Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 754: : love in time

Shi Yan rubbed her hair: "Good student."

He didn't continue walking with her, but stopped in place.

Lin Zhijie looked at him inexplicably.

"At your house." He pointed to the building next to him. He didn't plan to go to her house tonight. It was too presumptuous and inappropriate.

"Isn't Teacher Shi going up?"

"If it is convenient for you, I will come to visit your parents again tomorrow morning." He has a very good upbringing and is serious about interacting with her, so he has the most basic respect for her and her parents, of course not Will go to her house to sleep at will.

"It's convenient, it's convenient tonight." Lin Zhiyi grabbed his hand, reluctant to part with him, and her family was actually very open-minded and didn't have so many rules and regulations.

Shi Yan smiled and said in a low voice, "I'll stay here until the end of the vacation, so I have a lot of time for class."

The serious words just poured oil into Lin Zhixuan's heart, and he really wanted to go to class. But she also knew that, in the style of Teacher Shi, she would never go to her house tonight, she was pestering him and was reluctant to let go.

It was almost 12 o'clock in the night at this time, the whole community was extremely quiet, and the two were kissing inseparably, when suddenly a familiar and loud voice came.

: "What are you doing?"

It was Lin's father and Lin's mother who had just returned home after playing mahjong. The two looked at the man who was holding their daughter in his arms in shock.

Rao Shiyan was used to seeing big scenes, and the situation at this moment also made him not know how to speak more appropriately.

Lin Zhiyu reacted first and stood in front of Shiyan

"This is Tokihiko, the boyfriend I told you about."

"Aunt and uncle, hello, I take the liberty to interrupt." Shi Yan hurriedly greeted.

Lin's father and Lin's mother won a lot of mahjong tonight, and they are in a good mood. They looked at Shi Yan up and down through the street light, but they didn't embarrass him. Of course, they didn't show much welcome, just nodded and said.

"Go up."

Directly invite Tokihiko to their house.

That's all, it doesn't seem appropriate for Shi Yan not to go upstairs. Lin Zhixuan happily took his arm and went upstairs, but his mother glared at her and warned her to restrain herself.

Lin Zhijie stuck out his tongue and held Shi Yan's hand silently instead.

When he got home, Lin Zhixuan was mentally prepared to be questioned. As a result, his parents were yawning and exhausted from playing cards all day.

that's all?

Not only Shi Yan was a little unbelievable, but even Lin Zhijie was a little shocked. She was a girl, and her parents weren't worried at all, and didn't they set rules for her? For example, it is stipulated that the teacher must go to the guest room and so on.

Although she certainly won't listen.

In this way, it seems that she is not taken seriously at home.

"Teacher Shi, my parents usually control me very strictly."

"They always love me very much."

She explained it a little pale.

"Well, I know." Shi Yan nodded.

Judging from her usual performance, she grew up without lack of love, no doubt about it.

Lin Zhijie was very rebellious. Her parents didn't set rules for her, but she set it up herself and asked Shi Yan to wash up quickly and then go to the guest room to sleep.

Shi Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He probably understood what an educated daughter, Mo Ruo's parents, was. He knew that the more he managed, the more rebellious he became.

Shi Yan didn't sleep so soundly in the unfamiliar environment, and woke up early. When he walked out of the room, he saw that Lin's father and Lin's mother had already woken up, and they were all wearing outdoor clothes.

Dad Lin was wearing a leather jacket and his hair was well styled, while Mom Lin had her hair up and her makeup done. Shi Yan found out that Lin Zhijie was a very good president, and he chose the advantages of his parents, so he was beautiful.

"Uncle and aunt, good morning." He greeted politely. Fortunately, when he came out just now, he also changed into more formal clothes, and didn't want to leave a bad impression on them.

"Good morning."

The parents of the Lin family usually only stay at home during the holidays and wake up very late. It was unprecedented for them to wake up so early today.

"What do you want to eat? Your uncle went out to buy breakfast." Mother Lin asked.

"I'll go with my uncle." Lin Zhijie was a little embarrassed before he got up, so he might as well go out for a walk and get closer.

"Okay, let's go."

When Lin Ma saw them go out, she immediately got up and rushed into Lin Zhixuan's room, pulling off her quilt.

: "Still asleep? Get up quickly."

Lin Zhijie looked up in a daze and saw the delicate makeup on his mother's face, his first reaction was: "Mom, are you going out?"

"Did you forget something?"

"Yeah, Teacher Shi. Is he up yet?" Lin Zhixuan immediately woke up.


"Leave?" She got out of bed in a hurry, and she almost cried when she saw that there was no sign of him at home:

"You drove him away? I knew there must be a conspiracy when you were so peaceful last night."

As he said that, his eyes were really red, and he was reluctant to be a little wronged by the teacher.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a girl's failure to stay, how sad your dad should be."

"I'll go find him." Lin Zhixuan wanted to go out in his pajamas.

"Come back, your eyes are above your head, so you can't see his luggage?" Lin Ma pointed to the suitcase in the guest room.

Lin Zhixuan only saw this, and his face blushed a little: "Who told you to lie to me. Why did he go."

"I went to buy breakfast with your dad."

"Oh." Lin Zhiyi leaned on the balcony and looked at it, eager to see through.

"It's really worthless." Mom scolded her in disgust.

Lin Zhiyao smiled: "Mom likes him too, right? Otherwise, what do you do with makeup early in the morning?"

It's true, the Lin family's parents didn't care on the surface and didn't want to care, but on the New Year's Eve, when they heard about her boyfriend, the couple hid in the room and turned Shi Yan's information upside down.

There is no need to say about the family background. My mother is a university teacher and a nutrition expert. He owns a company. He looks and behaves very well. The impression of the couple is good. In addition, they saw a real person last night. liked it.

The only problem is that it's a bit bigger than wawa.

Dad Lin thought more openly than her: "Yeyao is only a few years old, and he hasn't graduated from college yet. It's okay to talk about love. If you have a good relationship, you will have a better vision in the future."

Mama Lin was instantly relieved, yes, it's early, don't worry.

After a while, Shi Yan and Dad Lin came back, Dad Lin was empty-handed, and Shi Yan was carrying breakfast.

Lin Zhijie, who couldn't wait to help the soy sauce bottle at home, saw it, and hurried over to take breakfast from him, shouting:

: "You all know that when you bullied me, the teacher."

Dad Lin smiled: "I dare not dare."

We just went out to buy breakfast together. Although it was only a short time together, Dad Lin liked Shi Yan very much, not only because of his good self-cultivation, but also because he could see his intentions for his daughter, so he deliberately bought what she liked. Details The whole picture.

After breakfast, my mother said:

"After dinner, my father and I will go to my grandmother's house for New Year's greetings. You can arrange it yourself today."


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