Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 106: : Squeeze him dry, don't be soft

"I've seen it, it's just a slight depression." She lied calmly.

Zhuo Yuan was half convinced because she had never learned the relevant information before, seeing her so calm.

"Do you need medicine?"

"Not necessary for the time being, let's see the follow-up development." She lied again. Those who need to take medicine must also accept psychological intervention. It’s just that she’s been a bit busy recently, and she also has a weird feeling in her heart. She always feels that she is not there. She has no cause of illness. She has survived the hardest days before, and now everything is moving in a good direction. How could it be possible to get sick?

Zhuo Yuan was still worried, "Find some time, let's go to the hospital together."


"Are you busy listening to the acquisition of Whale Financial Investment?" he asked suddenly.


"Can you do it yourself?"


One question and one answer, she said very little. Listening to Whale Financial Investment, she has encountered many difficulties. So far, I have only met Mr. Xiao. Mr. Xiao, as Zhou Ming said, is completely different from the past, and although Mr. Xiao is the person in charge of this acquisition project, His assistant revealed that the real decision maker may not be Mr. Xiao, but the big boss of Listening Whale Investment, and she knows nothing about this big boss.

But she didn't want to tell Zhuo Yu'an about these work matters, and she was holding back her energy to prove herself.

"Listen to Whale Financial Investment, if you encounter difficulties, you may wish to ask Lu Kuo to inquire about it." He knew her, so he didn't help her by himself, but showed her a way.

"Lu Kuo?" She asked in surprise, what does Lu Kuo have to do with Tingjing Finance?

But seeing Zhuo Yuan nodded affirmatively, she suddenly flashed a flash of light. The big boss of Listening Whale Financial Investment was also named Lu. Since Zhuo Yuan specifically pointed out, Lu Kuo must have a close relationship with the boss.

However, she couldn't hold her face down to ask Lu Kuo for help. After all, she had always been indifferent to him because of Cheng Chen's relationship. If you suddenly go to him for work, you seem to be more utilitarian.

Zhuo Yuan saw through her thoughts and said with earnest words:

"Ting Lan, the connections that make use of each other are the connections. If you ask for him, he asks for you, there are contacts, and many things will be done."

Shu Tinglan asked alertly

"Would you not give me a condom? Lu Kuo asked me? What can he ask of me? It's nothing more than Cheng Chen's business, but I always stand firmly on Cheng Chen's side. Help Lu Kuo."

Zhuo Yuan smiled: "It's still smart, not stupid."

Is this an indirect confession to her?

"No, Lu Kuo doesn't know that you are in charge of listening to whale finance. If you let him know, he will be more proactive than you to contribute to this matter. You can choose to tell him or wait for himself. It’s just that if he finds out on his own, he will inevitably come and nag you to look down on him. You choose for yourself, and I will stand by your side."

Without Zhuo Yuan's reminder, Shu Tinglan thought that Lu Kuo's personality was indeed like this. In the past, as the monitor, I always like to take care of their affairs.

"What is his relationship with Tingjing Financial Investment?"

"His uncle's company." Zhuo Yuan said lightly, without revealing more. There are many intricate relationships behind this company.

"okay, I get it."

Zhuo Yuan escorted her out of the subway entrance and watched her enter the office building of Hongzheng Law Firm before turning and leaving.

When Shu Tinglan went to the office and put down her bag, the first thing she did was to call Cheng Chen. She thought that if she asked Lu Kuo for help, she would have to get Cheng Chen's approval.

As a result, Cheng Chen couldn't help laughing after hearing her intentions on the phone.

"Ting Lan, what kind of brain circuit is this? I told you a long time ago that we must use the resources in Senzhou. Although Lu Kuo is a big bastard, he is definitely not worse than Zhuo Yu in terms of connections. Try your best if you can, and it’s best to squeeze him dry and don’t be soft.”

Squeeze him dry, what kind of word is this tiger and wolf.

"So you don't object to me looking for him."

"Why should I object? According to your line of thinking, I shouldn't sell the house to Wenjian's mother now."

"Wen Lan wants you to buy a house?"

"Well, I am very lavish. I bought three sets of terraces on the top floor, and kept one set for myself, two brothers, one set for each person."

"Wen Jian is also in Qining?" She cautiously asked for confirmation. After all, Zhuo Yuan personally told her last night that Wen Jian had gone abroad and would not come back again.

"No, Wen Lan came alone, saying that he was visiting relatives in Qining and came alone."

"Okay, you can sell her a few more sets, anyway, the last thing she lacks is money."

"You can use Lu Kuo's resources as much as you can. I have nothing to do with him."


With Cheng Chen's attitude, she contacted Lu Kuo without burden.

Lu Kuo received a phone call from her about dinner, and said that the sun had come out from the west, and he would be favored by her in his lifetime.

"Will the surname Zhuo go?"

"Don't go."

"Oh?" Lu Kuo's voice was very meaningful, and asked after a while calmly.

: "What's the matter with Cheng Chen?"

This was his most natural thought. After all, this was the only reason Shu Tinglan could take the initiative to contact him.

"No, it's my job. I'll talk about it when we meet."

"Okay." A little disappointed, even thinking about it, how could Cheng Chen take the initiative to contact him.

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