Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 464: : Create opportunities

Lu Yaoyao's guess was good. Gu Ruandong still had to give Zhuo Yuan the face, so he was willing to spare time to give Shu Tinglan. In addition, Gu Ruanruan was also determined not to listen to his arrangements to go abroad this time, he thought Listen to what she wants to do.

Ruan Ruan: "I got a job at Sen Chau University and I will start next month."

Gu Ruandong listened blankly, didn't reply, wasn't interested in her affairs, and didn't care.

"I finished my studies ahead of schedule and won many awards. The Senzhou University is very satisfied with me, and the treatment is very good in all aspects. I can stand on my own without the sponsorship of my brother in the future."

Gu Ruandong still didn't look interested, but this time he replied: "That's good."

Then he turned around and instructed the secretary Xiao Cai to stop the automatic payment to her every month. After the order, he did not forget to say to Ruan Ruan: "This is a truly fair dialogue, don't you have any comments?"

In a few words, Gu Ruan Ruan's source of life was cut off instantly, ruthlessly and absolutely.

"No objection." Gu Ruan Ruan didn't feel a pity. He was right. She had the right to have an equal dialogue with him only if she stopped accepting his sponsorship.

Next, Shu Tinglan succinctly filed Gu Ruan Ruan's demands with Gu Ruan Dong, as long as their father left her the house and shop.

"Lawyer Shu, what if I don't give it?" After he listened, he simply refused.

"Then Miss Gu can only sue here. I am afraid that it will not be a matter of a house or a shop. At the time of Mr. Gu's death, 29% of the equity in the Gu Group was in Mr. Gu's name. This means that With this 29% of the shares, you and Miss Gu have the right to inherit at the same time. As for Mr. Gu’s fixed assets and other investments, we will also find professional companies to evaluate.” Shu Tinglan also seeks truth from facts, she knows what she said. I can't help Gu Ruan Dong, but I just want him to know that Ruan Ruan only needs a shop and a house, which is really not greedy.

Gu Ruandong: "Lawyer Shu, do you know there is another thing called a will?"

Shu Tinglan was stunned and looked at Gu Ruanruan. She had said very clearly at the beginning that her father went in a hurry and did not make any will. Gu Ruanruan also looked confused, she remembered that she had no will.

Shu Tinglan reacted quickly and asked Gu Ruandong to show this will to Gu Ruanruan. As the legal heir, she has the right to see this will.

Gu Ruandong sneered: "I'm afraid it's inconvenient. If you really want to read the will, you can file a lawsuit."

After relentlessly rejecting it, Gu Ruandong seemed to run out of patience: "Are you two still okay? If it's okay, Xiao Cai will see you off."

Xiao Cai was about to come and invite them away, Gu Ruandong seemed to think of something again: "Oh, by the way, I promised Mr. Zhuo to invite you to dinner."

Shu Tinglan: "It's not necessary to eat. If Mr. Gu insists on not letting Miss Gu read the will, we can only go to litigation."

"Brother, did Grandpa really make a will? Did you make it clear that the shop in the business circle left me?" Since Gu Ruandong said that there is a will, there must be a will, and she doesn't doubt it.

"Gu Ruanruan, what are you going to do with that shop? Give it to that woman? Where's your brain?"

He hit the nail on the head and saw through the essence, causing Gu Ruanruan's mouth to open, but he couldn't say a word. What she wanted to say was that the shop was taken as her ransom money, and it was given to her mother at one time, and then bought out. From now on, she will not be able to communicate with each other, go back to the bridge, go back to the road, she wants to go to a new life.

Gu Ruandong sighed: "If you have an IQ like yours to teach at the University of Forestry, are you sure you won't mislead your children?"

People's greed and inferiority, how can you satisfy them in a shop? Today I ask you for a shop, and tomorrow I will ask you for a house. As long as you see that you are soft-hearted, you will be like a blood-sucking worm, and you will not be able to drive away. What should you do if you encounter this situation? ? Cut the part where you **** it, and the wound will heal soon anyway.

Shu Tinglan was listening, but she did not expect to pull out another woman. She guessed it was Gu Ruanruan's biological mother, so Gu Ruanruan wanted the house and shop to be given to her mother?

The situation today was a bit beyond her expectation. The fact of the will alone was unexpected enough and disrupted the previous countermeasures of the two, so she decided to end the conversation first, and then make an appointment.

Gu Ruandong didn't speak any more and let them leave.

Both of them were a little depressed. Shu Tinglan felt that he was not doing his job properly and had lost a lot of effective information. Gu Ruanruan thought of what Gu Ruandong said. What about his brain?

It's not that she doesn't understand the truth that people's hearts are inadequate. It's just that she wants to cut away from the past and start a new life again, so she just wants to satisfy her mother, so that she can calmly stay away from each other in the future.

The two got off the elevator to the basement, but saw that Zhuo Yuan and Lu Kuo hadn't left. Their car was next to her, waiting for them.

When Shu Tinglan looked at Zhuo Yu'an, he became clear when he was slightly depressed and walked over: "Aren't you really worried, what will Gu Ruandong do to me?"

Zhuo Yuan also laughed, hugged her, and said frankly: "It's really a bit."

In fact, because of cooperation with Gu Ruandong recently, I have spent more time with Gu Ruandong than in the past two decades. Therefore, I also know more about Gu Ruandong than before. It does not play cards according to common sense and is a bit evil, but he is very sober. People will not mess around.

He threw his car key to Lu Kuo

: "Send Miss Gu, I'll drive Dinglan's car."

Lu Kuo took the car key and glanced at Gu Ruanruan: "Let's go."

Gu Ruanruan hurried over to get in the car and said before leaving: "Lawyer Shu, I will contact you later."

"Okay." Shu Tinglan smiled and waved to her.

When their car left, she smiled and looked at Zhuo Yu'an: "Did you deliberately create opportunities for them?"

Zhuo Yuan: "No, I am creating opportunities for myself."

Shu Tinglan smiled: "Then what would you like to eat for me at noon?"

"What do you want to eat?"


The two got into the car on the left and the right. Because it was lunch, they were both worried about work, so they just ate a simple fast food and sent her to the law firm.

"I will drive your car away first, and come to pick you up after work in the afternoon."


Both of them are private and public. Shu Tinglan did not ask him about his cooperation with Gu Ruandong. Zhuo Yuan also did not ask her about the case. They take care of each other in life and are independent of each other at work. This should be the most ideal life state that Shu Tinglan can understand.

Of course, she was very satisfied, but Zhuo Yuan felt that it was a little bit worse, that is, the marriage certificate was still missing. This was his obsession. Without getting the certificate, he was still insecure. But Shu Tinglan always fooled around with sloppy eyes, just not giving him a positive answer.

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