Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 203: : Resignation Letter

Director Xiao looked at her resignation letter coldly, looked at her vulnerable appearance, did not speak. Zhou Ming was dizzy by the resignation letter, and said coldly

"You still only run away. Is it useful to resign? After resigning, with your current reputation in the industry, do you think you can still find a job? When will you learn to face reality?" He is vicious but also the most realistic.

But Shu Tinglan had decided to leave, she didn't want to drag them down anymore, it dragged down enough in the past two years. Besides, she also promised Cheng Zhimin to leave Senzhou and never show up in front of Zhuo Yu'an, she had to say and do it.

Director Xiao, who has been silent for a long time, seemed to acquiesce in her resignation, and asked indifferently: "What are your plans in the future?"

"Let's rest for a while, then talk about it later." You won't find a job, it's just a difference between good and bad.

"Alright, I welcome you back anytime. If you need help in the future, please feel free to contact me." Director Xiao expressed his opinion as a final word and agreed to her resignation application.

"Thank you, Director Xiao, and thank you, Teacher Zhou." She bowed deeply to them and thanked them deeply for the love she had shown her during this period. She knew that she would never meet a better leader than them.

Zhou Ming was powerless and didn't want to look at her again, feeling very upset, so he slammed the door and left.

Overnight, I was divorced, unemployed, and my life returned to the starting point.

Looking back suddenly, it seemed that the friendship was lost unconsciously, and no one could tell the pain at this moment. She did not go back to the house in the city center again. As far as the house was concerned, she was just a hurried passer-by. There were only a few pieces of her clothes and some cosmetics. When she went out to the Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning, she had packed all of them in the trunk. .

She couldn't go back to the house in her suburbs for the time being. She didn't know how to explain her divorce to her mother, so she stayed in a hotel for two days, and went home after calming down.

What should be faced is always faced. In the living room of her own home, she sat face to face with her mother with big eyes and small eyes. It was much better than she thought. Her mother just sighed and did not scold her, and even talked to her. She apologized

"It was my mother who was sorry for you, so she just squeezed you to Zhuo Yu'an, and wanted you to live a carefree life. It was your mother who was wrong and caused you to suffer these injuries."

Mom came over and hugged her, crying silently.

"No matter if you leave, I work hard, love, and dote on the raised child not to make others dislike it. Lan Lan, you also have a mother, and you are also the mother’s dear baby. gas."

Shu Tinglan, who had calmed down a long time ago and didn't want to cry at all, burst into tears by her mother's few words. Fortunately, fortunately, with her mother, her mother will always be her strongest backing.

"Just cry this time, don't cry anymore, good girl."


Mom wiped her tears, and then proposed

"Take your mother on a trip." Shu Ma wanted to take her daughter out to relax and divert her attention. In recent years, her daughter has had a hard time. Seeing that the good days have just begun, they have become like this again. She is a mother. She's too incompetent, it keeps holding her back and can't do anything.

"Okay, where does mother want to go?" Shu Tinglan also happened to have this idea.

"Let's drive by ourselves, from south to north, wherever we go." As long as mother and daughter accompany each other, wherever they go is the same.

"Okay." Shu Tinglan readily agreed, and then immediately turned on the computer to start the strategy and plan the route for self-driving. Although it is a self-driving car, she didn’t want to drive too hard because she took her mother. So there were cities with good scenery along the way, so she planned to stay for a few days. It would take half a year to travel all over China. There are savings, enough for this half year's expenses.

Self-driving lobbying is easy, but to ensure safety and not tiring, you must make a detailed strategy and various material preparations before departure, which is very energy-intensive. This way, it really diverts her attention very well. As long as it was not when the person was lying in bed quietly in the middle of the night, she would hardly think of Zhuo Yu'an or the divorce.

In just a few days, the part of the road with Zhuo Yuan seemed to be a long way away. Especially after taking her mother on the road officially, the world seems to be quiet, only her and her mother, everything else is a hurried passer-by.

Stop and go all the way, most of them follow the planned route. Occasionally, it is convenient to stay for a few more days when I see a place I like, tired and happy.

It is early winter, and the weather has changed significantly.

Shu Ma sighed: "We went the other way. We should have gone from north to south, just to spend the winter in the south."

"It doesn't matter. When the weather gets cold, we will fly to the south for the winter and then come back to continue."

"In fact, if you spend the winter, Qining is like spring in all seasons, which is the most comfortable place. Lanlan, when this tour is over, let's go back to Qining."

"Okay." After being relieved of Dad's affairs, both mother and daughter no longer reject Qi Ning.

"I haven't been back for many years." Shu Ma has never been back since she left Xining to Senzhou 9 years ago. It was her hometown, where she lived for most of her life, and she said that she didn't want to miss it. It was fake.

It has been half a month since I drove out, and when I arrived in Huayu City, Xu was tired because of the bumps on the road. Shu Ma caught a cold and kept coughing. So Shu Tinglan parked his car at the hotel next to Huayun Municipal Hospital to check in. He planned to stay here for a few days and waited for his mother to recover from the cold before moving on.

Human potential is really great. Before that, even a month ago, she couldn't believe that she could take her mother on a self-driving trip. She couldn't believe that she could arrange the journey in an orderly manner.

In the past, she used to be the shopkeeper. Lin Zhitong first arranged everything, and she followed. Later, after being with Zhuo Yuan, she was replaced by him to take care of everything. She also shook her hand as the shopkeeper. The one taking care of.

No one helps her take care of these now, so she can.

After the mother settled down, she took cold medicine and cough medicine from the travel medicine box and gave her mother to drink, turn off the lights and rest.

I just didn't expect these medicines to be useless. My mother developed a high fever in the middle of the night and couldn't get it off after taking the anti-fever medicine. My mother's whole body was hot and cold, and the fever was groggy.

Fortunately, she was close to the hospital, so she immediately helped her mother to go to the hospital for emergency.

Shu Ma stopped coughing and stopped: "It's okay... It should be fine tomorrow after a nap." Why is her body so uncomfortable? She fell ill just a few days after she came out.

"The hospital is just across the street. Let's go take a look and rest assured." Shu Tinglan insisted.

Shu Ma was tired and weak all over, coughing after one step, and panting badly after two steps.

"Mom, wait a minute, I'll ask the front desk for a wheelchair."

This hotel is close to the hospital, and many people who come to see the doctor from other places live, so the hotel is equipped with wheelchairs. The room attendant helped her push her wheelchair over, and saw Shu’s mother’s state, and couldn’t help but worry.

"The flu has been prevalent recently. Go to the hospital, don't delay."

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