Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 734: : Youth. A new beginning

Tinglan shivered, the sense of absurdity made people scared. She coaxed and tricked her mother to go to the hospital for an examination, only to find that she had mental problems.

At that time, it was sporadic and not serious. When I arrived at the hospital, my mother was already fully awake, so the doctor prescribed medicine and recommended to go home for observation.

Later, Tinglan knew that her mother had known that she had a mental problem, and had been taking medicine secretly, but she insisted on her will to decorate her home.

Going home in the middle of the night, her mobile phone was automatically turned off, so she didn't look at missed calls. When I turned on the phone the next day, countless text messages flooded in, all of which were Christmas activities of various businesses. At a glance, it was almost all spam text messages. She also unintentionally looked at it because of her mother's affairs and chose to delete it with one click.

A few days after the new house was renovated, my mother fell ill. She cried while laughing at home. She didn't even know her anymore. In desperation, she could only send her to the hospital.

Looking back now, it was just a few fragments, but the fear and helplessness at that time had been imprinted in her heart, so she could only hold on, work hard, make money, strengthen herself and become a mother's support.

Over the years, she has slowly realized a truth, time can dilute a lot of sorrow, and time can alleviate a lot of hardship. Countless times, she gritted her teeth when she felt unable to go, but she actually survived.

So everything is left to Time, and she never complains about herself.

Work step by step, go to the hospital once a week and communicate with the doctor in charge of mother's situation. Life was uneventful. From my mother's illness to hospitalization, it took two years and two years and passed away in a blink of an eye.

She has been in this company for almost 4 years if she counts the internship.

The news that the company was going to be acquired spread for a while. Tinglan didn't care at first and felt it was groundless, until Mr. Shi called her to the office and personally told her that he planned to sell the company.

This was Ting Lan's first job, and Mr. De Shi took care of it a lot, so he was very reluctant to give it up.

"Is there something wrong with the company?" she asked.

Mr. Shi shook his head and said calmly: "No, it's just that I want to take a long vacation, so I'm looking for a company that can take it further."

After listening to Lan's reaction, he continued: "I have greeted the acquirer. If you want, you can continue to stay here."

This is his main purpose for talking to her.

Tinglan replied: "I will think about it."

Her salary increased by 50% every year from the internship to the formal change. She knew that this was instructed by Mr. Shi and was specially raised for her. If you go to another company to find the same type of job, the salary will probably be much lower.

But if Mr. Shi is no longer in this company, she has no reason to stay in this company. And if you continue to work as a legal counsel in another company, your career seems to be overwhelming at a glance, and the salary is also very limited, so at that time, she had the idea of ​​going to the law firm to challenge it.

When the company was acquired, she did her last effort to bring the job to a successful conclusion.

There is a saying that when God closes a door for you, he will inevitably open a window for you, so although her life is a mess, her career luck has always been good.

Before leaving the campus, she met Bole like Mr. Shi and gave her a stable job; and now after the company is acquired, she has been hired by the talented Hongzheng law firm again after the company was acquired.

On the first day after she entered Hongzheng Law Firm and got her badge, she took a photo and uploaded it to Moments of Friends.

This time with the text: a new beginning, a new journey.

Full of hope for the future, very positive.

Lin Zhiyi trusted her privately, invited her to dinner, celebrated her employment, and she answered well.

Cheng Chen also liked her, and then wrote to her privately: You should have come out of the company to the law firm. There are challenges and a future. Lu Kuo is also in Senzhou, I told him, let him introduce more customers to you.

Lu Kuo? Tinglan remembers that he visited her several times when he was in college, but after graduating from work, he seemed to seldom contact her anymore. Only occasionally in Senzhou high school classmates reunion, he would send a message to inform her, but she never Go to the appointment.

Zhuo Yuan also saw her circle of friends, so, did she leave that company?

Since Christmas that year, he has never looked for her again, even if he has returned to China to open a branch office and stabilized, he has never looked for her again.

Her circle of friends has always been visible to everyone. He counts his friends on ZYA, a private WeChat account, with ten fingers. So every time she posts a circle of friends, it is almost on his homepage, so he doesn't need to swipe it specially.

He zoomed in on the badge she had issued, first glanced at the one-inch ID photo, smiling at the camera with a light makeup, his eyes gleaming, his heart tightened, and he thought, how can this person connect? The ID photos are so pretty.

The lanyard on the badge has the logo of the law firm, Hongzheng Law Firm?

Zhuo Yuan checked it on the Internet. It is a well-known red circle firm in the industry. The office building where the law firm is located is not far from Zhuoyuan Technology, a few kilometers away.

After he got off work that day, he drove to the bottom of the law firm building without getting off the car, but stayed on the side of the road.

It's also fate. When I got off work, I saw her coming out of the glass revolving door of the building. The professional attire wrapped her figure just right, and the dark red low heels on the soles of her feet made her walk smoothly. After she came out, she stood in front of the door and answered a phone call, then raised a smile, trot to meet a girl next to her, and naturally went over and took the girl's arm.

The girl seemed to dislike her dress and pulled the clothes on her chest. She slapped the girl's hand in a despised manner.

In just a few minutes, Zhuo Yuan realized that he could see so carefully, and even the color of her shoes did not fall off.

The heart was beating again, not as dull as before, but alive.

In recent years, with the development of his career, many beautiful girls have taken the initiative to surrender to him, and there are also many outstanding women who have come into contact with him at work.

However, he has always been in a state of mind, and he has no idea of ​​trying. The simple reason is that he doesn't feel it.

He was in a good mood when he returned to the hotel he was staying in that day. He wanted to ask Lu Kuo out for a drink, but Lu Kuo ran to Qining again. He opened a bottle of wine and drank it, and while drinking it, he flipped through her Circle of friends.

Almost knows her diet preferences.

Early the next morning, he allowed himself to drive the car to the side of the road in front of the Hongzheng Law Firm office building. Because he didn't know when she would be coming, he arrived an hour earlier. Half an hour before their law firm went to work, he saw her coming from a subway entrance not far away.


Author's words:

1. In the text, Tinglan always remembers Zhuo Yu'an, remembers that he is a high school alumnus, always comes to Lu Kuo, remembers KTV, remembers the rice noodle shop

2. When talking about Lan Bai lotus or green tea, I can only say that everyone understands it differently.

From her perspective, let's move the timeline. Since she was tempted and quickly put out in the first year of high school, she has never actively spoken to Zhuo Yuan, right?

After graduating from high school, her family had a sudden change. In the four years after graduating from university, she was busy with her livelihood. Zhuo Yuan appeared three times in total.

The first time I was waiting in a coffee shop, Ting Lan didn't know;

For the second time in the elevator of Shiyan Technology's office building, Zhuo Yuan did not know her when she saw her;

The third time was the company exhibition, that is, this time at Christmas. I met you.

But from her point of view, in the past 4 years, her life has not been the shadow of this person at all, it is blank, what do you want her to respond to.

And Zhuo Yuan fell in love first, but he never insisted every time. When he was rejected for confession after graduation from high school, if he insisted on it, it might be different. This Christmas, if he persisted a little longer, it might not be the same until the next day.

Of course, this was caused by his pride in his youth. Later, after the two had a real intimate contact, every time he was rejected again, he lost his anger and continued to come back. That's why he had later happiness.

Finally, Tinglan does have a lot of problems. She, like us, is not a perfect person.

I was moved to see what some readers said, and with Ting Lan's tenacity and hard work, even without Zhuo Yuan, she could still live well in her life. Her suffering in the next few years was indeed brought to her by Zhuo Yu'an, so did she not pay?

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