Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 488: : Lu Kuo continues to be left out

On Monday morning, both Shu Tinglan and Zhuo Yuan posted their marriage certificates in their circle of friends. Zhuo Yuan’s private WeChat account only added a few close friends and family members, so compared to the few likes and blessings in his circle of friends, the circle of friends of Tinglan can be described as an unprecedented grand occasion, likes And blessings almost occupied two pages.

Lu Kuo and Tinglan don't have many friends in common, so the blessings of Lu Yaoyao, Gu Ruanruan, and Cheng Chen are more conspicuous.

Cheng Chen only sent two words: Finally...

Thousands of words are in the long series of ellipsis, Lu Kuo should be in the same mood as her at the moment, as a witness to their love, and many words need not be said anymore;

Lu Yaoyao’s blessings are also very sincere: Congratulations to elder brother and sister-in-law, the lovers have finally become family members, moved and cried, and will be happy for a lifetime!

Gu Ruan Ruan’s blessing was polite: Congratulations to Lawyer Shu.

When Lu Kuo saw her words, he brushed her cold and calm face in his mind, and clicked on her circle of friends. There was nothing in it. The last circle of friends was yesterday. There was only a simple photo. The picture was one. A desk, a lamp, and a computer are very artistic.

He knew the desk and lamp very well, he had picked it for her before. It's been two or three months ago. This girl is quite interesting. She vowed to chase him before, but after taking the initiative twice, she ran out of sight. It was really unreliable.

Lu Yaoyao's filming scene in the University of Mori is about to end today, and he sent a message specifically asking him if he wants to go to the University of Mori, and regain his youth, but there will be no chance in the future.

"Of course." While replying to the message, he took the car key and drove to Mori University.

When he arrived, the set was a little hectic. Some staff had already started to pack various equipment and clean up the venue. Only Lu Yaoyao left the last scene to be filmed. At this moment, she was sitting next to the director listening carefully to the speech, and she was standing next to her. Looking at Gu Ruanruan, he looked a little funny, and he didn't know if Gu Ruanruan could understand him, his expression was more serious than Lu Yaoyao.

The scene of the instructor’s speech was Lu Yaoyao running on the playground, and while running, he smiled at the male protagonist behind him. He has already filmed three times, but the director felt that the smile she looked back at was too clean and pure, and there was a little bit less for the boys in her eyes. Admiration and confession.

The effect that the director wants is that from her looking back and smiling, there should be love and confession in the eyes, but it should be silent, that people can feel, and be beautiful.

This performance can only be understood and unspeakable.

The director is creating an atmosphere for her: "Think about the scene when you and Yuan Binghuan are together, think about the original ambiguity, the feeling of wanting to confess but not daring to confess."

It's true that he doesn't mention which pot to mention. Lu Yaoyao was already a little in the play, and it didn't feel like he was mentioned by Yuan Binghuan's name. Besides, she didn't have any ambiguity, she liked Yuan Binghuan at that time, so she stalked and chased her.

It was so difficult. I happened to see Lu Kuolai, but I was not in the mood to pay attention to him. I just said:

"Brother, let Ruan Ruan take you to Senda. I still have one shot I haven't finished." She needs someone to be quiet now.

"You can really arrange things for people, you don't have time to ask me to visit what Sen University? You are busy, is Mr. Gu not busy?" Mr. Gu was so busy that he didn't send him a message for three months.

Gu Ruan said with a smile: "I'm not busy, it's over."

She hurriedly hurried this summer vacation. On the last weekend before the start of school, she finally completed the part of the school-based textbook that she was responsible for, so she could relax.

Lu Yaoyao turned around to ignore him, and went on to confront the director.

Lu Kuo glanced at Gu Ruan and said, "Thank you, Teacher Gu, to show me around the campus."

He is not a high school student and college student, and he has no interest in visiting the campus, but he just reluctantly visited the campus when he came. Soon he discovered that Mr. Gu had no intention of showing him around, and he had circled the teaching building twice.

"I didn't expect that you Mori Dakong has a name, isn't it known as the best scenery in the country?" He stopped and didn't go.

Gu Ruan looked at him because he was unknown.

He: "I only saw this teaching building back and forth. Are there any other attractions?"

Gu Ruanruan raised his head and glanced at the teaching building and smiled: "Sorry, I just thought about something else."

Lu Kuo was mad, and even if he walked with him and treated him as transparent, did he want to lose his mind about other things? Isn't it a bit too much?

His expression became cold, and he paused: "Then Teacher Gu, go and work, I'm leaving."

Gu Ruan Ruan was not angry. He said: "Our school has several memorials and museums that are worth visiting, but it is not open for summer vacation. When school starts, I will take you there."

She is like this, I don't know if it is because of her strong insensitivity and insensitivity to other people's emotions, or because she doesn't care at all, Lu Kuo clearly showed his anger just now.

"There is also an artificial lake in front of which the scenery is beautiful, but it used to be a bit hot. However, the small forest by the lake should be okay, that is, it is not taken care of during summer vacation and the trees are prosperous. There may be more mosquitoes."

She deliberately **** him off and explained it solemnly. Every place can find a reason not to visit.

"Gu Ruanruan, do you think I really want to visit your broken university?"

"Don't want to go shopping?" She smiled. Although the smile was faint, Lu Kuo discovered that she was a "successful conspiracy" smile, which was deliberately angry with him.

Okay, Gu Ruanruan, you really do!

This time I left without looking back.

Gu Ruanruan returned to the set to watch Lu Yaoyao filming without incident. Her last shot finally passed, and she and the director were very satisfied.

"You got my brother away?" She saw it from a distance just now.


Lu Yaoyao looked up and down Ruan Ruan repeatedly, then smiled and said, "I think my brother will die miserably in your hands."

Her brother Lu Kuo was always the only one who was hot and cold to others, making a whim, and running away when he was upset. And Ruan Ruan uses his own way of ruling his body, and he uses this trick to perfection.

At the beginning, it was tickled in Lu Kuo's heart. When he was really itchy, she left him in the air for three months, very calm.

"My brother should be healed by someone."

Gu Ruan Ruan: "Actually, I have been really busy these three months."

Of course, because that night, the incident of going back to school from his house alone is still fresh, and it did hurt her self-esteem. In addition, she and Gu Ruandong’s property affairs did not come to fruition. , It’s not too late.

The filming of Lu Yaoyao's filming at the University of Mori was all finished. The assistant helped her pack all of her belongings. She only walked out of the school with her mobile phone, while Sister Hao and the driver were waiting for her outside.

"Ruan Ruan, are you really going to stay at my house for a few days? School hasn't started yet."

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