Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 465: : I just propose to him

Shu Tinglan felt that the last marriage was too sloppy. He didn't fall in love, didn't make a proper proposal, because of a few words from his mother, he got the marriage certificate on impulse. But this time, the two are already together anyway, first enjoy the love, and can't run away, don't rush for a while.

Lin Zhitong said that her relationship with Zhuo Yuan has now been exchanged. Before, she was insecure and worried about gains and losses. This time she was very sure. On the contrary, Zhuo Yuan was insecure and worried about gains and losses.

Shu Tinglan thought, it seemed that after returning from City H, her feelings for the two became more and more determined. Even at work, the feeling of inferiority caused by the disparity of status in the past has disappeared somehow.

She joked: "Since the relationship has been swapped, then when the time is right, I will propose to him." It's not a big deal. He gave it to her before, but now it is changed to him.

Lin Zhitong was taken aback for a moment: "Okay, Shu Shu, you are really a role model for women in the new era. When you propose to marry me, won't you kill Zhuo Mei?"

Thinking of that scene, Shu Tinglan felt a little weird and a little expectant.

Lin Zhiyi: "No matter, I will help you plan the marriage proposal at that time."

In fact, the voice-over is that she has to design and design carefully, so that Zhuo Yuan can't be made cheap for nothing.

"Don't worry, wait until the children are picked up during the summer vacation." Of course, let the children witness the happy moments of parents.

"Look forward to it." Lin Zhitong loves to join in this kind of fun, and has already started to help her watch various marriage proposal videos to be creative.


Lu Kuo drove Gu Ruan Ruan home in Zhuo Yuan's car and sent her upstairs to see how Lu Yaoyao's legs were.

On the road, Gu Ruanruan's mood was still a little depressed, leaning against the window, looking out the window, and said nothing. She seemed to like this posture very much. When she was in a bad mood, she quietly leaned against the window of the car and looked at the scenery speeding by outside, as if this person did not exist.

Lu Kuo wasn't very comfortable at first. After all, he and Lu Yaoyao were both noisy people. If you are in a bad mood, others should not think about it. But after getting along with this girl a few times, I felt that it was nice to be quiet, so that he didn't have to waste brain cells to activate the atmosphere.

After a while, Gu Ruanruan's voice came faintly

: "In fact, Gu Ruandong treats me very well."

With an inexplicable word, Lu Kuo saw her and didn't answer, and waited for her to continue.

"I was sent abroad when I was in high school. My mother kept calling me and told me that it was my uncle and my brother who were going to abandon me and let me fend for themselves abroad. Actually not, I live abroad in Gu’s mansion. There are special people responsible for my food, clothing, housing and transportation. My brother did not let me move out, and has always hired those who take care of me. I went to university by myself and moved out by myself, but my brother still fixed it every month. I pay money. This is also the reason why I can finish my studies ahead of schedule."

Lu Kuo was a little surprised by this. Gu Ruantong felt like he had a distinct love and hate, and he even had to pay for it. For this extra sister, he probably wouldn't spend time paying attention to it.

"My mother kept saying that I was abandoned and no one in the Gu family cared about me. So I never told her that I lived well abroad, so I said that I was indeed abandoned and had a hard time abroad. Do you know why?"


"Because she can only stop her greed by letting her think that Gu's family won't care about me, and she won't go to Gu's family to divide up property, so much shame."

"My brother said that I had no brains and wanted to give the shop to my mother. But I just wanted to use this shop to break the relationship with each other, because my grandfather said that it was reserved for me in front of her back then, so she She only dared to make the idea of ​​this shop and take care of other property of the family, she didn't dare to think about it."

Lu Kuo nodded, not knowing what to do. The girl was very serious about telling him about these issues that he seemed to be very private. She didn't give a response, as if she couldn't tell the past, so she nodded.

: "You did a great job."

Gu Ruanruan heard a smile suddenly appeared on his gentle and gentle face, and his voice was a little higher than before.

"Right? My brother said that I have no brains and don’t understand people’s minds. He doesn’t know. In order to get rid of my mother, how many years I have acted in acting, I have always portrayed myself in front of her as a very pitiful and unsympathetic image. , Otherwise, she would have dragged me to divide the property, and then stick to him like a dog skin plaster, how can he have such a leisurely life."

Lu Kuo thought, just casually complimenting you, are you so happy?

"Gu's family has a lot of property." It is difficult for ordinary people not to be moved.

"I don't want it anyway, it has nothing to do with me. When I go to work next month, I will be truly independent."

"Congratulations, Teacher Gu."

I just said that she was quiet, why is she talking so much now? And lack of heart, tell him everything.

When approaching Lu Yaoyao’s garage, Gu Ruanruan suddenly said

"Lu Kuo, when next month starts, I will be the brand-new Gu Ruanruan. Can I chase you after that?"

Can I chase you then?

Lu Kuo was frightened by these words and slammed on the brakes. In fact, a picture flashed in his mind. It was Cheng Chen asking him before leaving Senzhou: "Can we still be together?"

Thinking of that picture, I still feel a little sore. It's not that I didn't let it go, but it was my first love after all. It seems that because of his carelessness or his carelessness, this first love didn't officially begin, so I can't say it ends. But this paragraph The likes that end in a hurry are real and real.

Ashamed, he prides himself on being romantic, but because of his character, or perhaps his identity, no girl has ever confessed to him seriously. Cheng Chen was the first, Gu Ruan Ruan was the second.

At this time, Gu Ruan looked at him with open eyes, there was no wave, as if you did not agree, she would not care very much, but there was a kind of confidence and determination.

I don't know where her confidence comes from.

Lu Kuo released the brake and continued to drive towards the basement: "I'm not easy to chase."

How can anyone catch up casually, is it still him Lu Kuo?

"I know." Gu Ruan said silently in his heart and added: I have been chasing you for many years, when you didn't know it. I have been chasing you for many years, and I have worked hard for many years to be able to come to you.

Lu Kuo didn't speak any more, he didn't have Zhuo Yu'an's persistence. He has always been very buddhist in feelings, dispensable, and will not deliberately refuse, but he will not deliberately approach.

Hey, how come you feel like a scumbag?

He thought about it, the car stopped and sent her to Lu Yaoyao's house.

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