Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 487: : Ting Lan Proposal 2

The 3D image revolves around Tinglan at the piano, and the music at her fingertips changes with the photo. From the playground to the classrooms of Xining High School, from the street scene inside and outside the school to the rice noodle shop, there is a young man in every photo. She found him from previous teachers, classmates, and Cheng Chen when she went back this time. , Some are his alone photos, some are group photos, and every photo she adds herself to, secretly watching him behind the young Zhuo Yuan.

Zhuo Yuan looked at these photos, his heart was hurting. It was when he was young, he was chasing her shadow and landed in the corner of Qining High School, in the streets and alleys of the city of Qining. I watched her silently for countless times, but she didn't notice it. It was a sour and sweet secret love, an unknown love.

The square was surprisingly quiet, and everyone seemed to have been substituted into the story.

At the end of the video, there is a line of subtitles: Juvenile Zhuo Yuan, I'm back to see you.

The piano sound also stopped abruptly at this moment!

Zhuo Yuan didn't know what she wanted to do. At this moment, his brain was blank, and only the heart was constantly swelling. He only knew that he wanted to hug her and hug her tightly.

Tinglan also got up from the piano and untied the tied ponytail. Her black hair was scattered on her shawl. She now looks like a light mature woman. She stretched out her hand to gently block Zhuo Yu'an and didn't let him hold him. She took a step back, seriously. Look at him

: "Zhuo Yuan, thank you for holding me for so many years and not giving up on me."

"Thank you for always tolerating me and respecting me. I know that I have many shortcomings, lack of self-confidence, insecurity, and moody, paranoid and stubborn. I still don't know how to cook or take care of you..." Ting Lan Speaking of this, I can't say anything anymore.

"But, I will gradually change these, so Zhuo Yuan, are you willing to marry me? I want to marry you." She was originally a very low-key person, but today, she must have the courage to work in Zhuoyuan Technology Proposing outside the mansion is just to show her attitude, no longer be afraid, no longer hiding, just to be fair and honest, tell everyone that she loves Zhuo Yuan.

Zhuo Yuan should have been happy and excited. This was something he dreamed of, but at this moment he felt very heartache. He held her face in both hands, rubbed her face with his fingertips, and whispered.

: "No need to change, you don't need to change anything."

After speaking, bowed his head and kissed her gently, from shallow to deep, earnest and pious.

At this time when it was off work, countless employees came out of Zhuoyuan Technology's office building, staring at this scene dumbfounded. It can be called a major event in the history of Zhuoyuan Technology. Their president was proposed in public, and in public, no one kissed. .

The eyes of Lu Kuo next to him were slightly red. When he watched the video just now, he himself seemed to be taken into that familiar memory when he was young. Lin Zhiyi led the two children standing there, crying into tears, and felt that Shu Shu was brave and did a good job. As for Sister Cui, after thinking of their divorce, Zhuo Yu'an couldn't help but red eyes when he was abroad. Fortunately, all the hardships came and everything was fine.

The scene was surprisingly quiet, no one spoke, no one booed, and was not even willing to break the atmosphere at the moment. Very beautiful and romantic, like watching an idol drama.

It took a long time for Zhuo Yuan to let go of her, and Shu Tinglan was so dizzy by the kiss, she was a bit embarrassed in the crowd, but she still asked

: "You haven't answered my question. Would you like to marry me? I want to marry you."

When Zhuo Yuan arrived here, his emotions were still boiling and he couldn't calm down, but fortunately he recovered his sanity and looked down at her.

: "I should do the proposal of marriage."

He took off the ring prepared by Tinglan directly on the steel frame next to him, knelt on one knee, and solemnly proposed to her.

His fingertips were trembling, only Ting Lan could tell.

She nodded, her tears were uncontrollable, she kept falling, and stretched out her hand to let him put on the ring. In fact, this pair of rings was the pair they had when they were married last time. .

Now, I can finally put it on.

The audience finally burst into thunderous applause. For some reason, it was only the scene of the proposal, but there was a feeling of attending their wedding. Everyone felt the happiness and touch.

Lin Zhitong let go of the two children's hands and asked them to come on stage to hug their parents. A family of four stood on it very seductively, and generously accepted everyone's blessings.

The restaurant was booked before Tinglan, and a family of four drove to the restaurant. On the road, Zhuo Yuan still felt a bit dreaming. That kind of happiness slowly came up, and then a cloud of clouds lingered in his heart for a long time.

"When did you take the picture?"

"It was the time I stayed at Cheng Chen's house before."

"When did you practice the piano?" I know that she hasn't played for many years.

"Practicing at Lin Zhiyi's house. Here I want to speak for Fu Shenyi. He really made him a favor. The couple did not quarrel all day long."

When he waited for the red light, he couldn't help but leaned over, put his arms around her neck and approached him, and kissed for a long time, until Shu Xiaonian reminded him.

: "Dad, it's the green light."

Shu Xiaonian and Shu Xiaohe have become accustomed to seeing their parents kissing now, without blinking their eyes. In their concept, parents kissing and holding hands are the same concept. They are all expressions of love. There is nothing fuss about. .

"Go to get the certificate tomorrow morning." He has to implement the relationship between each other.


"When I arrange it, I will return to Beijing to hold the wedding." He is a low-key person, but he is very persistent in the matter of the wedding. He must return to Beijing to do it, and he must let his parents and all relatives and friends truly accept Tinglan. This It is his persistence and obsession.

"Okay. It's just that I don't have parents here, will your family mind?"

"No. At that time, you can invite Yi Muyang's family, as well as Lawyer Sun's family and Director Xiao Zhou Ming." He remembered all the people around her who had helped her.

Shu Tinglan smiled: "Okay, I just don't know if Yi Muyang will come. He said before that he will never give us any money." Thinking of Yi Muyang, his heart is always warm. After he returned to the H market, he recovered from his injury. He was well raised and soon recovered. Now he continues to be his club, and his life is on the right track. I just went to Sanjiangyuan to see Song Song a few days ago. It seems that he has completely stepped out of Song Song’s affairs. Avoiding this, he plans to wait for next year to continue exploring with his teammates.

After eating and returning home in the evening, the two children fell asleep quickly. Zhuo Yuan found both the household registration and ID cards of the two, and put them in the bag carefully, so that he was relieved.

It was a bit stunned, and I didn't sleep much all night.

"Do you want me to shoot the marriage certificate tomorrow with panda eyes?" Shu Tinglan protested.

"Tomorrow weekend, the Civil Affairs Bureau will not go to work." Anyway, he was a little awake tonight, moved and excited. These emotions were intertwined and kept coming, and there was always something to do to dissipate.

Author's words: I was very touched by the passage of Lan's proposal. She finally changed completely.

In addition, there are only two chapters today, thank you!

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