Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 109: : Skip track

"It's okay, I can't sleep." She said lightly again. In fact, just now, I always felt that her father was calling her. She knew it was an illusion, so she closed her eyes and ignored it.

But after a while, the yelling became louder and louder, and even called her angrily, louder and louder, trying to break through her eardrums.

"Don't listen to what Dad said."

"Don't hurt Xiao Jian, she is your closest person."

"It's Dad who is sorry for them."

That voice reverberated in the empty living room, she was very angry, so even if he went to hell, did he still think of Wenjian mother and daughter? She got up like crazy and chased after her father's shadow.

However, when standing barefoot in the living room, I found countless black shadows, one by one passing through her body, and the voice became more and more messy, crying, laughing crazy...

For a moment, she seemed to be standing at the gate of hell. This house was the gate to hell. All ghosts came in and out from here, she kept rushing, rushing...

Until the lights in the living room turned on, those shadows disappeared instantly, and everything returned to normal.

But in my heart, I was exhausted, and in front of Zhuo Yuan, I couldn't hide the exhaustion.

Zhuo Yuan finally stopped believing that she was just mild depression. He checked the symptoms of mild depression during the day, which was definitely not the case.

"I'm sorry." Shu Tinglan apologized to him, but he didn't sleep well these days.

"Well, you should apologize." He helped her up and replied with an unclear attitude. It's because she didn't take good care of herself, and she was brave enough for her refusal to reveal the slightest condition of her illness.

Shu Tinglan didn't deliberately try to be strong, but she herself felt strange and felt that she was divided into two halves. When she went to work during the day, she was pretty sure that she was normal, she was rarely afraid, and she rarely thought about it. But at night, the sense of fear of being victimized will become strong, unable to fall asleep, and occasionally awakened by nightmares from light sleep.

Zhuo Yuan has made up his mind to take her to the hospital.

"Get up in the morning to ask for leave, I will help you with a doctor." This matter can't help her.

"In a few days, I'm going to listen to Whale Finance and see Mr. Xiao talking about mergers and acquisitions in the morning."

"Push it, make an appointment another day." Very domineering, not giving her a chance.

Shu Tinglan wouldn't listen to him. At this time, late at night, he didn't bother to argue with him, thinking that his legs were on his body. Do I need to report to him where he wanted to go? Just get up early and leave.

"Shu Tinglan, occasionally listen to other people's words, don't be so stubborn." Zhuo Yu saw her through early.

Shu Tinglan was completely silent.

She was very able to stay up late, and Zhuo Yu could not get through her asleep at dawn, so she got up quietly, preparing to go to the law firm to report first, and then to listen to the whale financial meeting.

When she left the house, Zhuo Yuan hadn't moved yet, but... When she entered the subway, Zhuo Yuan didn't know when to catch up with her. He walked beside her, glaring at her, very angry and helpless.

This person is stubborn.

Shu Tinglan did not speak, and followed the crowd to the platform. Before the morning rush hour, there were not many people on the platform. She ranked first, and Zhuo Yuan stood in line next to her.

The train was coming into the station soon, the wind was blowing in the tunnel, and the billboard above the track was dazzlingly bright. Shu Tinglan looked at the billboard opposite, only to feel that the light was flickering and dimming. Suddenly, her expression changed drastically. The card reflected a black shadow standing next to her, looking at her grimly. Before she could react, the shadow reached out and pushed her hard.

People on the platform were screaming and saw the girl jump off the rails;

At the other end of the tunnel, the train arrived soon, with whistle and car lights shining;

After the girl jumped down, she seemed to be shocked and sat there at a loss.

The people on the platform screamed again, only to see a man rushing down the rails at an unfailing speed, holding up the scared girl sitting on the rails, and throwing them onto the platform, just a little bit, just a little bit too close , The train was about to hit him. At the moment of the moment, he supported his hands and steadily climbed onto the platform, and the train whizzed past his feet.

Everyone stared at all this in amazement. After screaming, they all had lingering fears. All this happened within a few seconds, but if it was a second slower, the consequences would be unimaginable.

When they calmed down and the flight attendant ran over, everyone began to scold the girl who was lying on the ground curled up in shock.

"If you want to die, choose a place where no one is."

"Isn't this harmful?"

"If you didn't save him just now, he was killed by you too."

"Creating evil"

He scolded, and some comforted her, making her want to start.

Shu Tinglan lay on the ground, her whole body stiff. She didn't commit suicide. Someone pushed her down. She saw a black shadow. Zhuo Yuan hugged her tightly, unable to say a word.

There is only fear in his heart. If he didn't follow her into the subway, if he didn't jump in time to save her...the consequences are unimaginable. His face at this time is probably even more ugly than Shu Tinglan's, pale and grey.

The flight attendant on the platform came over and asked if they needed help? Do you want to call an ambulance?

Seeing that both of them were completely frightened, I had to persuade them to get up first and go to the next office to rest.

"Are you okay?" Zhuo Yuan only had her in his eyes. He lowered his head and asked softly, stroking her face constantly to relax her stiff face.

His voice was shaking, his hands were shaking, he hugged Shu Tinglan tightly,

"It's okay, it's okay." Comforting her is also comforting herself.

Shu Tinglan just shook his head, watching him keep shaking his head, and finally, finally said a complete sentence

: "I didn't commit suicide, someone pushed me..."

After listening, the flight attendant's expression sank. If someone pushes, the matter will be serious.

"Well, I know." Zhuo Yu'an nodded and didn't refute her.

"I want to check the monitoring."


Because of the issue of human life, the flight attendants did not dare to refuse, and took them to the monitoring room to investigate and monitor. The monitoring picture was very clear. The two got off the elevator and stood side by side inside the yellow line of the platform waiting for the train.

For some reason, the girl suddenly glanced back in horror, and then she plunged directly into the track.

No one pushed her.

There have been people maintaining order on the platform. It was not the morning peak just now, and the people in line behind her were a full meter away from her. But the girl's horrified expression and the action of leaping toward the track did indeed seem to be pushed down.

Shu Tinglan turned pale, knowing that it was his hallucination again, and it was serious.

In the previous illusion, she would not do anything to hurt herself, but today she jumped off the track in a ghostly manner, if it weren't for Zhuo Yuan by her side, she now...

I dare not think about it.

"It's okay, I'm here." Zhuo Yu'an hugged her and gently patted her back to soothe her, both of them were cold.

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