Chapter 16: Stone King Benito I

In the royal court of the Goths, he was much more solemn than Frank. It's so quiet here that you can hear a needle drop. In the ring-shaped royal court, everyone stood respectfully in their positions, no one made any small gestures, and no one whispered to each other.

But the irony is that the number of real nobles among them is less than a quarter. More people are some unforgivable death row prisoners, or traitors from different countries.

And they can gather together and contribute to the Goths all because of the kindness and iron fist of the Gothic king.

Yes, these two words describe a person at the same time.

He was born with broad shoulders, strong limbs, flat, long and thick eyebrows, and a large and solid forehead. His skin has become rough and hard due to years of sun exposure. Although he is only thirty-seven years old, all that remains of his head is a small circle of black curly hair in the middle. A foolish poet once praised it as "the shadow of the crown" and he sat securely on his throne. Listen to Ruo's loyal minister talking in detail about the major events that happened in Frank. This resolute stone-like man is the Stone King Nitoth.

He was the first king to appoint his country's death row criminals on a large scale and shelter criminals from other countries. He was also the tyrant who executed two-thirds of the Gothic opposition nobles during his thirteen years as king. What I have to say is that his methods of seizing power and consolidating power were very sensible and quick.

His Majesty the King of Stone obviously has outstanding talents.

His father was a known tyrant who imprisoned or executed people at will. But he was exceptionally good at fighting, and he raised an extremely powerful cavalry regiment, and he countered the encirclement by commanding times. The army of northern Egypt was severely frustrated. And signed a peace treaty with Egypt.

But he was stuck on the dinner table by a fishbone after he returned from the last victorious expedition—at least the Gothic people got such absurd notices. But how he died, not many people care. The successor supported by the people was Prince Benito, who was only twenty-four years old at the time. He was a well-known artist who excavated vast quantities of stone from the Alps. From Milan a city of marble of great splendor and splendor was built. At the same time, he is also the prince who cares most about the people at the bottom. However, after Prince Benito became His Majesty Benito, he immediately promulgated a series of extremely harsh laws, sending quite a number of nobles and scholars into prison. He used the army to maintain law and order, and beat some opponents to death. Just when the dissatisfaction of the people was about to boil, he openly opened the prison. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, every death row prisoner is assessed. Among them were nobles and scholars imprisoned by him, as well as some priests. But more are civilians and low-level officials who were imprisoned by his father.

Therefore, he selected many learned and capable people from among the condemned prisoners, and gave them a pardon period of up to ten years. He claimed that if they could maintain their loyalty to himself and the Goths and always be recognized by the people, they would be pardoned after ten years. And if they violate the thirteen body bans he set, they will be punished for multiple crimes. Can not help but be deprived of office. Moreover, his family property would be confiscated, he would be thrown back into prison, and executed the following year.

Some of these condemned prisoners praised him, and some feared him. But most of them dare not resist Benito for a share. And the remaining half... usually don't live for a year. All those who dared to resist Benito I, whether they did not follow the rules he set, delayed completing the work and tasks assigned by him, or secretly resisted him, as well as those who had come to the death penalty, would all be there. On the first day, his head was folded in front of the marble square in front of the royal court. At first glance, it looks like the death of King Hiram of Tyre during King Solomon's time nearly two thousand years ago.

When worshiping the pagan **** Hiram, king of Tire, all the people in the palace were beheaded, kneeled on the ground, and buried in the sea of ​​fire.

Some people say that he offended the angels, while others say that it was a trick similar to the Trojan horse. King Solomon's assassins sneaked into the city through the golden bull... But no matter which one, Benito obviously compares these human beings who resisted him He was the third-class sinner of King Xi of Tire.

At the beginning, the people will be terrified by such horrific and **** death. But then they gradually got used to it... and even secretly mocked those fools who dared to offend the Stone King, or pointed at their appearance.

And those who were headed remained kneeling. And their heads were placed in front of them. Their corpses rot and no one will replace them. They are also not allowed to clean or touch.

Only after the birth of the next batch of people who can be beheaded for public display, will the previous batch of people be burned to pieces and mixed into the mud that built the city wall.

Stone King believed that the walls made of mud built in this way would be stronger than those made of clay. And amazingly, that seems to be the case.

A stonemason, even a king, has been planning some buildings in his spare time. He can even carve a few not-so-big stone statues by himself... Benito likes to be called the "King of Stone", which also means "King of Stonemasons", but more people secretly call him the King of Blood Stone , Pagan King, or someone who called him "Hiran". The former is because the marble floor in front of the royal court, which has been soaked in too much blood, has become dark red and cannot be washed clean; Even driving away Solomonism's sake. The vast majority of people still believe in Solomonism. Although Solomon's Protestantism in Egypt and Zoroastrianism in Persia all worship Solomon, the wise king, as the supreme god... For example, Thoth or Ahura Mazda are basically indistinguishable from Solomonism You and I.

But for the Goths, who were not very interested in god-worship, they did not find it meaningful to regard King Solomon as the earthly incarnation of this or that god. Because they believed in **** Augustus besides Solomon. The lord who once pulled the **** Apollo from the sky and killed him gave the world back to the Romans, which was their pride. All those who regard Rome as the source of their race do not care about the worship of gods in other countries, and even resist them somewhat. The Goths, who regarded themselves as the orthodox inheritors of Rome, were naturally among them.

"Charles...he is a talented person. Much smarter than Carloman's inventory."

Benito sat on his throne, and said softly: "In the future, you will have to respectfully call him His Majesty Zhili, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the big Benitos were silent for a while, and said: "Call the witches. Let them summarize the information of the past two days. Then hand it to Hildigard. Hildigard Give it to me when you're done. I want to see it before the sun goes down.

"Also, the stupid bird who was ordered to Sonic Vatu's house

Shi Wang snorted coldly: "But if you want to take my words over, just say 'I don't expect you to understand, but you have to obey. Give me a remedy plan within three days, or you will bear the consequences. Cover it up before that, and kill those who take the lead. If you have other things to do, come see me tomorrow morning, if not, see you in three days.

Leaning on his throne, he said calmly and calmly: "See you later, gentlemen.

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