Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 684: : Youth. Holding the class card

Zhuo Yuan didn't have much interest in the affairs of his parents, nor did he pay much attention to it.

In the eyes of the elders in the family, he is a particularly polite and sensible teenager, without the so-called adolescent rebellion, very worry-free, growing up so much, and almost never flushed with his parents. In the circle of Beijing, he has been a proper child of other people's family since he was a child.

But what Cheng Zhimin did not expect was that adolescent children would fight so fiercely with her for the first time.

It seemed to her to be a very small thing. When she went to clean up his room, she saw the bottle of carbonated drink on his desk and threw it into the trash can. The nanny cleared the trash can when she was cleaning. .

The two did not think about it at all when they were at home during the day. As a result, in the evening, Zhuo Yuan came back from school and entered the room without seeing the bottle of carbonated drink, so he immediately came out to ask.

: "Where is the drink I put on the table?"

Cheng Zhimin replied directly: "Throw it away in the morning. I told you that you can't drink this kind of junk food."

Zhuo Yuan's face changed immediately, and his voice was not as polite as before. He asked angrily: "Where did you throw it?"

After all, he was a teenager, and he was at home, with joy and anger all over his face.

He looked anxious and angry. He had never seen a babysitter like him before, and he was taken aback, a little worried and said: "I cleaned up the garbage in the morning and threw the garbage bag to the garbage station outside."

As soon as the voice fell, the tall and thin boy stepped on his slippers and ran to the garbage station downstairs.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Zhimin looked at the babysitter, confused.

"Yu'an, what are you going to do?"

Cheng Zhimin and the nanny also hurriedly followed out, and they saw Zhuo Yu'an standing by the garbage station, looking at the garbage station that had been cleaned up by the sanitation workers, his face was ugly.

Cheng Zhimin gently tugged at his arm: "Just a bottle of drink, it won't be enough. Anyway, you don't drink it anyway. Throw it away and throw it away."

I want to comfort him.

Zhuo Yuan threw his hand away, his voice stern: "Don't touch my things in the future."

He never lost his temper, and suddenly lost his temper like that, Cheng Zhimin was a little frightened.

But I don’t understand, it’s just a bottle of drink. If you really want to drink it, just buy another bottle.

During the rare two days that Cheng Zhimin was at home, Zhuo Yuan didn't say a word to her.

A young boy, with a temper, it is scary enough.

But Cheng Zhimin is also angry. Is co-authoring her not as important as a bottle of drink?

After finally going home to accompany him for two days, they broke up unhappy.

Zhuo Yuan became angry, but when Cheng Zhimin went on a business trip again, he still silently drove her into the car and said goodbye to her. The babysitter was moved by watching, and there is no more sensible child than him.

Zhuo Yuan's anger disappeared, but it was a pity that the bottle of drink was lost. It was a proof that the girl finally discovered his existence.

Tinglan has learned a lot about physics recently. One is because he often listens to Zhuo Yuan’s lessons for Lu Kuo. He patiently answers all her questions every time, and if there is enough time, he will take them to preview later. Content. The second is the remedial class that her mother enrolled her. There are three regular classes a week, one in mathematics, physics and chemistry, so she slowly adapts to the pace of high school learning, and she is also a very smart and hard-working child.

At the end of October, before the midterm exam, the school held an autumn school sports meeting.

In the morning of the school sports meeting, the national flag is raised, and then each class competes in a line; the afternoon is a competition of various events, both for individuals and for groups.

Tinglan doesn't have a lot of sports cells, so the school sports meeting has always had nothing to do with her, so she should be a cheerleader at best.

However, in this school sports meeting, Lu Kuo was entrusted by his teacher with an important task to select candidates for each event. He just reported to Tinglan for an 800-meter race.

Tinglan refused, she was tired of running 100 meters.

"The important thing is to participate. You can walk if you walk. If it doesn't work, you can just walk. Just walk the entire distance."

Dinglan's refusal is invalid.

Then Lu Kuo also arranged a competition event for Cheng Chen, the long jump, Cheng Chen gladly accepted.

"If you have to participate, I will also choose the long jump." Tinglan tried again. The long jump was much easier than running, and Lu Kuo was eccentric.

"Cheng Chen is expected to win this project. Are you embarrassed to compete with Cheng Chen?"

Listening to Lan is really embarrassed to be said by him!

In addition to arranging them into the competition, Lu Kuo is very strict in choosing other students. If you want to register, you must go through strict screening by him.

When the whole class was training in the queue during his spare time, Lu Kuo repeatedly looked at Tinglan and Cheng Chen standing in the team, wondering who to choose to stand in the front and hold the class card.

In his selfishness, of course he wanted to give Cheng Chen the opportunity, but after all, it was the face of the whole class. Cheng Chen looked good, but he couldn't deny that Dinglan's image and temperament were more suitable.

So I called out Tinglan and handed her the class card of Class 3: "You stand at the front of the team."

The whole class had no objection to this decision. Not only did Tinglan have good grades, but she also looked more beautiful. Everyone privately assumed that she was the classmate of class 3.

Ting Lan Luo Luo Fang took over the class card and stood at the forefront.

She is indeed beautiful, even if she is wearing such a regular school uniform and little white shoes, she can see that her body is straight and smooth, with a simple pony tail, generous, beautiful and pure.

Zhuo Yuan, who was also training on the other side of the playground, casually looked over and saw Tinglan standing at the forefront holding the class card. There were obviously dozens of classmates behind her, but those classmates became automatically. In the background, only she is shining.

Just like when I first met that day, so many classmates became the background, only she on the stage was shining, very dazzling.

Zhuo Yu'an was in Class 2, where Wen Jian stood in the front and raised the class card. Of course, she was also the best choice.

There are also students in the grade who are secretly comparing the looks of Lan and Wenjian. Each is undoubtedly the class flower, but to become a recognized class flower, the two classes have their own words and feel that their class is the best.

Especially the class 2 students are more proud: "Our class is gentle and the grades are first in the grade. Talent and beauty coexist, and the school flowers are well-deserved."

Regarding grades, the students in class 3 have nothing to say. The grades of my class are indeed worse than others. High school is not only a teacher, but also academic performance.

At this time, both classes are training in a line on the playground. The two girls standing in the front row are really pleasing to the eye. Even from the back, there is something like that.

In the playground in the evening, the last class of each class was used for line-up training, and no one wanted to lose face in front of the teachers and students of the school to be the last one. Among nearly 10 classes in the first year of high school, there is no doubt that Class 2 and Class 3 are the most powerful contenders for the championship.

Tinglan took the initiative to notice Zhuo Yu'an in the true sense. It was this school sports meeting.

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