Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 108: :go home

(The last chapter has been revised repeatedly, please turn it back and see)

Zhuo Yuan came and simply nodded to Zhou Ming, did not put him in his eyes, or put him in his eyes, so he deliberately ignored him.

"Go home." He whispered to Shu Tinglan

They are all men, and they only need a contest of eyes to know what they mean.

Zhou Ming didn't care, it was just a little unbelievable. After looking at Shu Tinglan, why did he get involved with Zhuo Yuan again? Is it because I missed it? Are you really such a vanity girl?

Zhou Ming said with a mischievous mentality:

"Ting Lan, Mom wants you to go home for dinner this weekend."

Don’t you want to be my sister?

Shu Tinglan couldn't help laughing

: "Can you be more naive?"


Zhou Ming stepped on the accelerator and left. Anyway, Zhuoyuan Technology's project was over, and he felt uncomfortable, so he left without even saying hello to Zhuo Yu's.

Only Shu Tinglan and Zhuo Yuan looked at each other with dissatisfaction.

"Mom? Don't you explain?" He said threateningly.

"You can't control it. Also, didn't you let you wait for me next door?" She was even more arrogant than him.

"Wait, but you haven't been there, I'm afraid you can't find it." He said in a high-sounding, innocent look.

When Shu Tinglan got in the car, he said quietly

"Am I really that bad? Shameless?" Very low self-esteem.

Shu Tinglan rolled his eyes in his heart and didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Why take you to see a colleague, we are okay"

Zhuo Yuan smiled: "That's right. But don't just call someone mom, it's easy to misunderstand."

"You are so generous, I meant to call whom."

When he got home, Shu Tinglan turned on all the lights in the house as usual. In the empty living room, Zhuo Yuan had no place to stand or sit.

"Tomorrow, I will help you buy the furniture." Otherwise, it would seem like a place where people live.

Shu Tinglan didn't answer. He glanced at Zhuo Yu'an and felt strange in his heart. Why did he allow him to come in and allow him to stay overnight? Although the relationship no longer occurs, this state is also wrong.

She's getting awkward again

"You can go, thank you for sending me."

Zhuo Yuan laughed angrily by her: "Am I the one you call and leave? Haven't you heard the saying that asking God is easy to send to God?"

She didn't talk about the rules, and he didn't talk about it anymore, just staying.

In fact, her state last night scared him, and she didn't want to do anything, just knowing that she can't let her be alone.

Shu Tinglan felt that after this person came back this time, he was more faceless and skinless. He had self-esteem before, and when she said something unpleasant, he slammed the door and left. Now I mean nothing can hurt him.

I took a shower on my own. By the way, I was blowing my hair in the bathroom. I felt something wrong with the blowing. The lights in the bathroom were getting darker, and the mirror of myself became more and more blurred, and it was getting darker. The familiar suffocation, the feeling of being pinched in the throat came up again.

It seemed as if there was a pair of invisible hands holding her tightly, making her suffocate, like an offshore fish, she could only breathe instinctively, knowing that it was her own hallucination again, opened her mouth, and shouted Zhuo Yuan, she swears, she really Called him loudly, but there was no movement outside, and the bathroom door had not been opened for a long time.

After a while, those hands gradually loosened, she looked in the mirror again, the light was on, and her appearance was clearly visible again. The moment just now seemed to have never happened.

Her hair was dry, and she was calm when she walked out of the bathroom. Seeing Zhuo Yuan on the balcony helping her tidy up her hanging clothes, she probably didn't hear her just calling him.

Or, she didn't make a sound at all.

Zhuo Yuan frowned when she saw her coming out:

"not comfortable?"

Her expression was calm, but her face was too pale, sullenly white.

"Have you never seen a girl without makeup?" She dropped these words and got into the quilt, a little tired. It happened that Lin Zhiyi sent the video, and she took it.

Lin Zhiyi complained. She recently recruited for Zhuoyuan Technology and flew to see candidates all over the country. She was too tired.

"After finishing this order, I really want the golden basin to wash my hands and be my emotional blogger with peace of mind."

"Did you know that Fu Shenyi is absolutely perverted. Even if it is a small technical position, he has to interview in person. Therefore, several candidates, hiring manager, and technical person in charge have met for a few rounds. After finally being hired, he Well, if a word doesn’t work, we’re going to look for it again. Does he think that candidates who can meet the conditions are all over the street? It’s really not a pain to stand and talk, I don’t know our suffering, and we are faultless. I just see when he can do it. The team is formed. When the team is not formed within the time specified by Zhuo Yu'an, the ability to be questioned or dismissed is justified."

Shu Tinglan listened quietly and found that although Lin Zhiyi was scolding Fu Shenyi, his words were more concerned and anxious for him, so he laughed, did not answer, and waited for her to continue.

When Zhuo Yuan next to him heard his name, he did not shy away from it and replied indifferently.

: "What he did is right. Ningque or abuse is my criterion for employing people."

Lin Zhitong over the video looked at Zhuo Yu'an in shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Why is he with you? Are you reunited?"

"Shu Tinglan, your scars have forgotten to hurt, have you? Give me a distance from him."

Lin Zhiyi couldn't wait to get out of the video.

"No, wait until you come back."

It was not a reunion, but Zhuo Yuan's ability to calm her mind. It was scary to stay alone in this home. With him, there seems to be less fear.

The two of them still hugged and slept like last night. Zhuo Yuan didn't dare to sleep for fear that something like last night would happen again. He didn't fall asleep until Shu Tinglan fell asleep.

As if things were consecrated at a time, he was awakened at the same time. Why is it the same time? Because last night and waking up tonight, he glanced at the time on the phone, 2:10.

Sure enough, Shu Tinglan was not around.

The lamp in the living room was still dim, and her black shadow was running around in the living room, as if looking for something, she was obviously scared, but she kept walking and looking.

But the living room was empty and there was nothing. Her behavior looked weird. In the end Xu didn't find it. She curled up in the corner of the living room and looked around with her eyes open.

"Ting Lan, what's the matter?"

At the same time as he said, turn on the light in the living room and adjust it to the lowest brightness, so that it would not irritate her too much.

When the light came on, Shu Tinglan covered his eyes with his hand, then put it down for a while, looking at Zhuo Yuan in front of him. Even though my heart was terrified, when I looked at him, I was still calm and calm.

"What's the matter?" He squatted in front of her, holding her hands, very cold.

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