Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 204: : Severe cold 1

It was late at night, and she pushed her mother to the emergency department at the hospital. Unexpectedly, the emergency department in the hospital was still overcrowded. There were patients with cerebral infarctions, those with stomachaches rolling on the ground, and the children with convulsions and convulsions due to high fever. Parents While crying for help, every patient looked more anxious than Shu's mother's symptoms. Shu's mother kept coughing and coughing, her high fever had not gone down, and occasionally she had a bad breath. Shu Tinglan's face is thin, especially in this environment, every patient is anxious, she can't jump in the line, she can only wait anxiously by the side to see when it is their turn from time to time.

After waiting for about an hour, Shu's mother's cough got worse, and she almost never stopped, as if her trachea was spasm, then her face became flushed, and between coughing, she breathed in with her mouth open.

Shu Tinglan was shocked. He didn't care about his face or the anxiety and anger of other patients, so he rushed into the doctor's office.

: "Doctor, my mother can't breathe anymore. Could you please help her take a look."

Her expression and voice were panic, ignoring the glare of other patients, and pushed her mother's wheelchair to the doctor. Shu Ma was still gasping, her face was redder than before, as if she was about to suffocate.

When the doctor saw it, he hurriedly stood up and walked towards Shu Ma, asking about symptoms as he walked.

"How long?"

"I started coughing yesterday, and I have a high fever tonight." Shu Tinglan hurriedly replied.

The doctor listened for less than a few seconds with a stethoscope, his face suddenly changed

"Send to the emergency room, quickly."

Then the two nurses hulled up and pushed the wheelchair from Shu Tinglan. The doctor threw down the stethoscope and ran all the way towards the emergency room.

Shu Tinglan's brain clattered, as if a boulder fell, smashing her brain blank, her legs soft and unable to walk. A nurse came over and took two pieces of paper for her to sign.

One is a surgical slip for incision of the trachea and oxygen delivery;

One is a critical illness notice.

In critical condition?

How could this be?

"You sign quickly. The patient needs to be operated on immediately, otherwise his life may be in danger at any time." The nurse urged.

Shu Tinglan's brain was buzzing, and the four big characters of the critically ill notice were like a spell, which made her tremble so much that she reluctantly signed her name. Follow the nurse all the way to the operating room.

"Family cannot enter." The nurse stopped in a cold voice and closed the door.

She leaned on the door of the operating room, exhausted all her strength, and forced herself to slap herself. It was very painful. It was not a dream, not a dream. How could her mother suddenly want to be rescued? I talked and laughed with her in the car yesterday.

In the list signed just now, she only vaguely remembered a few words, flu, pneumonia, and acute epiglottitis.

Influenza, pneumonia, she knows what it is, but what is acute epiglottitis?

She checked on the Internet. It is an acute disease of the throat. The onset is sudden and the disease progresses rapidly. It will cause respiratory obstruction in a short period of time. People who want to drown will suffocate and finally suffocate. Death.

How could this be?

My mother had no symptoms at all before.

I don’t know how long I waited, but the light in the rescue room finally went out. She hurriedly greeted her, and the doctor’s face was not so good.

: "Temporarily out of danger of life, but her pneumonia is serious. I suggest you transfer to the hospital. The respiratory department of our hospital is not a strong point. Please contact the hospital as soon as possible."

It was another blow. In Huayu City, she was unfamiliar with her place of birth. Where would she go to apply for a transfer? Moreover, it is the high incidence of respiratory diseases now in winter, no matter which hospital is overcrowded.

The first thing she thought of asking for help was Zhuo Yuan, no matter how the relationship between the two ended up, and whether she agreed to process Zhimin no longer contact Zhuo Yuan, but at this time it was related to her mother's life, she could only let it go All self-esteem go to him.

After all, she had fallen in love once, and she believed that Zhuo Yuan would not die.

"Are you there?"

She posted a message on WeChat. As a result, an exclamation mark in a red circle was displayed in front of these two words, followed by a short word: The message has been sent, but it was rejected by the other party.

He actually blackened her?

Her heart ached suddenly and severely. He was too cruel, and he directly blocked her, not even giving her the opportunity to send a friend request again, and yes, he did not need to keep her contact information anymore. People like him are the most ruthless to people who have nothing to do with them.

She couldn't let such emotions affect her, and hurriedly called Lin Zhitong again. After all, Fu Shenyi is a Chinese, and she might be able to help her contact the hospital, just like grabbing a life-saving straw, as long as she can help her mother to be hospitalized. , Anything will do.

However, Lin Zhiyi's cell phone was always turned off, and the video request was never answered. She did not have Fu Shenyi's call. Her heart was in these cold voice prompts, and her heart was chilling bit by bit.

The first time I was so helpless, the first time I felt so deeply that there is no money, no power, and human life is as insignificant as an ant. Just one thing can crush you completely.

There are ambulances coming and going in and out of the emergency hall from time to time. From time to time, there are cries from the patient's family members, as well as the patient's painful groans. Every sound hit her eardrum.

The mother’s single bed was arranged in a corner, with tubes all over her body and an oxygen machine in her mouth.

The doctor came to urge her again

: "You need to be transferred as soon as possible. Your mother has pneumonia caused by the flu. It is extremely contagious, and we cannot be admitted to the emergency department."

Shu Tinglan watched her mother lying there dying, her heart cut, but she calmed down at this time. In the unfamiliar city of Huayu, if she is easily discharged from the hospital and transferred to the hospital, it is tantamount to putting her mother in more danger. So she immediately decided not to transfer, and asked the doctor to help her in this hospital.

In the face of life, people don’t need any quality, face, or self-esteem. If she doesn’t help her in the hospital, she will stay in the emergency room. In her opinion, at least in the emergency room, there will be emergencies. The doctor handles it in time.

She was embarrassed and despised. She had never been so cheeky. Regardless of the anger of other patients, she begged the doctor to help her mother be hospitalized.

"I said that the respiratory department of our hospital is not a strong point. Your mother lives in our hospital and the treatment effect cannot be guaranteed." The doctor emphasized again. It's not that he didn't save him when he died, but that her mother had the flu, there were very few ICU wards in the hospital, and her mother's condition was serious...

It's not that Shu Tinglan can't listen, she can't help it. Even though the department of respiratory medicine is not a strong point, it is a tertiary hospital after all. Where can it go?

The doctor was begged by her and couldn't help her, and her mother's condition really shouldn't be dragged down anymore. She used her relationship to help her get hospitalized.

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