Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 753: : love in time

Sitting on the side casually, smiling from time to time, the **** the phone is also eating outside, not only posting selfies, but also food photos.

"Mr. Shi, do you know that other people's Chinese New Year is full of delicacies from mountains and seas, but ours is very simple. Look at my face, I'm hungry."

It’s fake to be hungry, and it’s true to boast that you can lose weight during the Spring Festival.

Focus on praising your self-discipline.

Shi Yan laughed. Before he could reply to praise her, the other party sent another message: Well, Mr. Shi, I admit it. I lost weight because I thought about you so I couldn't sleep at night and I didn't know how to eat.

Knowing that she was joking, Shi Yan's heart skipped a beat, and there was a lingering lingering yearning, and he felt the same words for sleepless nights and food.

He got up with his mobile phone and went out to send her a video. The video was quickly connected. The girl's bright smile appeared on the screen. She laughed and he laughed, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Zhijie's eyes were sharp: "Is Teacher Shi also eating out?"


"With whom?" she asked casually.

"Mr. Qin, Zhang Cheng, and Tang Su." After speaking, he explained, "They came to see Mr. Qin."

"Then go back to dinner, don't let them mistakenly think that I'm angry, you must maintain my generous image."

Shi Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You really don't care at all?"

"It's a little uncomfortable. But I believe you can handle it well, and it also shows that our teacher was charming. If we break up in the future, I will definitely be as obsessed as she is, and I will always miss you."

Lin Zhiyao casually said the word "break up", which made her heart suddenly sore, so she would not break up with Teacher Shi.

Shi Yan: "Fake, we don't have the possibility of this if."

He was decisive.

After chatting for a while to end the video, Shi Yan never told her that he was going to see her the day after tomorrow.

He went back to the table, and the other three had finished eating and were chatting and waiting for him to come back.

"Let's go." He didn't take his seat again, and turned to check out again.

After seeing Zhang Cheng and Tang Su away at the door of the restaurant, Shi Yan looked at Teacher Qin seriously.

: "Ms. Qin, please explain."

He called her Ms. Qin to show that he was angry.

"Explain what, Tang Su and Zhang Cheng are here, it's noon, I can't drive her away."

"Apart from today, do you usually keep in touch with each other a lot?" Shi Yan asked.

"Yes, Tang Su has often come to see me in the past two years. But aside from your relationship with her, I have always had a good relationship with her, and it is understandable to communicate appropriately."

"Mom, you know what you think in your heart. There's no need to explain it to me. But I don't want to give you or Tang Su some unrealistic fantasies."

"Okay, you should know that your mother has always stood by your side and supports any decision you make, as long as you are happy."

"I am very happy now."

"I can see it."

After getting in the car, Mr. Qin sighed with emotion: "Actually, my mother knows that it is impossible for you and Tang Su, but my mother feels a little guilty for her. The girl doesn't have many years of youth to delay, and she will soon be 30 in the blink of an eye. following you."

Shi Yan: "This is also the attitude I have always expressed to you. If you don't want to delay her, don't give her any illusions and let her go forward."

Teacher Qin: "Do you think she will go forward if you let her go? She is desperate, thinking that as long as you wait for you, when you have the idea of ​​stopping, and when you want to get married, you will definitely look back to her. "

Shi Yan was also helpless. When he broke up, he made it very clear that his personalities were different, and his plans for the future were different.

"Yanyan, I have never understood why you reject marriage. Although your father left early, your parents have always been very loving. At least your childhood grew up in a happy family. After your father left, your mother was afraid You were wronged and gave you all the love. You shouldn't have a shadow on your marriage."

Shi Yan shouted: "I don't reject marriage, and there is no shadow. It's just that I wanted to fight for my career before, and I didn't meet anyone who wanted to get married."

"What about now?" Teacher Qin asked.

"Now, the time is right and the place is right!" Shi Yan replied.

"Mom bless you."

The next day, I accompanied Mr. Qin to the hospital for a physical examination. The report would take about a week to come out. Mr. Qin said:

"Okay, your mission has been successfully completed, you don't have to be absent-minded with me every day, do whatever you want."

Shi Yan was not polite, changed the ticket that night and left.


Lin Zhixuan was chatting with Tinglan via video chat, and complained crookedly, "Teacher Shi hasn't replied to my WeChat for three hours."

"Shi is always busy, do you still have to be on call 24 hours a day?"

"It's a matter of attitude, and it was answered in seconds before."

When she was depressed, WeChat suddenly vibrated, and she switched back to the chat page. It was a selfie that Shi Yan sent her. She was full of complaints just now, but suddenly she laughed. Teacher Shi also learned to take selfies, so handsome.


She suddenly discovered that the background of his selfie turned out to be the landmarks of her city.

Ah.... her heart is beating wildly!

Tinglan, I hang up, let's talk another day.

Run outside with clothes on.

The house was quiet. Her parents went to a relative's house to play mahjong, and it was estimated that they would not be able to return until midnight.

The landmark building was not far from her home. She took a taxi and arrived in a few minutes.

Under the night, the lights of the landmark buildings are reflected on the river surface, reflecting each other.

Shi Yan seemed to be standing in the bright starlight, smiling and reaching out to her, Lin Zhijie rushed into his arms and hugged him tightly, feeling that he was a god, descending from the sky.

Don't ask why he came, all words are overshadowed at this moment.

After hugging and kissing for a long time, Shi Yan released her and straightened her hair that had been ruffled by the wind. He still didn't speak, but just smiled, and the smile was full of love.

Lin Zhixuan, who has always talked a lot, was also at a loss for words and did not dare to speak, for fear of ruining the beauty of the moment.

The two looked at each other for a moment, kissed again, and smiled involuntarily. A mature man and a passionate girl were a little silly at the moment.

"send you home!"

"Teacher Shi, you are welcome, I am very happy."

The two spoke at the same time.

Her house was not far away, and she was not in a hurry to go back, so the two chose to walk.

Lin Zhixuan was thinking about how to talk to his parents, how to introduce him, or to secretly hide Teacher Shi in her room tonight and talk about it tomorrow morning?

Hiding a man in her room? Just thinking about this makes me feel a little irritated, my head is full of crazy thoughts, and I can't help but secretly have fun.

Shi Yan stopped and looked down at her

: "Thinking of something bad?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Tokihiko nodded, yes.

Then she would have a showdown: "I want to do bad things."

He asked knowingly, "What's wrong?"

"Attend class!"

Author's words: As I write, I suddenly remembered, this kind of sudden surprise, did our brother also do it?

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