Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 685: : Youth. Dazzling him

Tinglan took the initiative to notice Zhuo Yu'an in the true sense. It was this school sports meeting.

Before the line-up competition, there was a flag-raising ceremony for the whole school. The previous three flag bearers were senior seniors from the third year of high school, but they had a lot of academic work, so taking advantage of this school sports meeting, the school happened to be replaced by freshmen in the first year of high school.

The ones chosen to be the standard bearers were Zhuo Yu'an, Lu Kuo and Wen Jian.

Lu Kuo and Zhuo Yuan used to be flag-raisers at the school in Beijing, so they were chosen without a doubt. As for Wen Jian, she is also the best candidate among high school students in terms of grades and looks.

On the playground, Tinglan first noticed Wen Jian, because she was influenced by her parents since childhood, so she paid special attention to her every move. She knew her mentality was wrong, but she would pay attention to her every time she was out of control.

Just like looking at the results of the list before, her focus is also on Wenjian first, she is in the 50th place. After seeing it, the first thought is over, and she will be said by her mother again when she goes home.

On the flag-raising platform at this time, the three of them were indeed very seductive. Tinglan was originally looking at Wenjian, but he couldn't help but look at the boy next to him.

In this specific environment, as a flag-raiser, he gathered everyone's attention.

His movements of raising the flag are smooth and standard, his expression is solemn and serious, his whole body is sharp and heroic.

This is the first time Tinglan really took the initiative to notice him, and then silently sighed that he was quite handsome. In the past, there was no specific concept of the word handsome, but now there are specific images.

In the morning class queuing competition, Tinglan and her class were behind the second class. She was standing in the front of the class and holding the class card, while Zhuo Yuan was standing in the last row. The distance between the two was very close.

Obviously it is a uniform dress and uniform movement, but Zhuo Yuan is extraordinarily energetic and conspicuous in the crowd.

People’s concerns are like metaphysics. Before that, although Zhuo Yu’an often came to Lu Kuo, or encountered several times on the bus, the two of them also have a lot of overlap, but for Ting Lan, He is no different from other boys in the school, and she rarely thinks of this person on her own initiative.

But now, because of the attention she had just raised the flag, her attention was drawn to him involuntarily, she almost forgot the rhythm of her footsteps, and almost went wrong. Luckily, Lu Kuo's slogan was clear and powerful, and she would not make a mistake.

It may be because of nervousness, or it may be that the morning sun is strong, and her white cheeks are dyed with a touch of red.

When the competition was over, all the high school classes stood side by side in the middle of the playground waiting to announce the results. Everyone was a little loose, chatting in low voices, and Tinglan and Wen Jian were standing at the forefront of their classes, and they were also talking quietly.

Gentle and proactive: "Ting Lan, do you have any competitions this afternoon?"

Ting Lan answered truthfully: "Yes, 800 meters."

Wen Jian: "What a coincidence, I am also 800 meters. But, can you?"

Wen Jian’s question is really not malicious, because he knows that Tinglan does not love sports. Most of the students in the physical exam during the senior high school entrance examination scored full marks, and Tinglan seems to be about to pass.

"You also run 800 meters?" Ting Lan only paid attention to this one.

"Yes indeed!"

Dead Lu Kuo, why did you sign up for her? Is it too late for her to quit now? She doesn't want to run with Wenjian.

Thinking about this, she looked back for Lu Kuo among the class crowd and found that he didn't know when he was standing in the last row.

Tinglan looked at him bitterly, Lu Kuo also felt her gaze, pointed to himself, and asked with his lips.

:"Find me?"

Tinglan glared at him again, only to find Zhuo Yuan from the next class sitting next to him, and then hurriedly retracted his gaze.

"What's wrong with her?" Zhuo Yuan asked.

"I'm not happy to arrange the 800-meter race for her." Since reporting this event to her, Tinglan looks like this every time he looks at him.

After speaking, he glanced at Zhuo Yu'an and added: "Give you a chance to save the United States as a hero."

Zhuo Yuan didn't feel grateful: "What bad idea do you have, don't tire people out."

Neither side pleased him, Lu Kuo could only feel like a dog, and didn't want to care about him anymore, and walked back to his original position.

The results of the line-up competition came out very quickly. After the school leaders scored for Class 2 and Class 3, the scores were the same, regardless of the outcome. Therefore, the two classes tied for the championship, it was considered as the actual title.

Ting Lan was more nervous than in the morning during various events in the afternoon. When she thought of the breathless chest tightness and suffocation during the running competition for a while, she hated Lu Kuo to death, but Fan Lu Kuo appeared in her sight. Just stare at him.

Every time Lu Kuo hid behind Cheng Chen to avoid her gaze.

Cheng Chen's long jump was okay. Although not very top-notch, it should be no problem to take second and third place, so he was full of ambition and waited for the game to start.

The 800-meter run was the last one. In order to listen to Lan's relaxation, Cheng Chen said: "Should I go to the small playground next to it to warm up first?"

Because she looked nervous.

"Okay, warm up first." Tinglan was actually a buddhist school. Lu Kuo signed up for her. She wanted to focus on participating. At most, she couldn't run, so she reached the end.

But when I learned that Wen Jian had also participated in the 800-meter race in the morning, her weird ambitions arose, at least not to lose too ugly.

The two went to the small playground next door to warm up. This playground was a basketball court. At this time, a few students were playing basketball. They should be the third year physical education students of the school, so they did not participate in the school sports meeting.

When the two of them just walked to the edge of the playground, it was a disaster. An unbiased basketball hit Cheng Chen's head, and she almost fainted with Venus in her eyes.

Ting Lan's eyes were quick to support her, Cheng Chen's painful tears were about to fall, and several basketball players also hurried over to ask if there was anything wrong.

Cheng Chen clutched his forehead. After the dizziness was reduced, he shouted: "I have a concussion, you said something is okay."

"Take you to the infirmary first." The first boy squatted down slightly and checked her forehead. It seemed that there was some redness and swelling, but it was not very serious.

Cheng Chen ignored him, took his hand from his forehead, and let Ting Lan see, "Is it serious?"

"There is a little redness and swelling. How do you feel?"

"It seems okay, it's really unlucky." She didn't want to go to the infirmary either, and the campus radio had already started broadcasting the long jump that was about to be her turn.

She was raising her hand to rub her forehead, when the tall sports student opposite suddenly took her hand away

: "Don't touch your forehead first. My name is Shao Hui, a junior (6), if you feel unwell, you can come to me anytime."

For the sake of people's good attitude, Cheng Chen didn't care about them anymore, and ran back to the competition venue with Ting Lan's hand. There were a few sports students just now, and she didn't remember the specific people and names too much.

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