Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 755: : love in time

On the balcony, watching his parents' car drive away from the community, Lin Zhiyao hung on Shi Yan's body, clinging to him and refusing to get down.

Shi Yan took her down and said, "Take me to your mall first and buy gifts for your parents."

He had planned to buy a present today, but he didn't expect to see him in advance last night. It was rude to come empty-handed.

"No, my parents don't care about that." It was rare for the two of them to be at home alone, and Lin Zhijie didn't want to go out.

"Good, let's go out to buy gifts first." Shi Yan insisted.

Buying gifts is one reason, and another reason is that he doesn't want to do anything inappropriate for children in her house. After all, the two are in the stage of love, and doing so is disrespectful to her or her parents.

Lin Zhijie didn't believe it: "What kind of strange baggage are you, and how can you be such a law-abiding person?"

Shi Yan was noncommittal, and the person had already walked to the door.

Lin Zhixuan had no choice but to accompany him to the mall unwillingly.

As long as he went shopping, Lin Zhiyi's little emotion just now vanished.

"What do your parents usually like?" When buying gifts, it's natural to do what you want.

Lin Zhixuan thought to herself that as long as it was expensive, her parents would definitely like it, but she couldn't let Shiyan spend money, so she said

: "Just buy something to eat."


Shi Yan said yes, but turned around and took her into the store of a luxury brand. He was a very caring person, and after spending a short time with her parents at her house one night, he observed her parents' preferences.

So regardless of Lin Zhijie's objection, she bought a bag for her mother and a belt for her father.

"Thank you, Teacher Shi, my parents must be so happy." She bought everything, and she accepted it. She was really grateful and didn't feel awkward at all.

The two strolled around for a while, and after having lunch at the mall, they were ready to go home. While waiting for a taxi on the side of the road, Lin Zhiyi felt a little depressed and didn't really want to go home because he couldn't do anything when he got home.

She glanced at Shi Yan angrily, they were the male protagonists in love, didn't they say that it would be like every three autumns if they didn't see each other for a day? Why was he so calm and calm? Excessive!

Just thinking about it, the taxi came, and the two got into the car. She should have reported her home address, but she didn't speak, and then she just listened to Shi Yan.

: "Go to **** hotel."

When Lin Zhixuan heard this, she instantly smiled without shame and impatience. She had a cold look just now, but now she is actively leaning on Shi Yan's shoulder. She really doesn't feel like a serious girl, but what can I do? It was her most real thoughts and emotions, which she didn't want to hide.

However, this hotel is the best hotel on their side. If you go there temporarily, it is definitely impossible to have a room.

As a result, when she was at the front desk of the hotel, she realized that Shi Yan had booked this hotel two days ago, and it had been booked for five days from last night.

He came to see her, but he didn't plan to stay at her house. Last night was purely by accident, and he met her parents so late, disrupting his plans.

The two went upstairs holding hands, Lin Zhixuan's heart beating fast.

After they were together, except for the first night in the hotel, the back seemed to be at his house all the time. So in this environment of the hotel, the feeling is completely different.

In order to relieve her heart that was beating too fast, she had nothing to say: "You didn't live last night, what a waste."

This hotel is expensive for one night.

Shi Yan just opened the door, wrapped one arm around her waist and turned inside the door, closing the door.

"No waste." His husky voice was accompanied by his burning lips.

Afterwards, Lin Zhiyi only had one thought,

It will still be the teacher's meeting!

It's still when the teacher can do it!

Obviously more urgent than her, but from last night to this morning, she did not show the slightest thought, and it was only after she entered the room just now that she was revealed.

The two came out of the hotel in the evening. Lin Zhijie felt that it was a waste to book a hotel and not stay there. For such an expensive hotel, one night’s cost can almost buy a donkey brand entry-level bag, so when he arrived at the front desk, She wanted to go back.

He was dragged back into his arms by Shi Yan: "I can't go back, and I won't waste it."

Very serious words, but looking at her eyes, there is an ambiguous warmth, which makes people flustered.

Lin Zhijie calmed his heartbeat and said, "I finally understand what Teacher Shi said, your class is very expensive, it's really expensive."

Shi Yan: "Indeed, so it's worth it if you stay a few more times."

He is a wolf in a serious coat. Where is the appearance of such a gentleman and politeness, it is an illusion, an illusion!

Only Lin Zhijie could see his true face.

When the two returned home, it was already dark, the house was still quiet, and their parents had not returned.

She called and asked, and her parents said, "We are staying at my grandmother's house and we will go back tomorrow."

This, Lin Zhijie suspected that the parents did not go home on purpose to leave space for them, which was a bit too much, she was not their favorite baby girl, and she was too relieved to Shiyan, right?

"My parents don't usually do this." She emphasized again, fearing that Shi Yan would think she was a child no one loved.

"I know."

"Go back to the hotel?" It's really a waste if it's so expensive.

"Okay." Shi Yan smiled, and brought his small suitcase back to the hotel by the way.

Young men and women live in the hotel, do not need to say what to do, in short, they are not distracted, but also very happy.

So, the next morning, Lin Zhiyi was woken up by her parents' video call. She got up in a hurry and was about to answer the video. She looked down at herself again, and hurriedly put on her clothes and took her mobile phone to the balcony to pick it up. .

Typical thief guilty.

The video was connected, but the parents didn't ask where she was, but asked, "Did Shi Yan bought the gift in the living room?"

"Well, he bought it for you, as long as you like it."

"Of course I like it, but how can I ask for such an expensive gift from him? Mom will call you money later and give him the money back."

"No, you can accept what he wants, and pay more money to live."

"Then it's a welcome gift from his parents, a red envelope for meeting him."

"You can give him face-to-face greetings, there is no reason for me to help with the transfer." So, Lin Zhijie felt that these customs were unnecessary, and it was very troublesome to go back and forth in the end.

However, in the end, the greeting was not returned, because in the afternoon, Shi Yan suddenly received a call from Zhang Cheng, asking him to go home.

Shi Yan's heart tightened: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Qin's physical examination has an indicator that is not very good. The doctor recommends a re-examination."

Shi Yan didn't ask anything, knowing that if it wasn't a big problem, Zhang Cheng wouldn't make the call.

He was still calm. After booking the plane ticket, he sent Lin Zhixuan home, and went upstairs to say goodbye to her parents politely before leaving.

"Fufu, we'll see you back in Senzhou." He had already reached the door, but he turned back and hugged her.

"Okay, see you in Senzhou."

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