Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 105: : Go to the hospital and have a look

The placement of the bed has also been adjusted, one side is close to the wall, which gives her a sense of security. Lying now, Zhuo Yuan is outside, she is inside, she is relieved a lot.

"Are you in love with Zhou Ming?" He asked suddenly, seeing her smiling happily on the side of the road just now. Goodbye to others.

Shu Tinglan didn't answer, thinking what silly question was? If she had fallen in love with Zhou Ming, could she lie down with him now? What's going on.

"Others ask you questions to answer." He is stupid, but he is still domineering, holding her hands in both hands to fix her, and looking at her with scorching eyes.

"You think it is." Shu Tinglan replied lightly, his attitude irritating.

"You're just bullying that I don't dare to touch you right now?" He tightened his arms, his palms were strong and strong, and Shu Tinglan's was weak and boneless. After being squeezed hard by him, he felt a little pain and wanted to stretch out his hand. I can't move when hitting him, angrily

: "What's wrong with you, can you control me?"

Zhuo Yuan wanted to take care of her. He wanted to take care of her fiercely at the moment, but, looking at her ghostly appearance, she would be broken when she touched it, and only distressed.

"Just bully me and sleep with your eyes closed." What else can I do, let me chant.

With him by his side, that kind of fear was less, but he still couldn't sleep. Zhuo Yuan had just returned from abroad, but couldn't sleep because of jet lag.

Both of them sighed impenetrably.

"This time I went to the headquarters, mainly to arrange Jane's work. I will try my best to arrange for her not to return to China in the future." He suddenly started to remind Jane.


"Ting Lan, sorry! I can't cut all ties with Jane. She is also the founder of Zhuoyuan Technology, whether it is a partner or a friend, she is very qualified. I know that there are irreconcilable contradictions between you, and I respect Your choice will also put an end to any personal contact with her in the future."

This time I went back to the headquarters for such a long time, just to redeploy Wenjian's work, and I will not return to domestic companies in the future. This is the most compromised way he can think of.

Frankly speaking, for so many years, Wen Jian is indeed his best partner in his career. It is difficult for him to expel her from the company for personal reasons. His character and principles of conduct do not allow him to do so.

"Understand, you don't need to explain this to me." Shu Tinglan is now relieved a lot, and is more courageous to face the problem of gentleness, rather than avoiding it.

Behind the two of them, they chatted about the current situation intermittently. Shu Tinglan actually fell asleep. Although it was not long, this was the deepest time she slept recently.

Seeing that she was asleep, Zhuo Yuan turned off the light in the room and fell asleep after lying down for a while. I don't know how long he slept, he suddenly woke up, and the position beside him was empty.

There seemed to be a faint voice coming from the living room, and he hurriedly got up and went out.

In the empty living room, I saw Shu Tinglan standing by the window alone, facing the building opposite the window. Even if she was only from the back, she could feel that her empty nightdress was shaking in a state of panic at this time.

Zhuo Yuan wanted to call her aloud, but he knew that if he suddenly made a sound now, it would scare her even more. When thinking about how to pass, Shu Tinglan suddenly looked back at him with a nervous and frightened expression. He pointed to the roof of the opposite building and shouted sharply:

"He's going to jump off the building, he's going to jump off the building..."

Zhuo Yuan walked over quickly and looked at the top of the building opposite to her. There was no one.

But Shu Tinglan's expression didn't seem to be lying or mischievous, Zhuo Yuan only felt cold in his back.

"Look at the roof of the opposite building. He is standing there and he wants to jump off. Look, it's easy to see. There is not a single lamp on the opposite building. It's dark and there is a small lamp behind him. . Go and save him, go now." Shu Tinglan held Zhuo Yuan's hand tightly, panicked, fearful, and anxious.

Is there a light on the opposite building?

Although it was late at night, many rooms in the building opposite were still lit and bright.

"Ting Lan, Ting Lan..." Zhuo Yuan wondered if she was sleepwalking, so he patted her face lightly and called her name. If she didn't wake up again, she could only be forced to take her back to the room to sleep.

"What are you hitting me for? Go and save him...that's my dad, that's my dad, he's going to jump off the building."

Talking and talking, Shu Tinglan stopped suddenly, as if he was sober in an instant, fixedly looking at Zhuo Yuan in front of him.


It turned out to be Dad.

But my father was dead a long time ago. She suddenly realized that everything just now was her illusion, and then fixed her eyes to the opposite building. Where was anyone on the top of the building? Many windows also have lights on, and they are not all black.

"Sorry, I dreamed of me." She looked at Zhuo Yu'an calmly, and calmly went to the side to find water.

Zhuo Yuan kept looking at her, feeling that she was not dreaming, she was too calm.

When he returned to the room, he did not hold her hands this time, instead he held her in his arms, without saying a word, just patted her back gently to calm her mind.

Not talking, immersed in their own emotions. Shu Tinglan thought, it turned out to be her father, and that person who often appeared in her dreams recently is her father.

Since the death of her father, she has never dreamed of her father. She had heard before that people who died, if they miss you, will come to see you in your dreams. But my dad had never been here, she thought at that time, maybe my dad just wanted to be gentle, and he would go to the dream of gentleness.

To be precise, it did not appear in her dreams, but in her hallucinations. Before it was a vague shadow, there was no concrete image until tonight.

Later, she naturally couldn't sleep anymore, so she boiled and boiled, and finally boiled till dawn and could get up. The two of them were silent about what happened last night. Zhuo Yuan made a simple breakfast for her, and the two of them went out to work after eating.

Shu Tinglan naturally walked in the direction of the subway. Zhuo Yuan grabbed her hand and pointed to the car on the opposite side of the road.

:"I send you."

"Did you park your car?"


As Shu Tinglan expected, his car was posted, and there was a pile next to it to stop the car from driving away.

"No parking here." Shu Tinglan just missed whether he was a second-hand.

Zhuo Yuan originally just wanted to see her and left, so he stopped casually, and then forgot, so he had to leave his contact information on the car window and wait for someone to contact him.

Accompany Shu Tinglan to take the subway.

In the morning rush hour, the subway was overcrowded. Zhuo Yuan had the advantage of height. As before, he properly shielded Shu Tinglan in front of his chest, and stood behind her to block all the pushing.

Shu Tinglan stood watching the billboard passing by the subway window Lengshen. Every time she entered the tunnel, she would unconsciously close her eyes and dare not look out.

Xu Ye was tense, Zhuo Yuan held her shoulder with one hand, turned her around, and faced herself.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Without evasiveness, he said naturally.

Sorry, the update is late today.

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