Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 756: : love in time

Shi Yan didn't get home until 7:00 p.m. The house was dark, and only a round light above the dining table was on. Teacher Qin sat alone under the light to eat. She always paid great attention to three meals a day. When she saw him coming back, she was stunned. a bit.

Shi Yan didn't say hello, just sat across from her and looked at her.

This scene reminded him suddenly when he was a child, when his father died, they came back from the funeral, the mother and son were sitting face to face like this, neither crying nor speaking, eating dinner in silence.

Because I cried all the tears at the funeral, what I have to do in the future is to face the real life. This is what his mother said at the time, and then their mother and son did the same, working hard and actively facing the future life.

So this time, Shi Yan didn't have too many negative or pessimistic emotions. All he could think about on the way back was how to find the best medical resources, how to treat him, and only think of solutions.

Teacher Qin is also very calm: "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat on the plane."

"I told Zhang Cheng and Tang Su that I didn't necessarily ask you to come back. The results of today's review won't come out until a week later."

Teacher Qin was deeply afraid that Shi Yan would say that she was in contact with Tang Su again, so she hurriedly explained:

"It was a coincidence this morning. The medical examination center of the hospital told me to go there, and I happened to meet Tang Su. It seems that one of their company's equipment in the medical examination center failed. Report for repair. She accompanied me to read the medical report, and then told Zhang Cheng."

Shi Yan: "Now is not the time to be concerned about this. What did the doctor say?"

"The results didn't come out, so the doctor can only say it's suspected. But it's not too far away, your grandmother is also breast cancer, probably hereditary." Teacher Qin said lightly, trying to keep his tone as relaxed as possible.

But how can it be so easy? Her calves were weak all day, and her mind was buzzing. She thought about it a lot, thinking about her whole life, and she had a lot of thoughts.

Her life is a mixed blessing. The joy is that her career is developing smoothly, and her son is excellent and filial. The sad thing is that the young lost her husband and raised her children alone, and only she can understand the hardships.

I have experienced all the joys, sorrows and sorrows, and I don't have too many regrets when I think about it. The only thing I worry about is my son Shiyan, afraid that if he really has three strengths and two weaknesses, he will really be alone in this world.

Shi Yan nodded: "I'll accompany you to get the results then, it's fine!"

He has never panicked or anxious, and his performance has always been stable, giving Teacher Qin a feeling that he can rely on him.

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem. Your grandmother passed away when she was almost 80. Now the medical conditions are much better than hers." Teacher Qin comforted him and encouraged himself.

Both mother and son are trying to give each other confidence. This is also the way they have always dealt with things. When they encounter problems, they try to solve problems first, and try not to enter with emotions.

Shi Yan's IoT company was developed with a pharmaceutical traceability system. Most of the long-term cooperative customers are pharmaceutical companies and hospitals, so there are many resources in the medical system.

After returning to the study, he contacted several familiar doctors and asked them to help recommend good hospitals and doctors. He also learned about the disease-related information in advance.

When I was done, it was already late at night, and then I saw the message that the girl had just sent on the mobile phone WeChat.

: Teacher Shi, are you asleep?

Not her usual style, with a little caution, as if she was afraid of disturbing him.

He sent a video request directly, and he received it in seconds, his eyes were red, as if he had just cried.

"I'm very worried about you. Is Teacher Qin alright?" Lin Zhijie held back for an afternoon and evening, but didn't dare to look for him, for fear that he would be busy. She only knew that something might have happened to his mother, but she didn't know the specific situation. She was worried before going to bed, so she couldn't hold back and sent a message carefully.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little confused today, so I didn't contact you." No matter how calm and calm he was in front of Teacher Qin, he's a little bit down now.

"What's wrong with Teacher Qin?"

"Suspected breast problems, no results yet, don't worry." He didn't really want to tell her this, he couldn't bear to show the bad side of life in front of her.

"Teacher Shi, don't worry too much, Mr. Qin is fine."

Lin Zhixuan comforted dryly. She didn't know what to say more appropriately. She had never experienced such a thing in her life. The elders in the family were more and more alive. The only experience in taking care of sick elders is to help Tinglan take care of her mother a while ago.

"Okay, go to bed early and don't stay up late."

"Good night, Teacher Shi."

"Good night."


Mr. Qin's examination results came out soon, without any luck, the diagnosis was confirmed, but fortunately, it was not the worst result, it was early, and the recovery rate was very high.

They were accompanied by Zhang Cheng and Tang Su. They were both locals and had a lot of connections in the hospital.

When Shi Yan saw the results, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I have already found a hospital and a doctor in Senzhou, and I will send the test results to the doctor later, and they will make a treatment plan as soon as possible."

He planned to let Teacher Qin go to Senzhou for treatment, after all, the medical level there is much higher than here.

Teacher Qin refused: "it's not necessary, it's fine in this hospital."

"Mom, you must listen to me this time." Shi Yan insisted that he only had one life, and he couldn't take any risks.

As soon as he called her mother, Teacher Qin knew his attitude. On second thought, his job was also in Senzhou. If she insisted on treatment in her own hospital, he would have to run back and forth, which was very hard.

Zhang Cheng also said next to him, "Shi Yan and I are both in Senzhou. If you go for treatment, we can take care of it more easily."

Teacher Qin had no choice but to agree, but emphasized: "I don't want you to take care of me at that time, just get me a nurse."

The last thing she wanted was to trouble others, even her own son.

Tang Su on the side also said: "Senzhou's medical conditions are indeed better. Auntie is fine. I will also have a project in Senzhou after the year, so I can go and help."

The earlier the treatment, the better, so Shi Yan quickly drove Mr. Qin back to Senzhou, greeted the doctor before coming, and went directly to the hospital to go through the formalities.

Lin Zhijie originally planned to stay at home for a few more days, but after knowing the results of Teacher Qin's re-examination, she returned to Senzhou ahead of schedule and went to the hospital with them to go through the formalities.

Seeing her, Shi Yan felt warm in her heart, and went over to hug her: "You accompany Mr. Qin, I'll go through the formalities."

Arrange for her to do something so she doesn't get distracted.


Seeing her, Teacher Qin felt a little unhappy: "Fuji, thank you for your hard work."

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