Today Should Be Preferred

Chapter 757: : love in time

"It's not hard, Teacher Qin, I think I'm useless, I don't seem to be able to help." Lin Zhixuan was a little annoyed.

Teacher Shi and mother were very polite, she didn't do anything, but they always thanked her.

Teacher Qin said, "Because of you being by my side, Yanyan will feel more relaxed, so this helps a lot."

They are all ordinary people, and they are all mortals. When encountering such a situation, they will be afraid and panic, but they are all hiding, not wanting to worry about each other.

When Teacher Qin saw Lin Zhiyi coming, she was actually very happy. She felt relieved that Shi Yan had someone to accompany her.

After Shi Yan completed the admission procedures, he took them to the ward.

The ward is a double room, and the other bed is a middle-aged woman about the same age as Teacher Qin.

Shi Yan originally wanted an independent ward, but they came here on a temporary basis, and the beds in this department were too tight, and even the current bed was arranged on a relationship basis, so he could only live there first.

After all the things in the hospital were sorted out, Shi Yan and Lin Zhixuan sat side by side and looked at Teacher Qin.

Teacher Qin said with a smile: "I'm fine. I'm just like a normal person now. You stare at me like this, no problem, and you can see the problem."

She is indeed no different from normal people, because it was found by physical examination, when the body did not have any symptoms.

"Isn't today the first day to go to work after the holiday? Go back quickly. Just come when the doctor arranges the operation."

It was already afternoon, and on the first day of work after the holiday, Shi Yan's cell phone kept ringing, and many people were looking for him.

"Mr. Shi, go get busy. I'll accompany Teacher Qin in the hospital."

"No, you can go back and rest. Auntie can go and eat by herself now, so she doesn't need to be taken care of."

Shi Yan looked at them and finally got up

"Fuck, let's go."

I really don't want to keep her in the hospital, and I also want to give Teacher Qin a little personal space, knowing that she is forcing her face in front of them and laughing. Many emotions cannot be held back and need to be released.

Lin Zhijie looked at Shi Yan's eyes and got up too.

: "Teacher Qin, have a good rest, I will come to see you tomorrow."

After that, go out with Tokihiko.

When she got to the door, she went to hold Shi Yan's hand, and found that his hand was cold. She covered his hand with both hands, and Shi Yan suddenly turned around and hugged him tightly.

He was cold even on his body. These days, he has been very calm and did not reveal a trace of timidity, especially in front of Teacher Qin.

But just now, her warm hand was covering his, and this warmth broke the string he had been straining these days.

Lin Zhixuan also wrapped his arms around him tightly, hugged him, and gave him warmth.

She could understand his feelings for his mother, which had been dependent on each other since childhood, and was the only one to rely on.

After a long time, Shi Yan's mood calmed down

: "Fuji, thank you. I'll take you home first." He let go of her and held her hand instead.

"Okay, are you going to the company?"

"Well, just started work, a lot of things."

After Shi Yan entered the company, he was calm and steady again. After solving a few thorny problems, it was night. On the way home, he turned to the hospital to see his mother.

When they got to the ward, they saw Lin Zhiyi sitting by the bed chatting with his mother. They didn't know what to talk about, but they looked very happy.

He pushed open the door and went in, stood behind Lin Zhixuan, and put his arms around her shoulders

"What are you talking about?"

"Mr. Qin is telling me the embarrassing things about your childhood."

"What embarrassing things happened when I was a child, why can't I remember?"

Teacher Qin didn't answer any more, and urged: "It's getting late, you should go home soon, I'm just about to rest." Teacher Qin issued an order to evict guests.

The two came out of the ward again.

"Are you done?"

"Well, why did you come to the hospital again?"

"Because I know that you will definitely come to see Mr. Qin after get off work. I work the same wherever I work, so I came to accompany Mr. Qin and wait for you by the way."

Shi Yan was very moved, she was much, much better than he imagined.

It's just a little bit of guilt for her. Before the two of them get along well, there was a huge wave in life, leaving him no time to care about love.

Because of Shi Yan's relationship, the attending doctor quickly arranged an operation for Teacher Qin.

On the day of the operation, Zhang Cheng and Tang Su also came.

This is the first time Lin Zhijie has seen Tang Su. Before, he only saw the footprints Tang Su left on the Internet through some clues, and there were no clear photos.

She remembered Shi Yan's evaluation of Tang Su: very good.

Obviously not objective, which is good? This is obviously good, very good.

For a girl like Lin Zhixuan who has not really graduated from university, seeing Tang Su's image of a beautiful and capable woman in the workplace will inexplicably create a feeling of envy or yearning.

She did not regard Tang Su as a rival in love, and Lin Zhijie felt that this was a disrespectful behavior when she was entangled in emotional problems in Teacher Qin's operating room.

It was also the first time that Tang Su met Lin Zhijie. Just like Zhang Cheng's first meeting with Lin Zhijie, it was a little surprising that Shi Yan would like this kind of girl with a coquettish appearance and a flamboyant personality. After all, Shi Yan is the kind of low-key and steady people.

The four sat side by side in chairs outside the operating room.

Tang Su and Zhang Cheng were sitting on one side, while Shi Yan and Lin Zhiyi were on the other side. Because they all care about Teacher Qin, they have no time to care about other things.

I don't know how long it took, Teacher Qin finally came out of the operating room, and Shi Yan hurried up to meet him.

Because the anesthesia hasn't completely disappeared, Teacher Qin can't open his eyes in a daze.

After the hospital bed was pushed to the ward, the doctor and several nurses carefully lifted Mr. Qin to the bed. For a time, the small ward was full of people. For some reason, Lin Zhijie fell behind and waited for those doctors and nurses. After they were all gone, she was able to enter the ward.

Shi Yan and Zhang Cheng are both communicating with the chief surgeon about Teacher Qin's surgery.

Tang Su, who was busy in front of Teacher Qin's hospital bed, helped Teacher Qin adjust the height of the pillow, covered her with the quilt, and took water to wipe her dry lips, taking good care of her.

Lin Zhixuan could only stand to the side, not knowing what to do, as if she couldn't get in, and she had no experience in caring for people.

I had no choice but to sit by the bed and want to accompany Teacher Qin.

As a result, the nurse came over with a drip and asked for an infusion. Lin Zhiyao was sitting right where the nurse was going to stand.

"You sit here, how can I give the patient an infusion?" The nurse didn't have any ill will, but was used to speaking coldly.

Lin Zhijie hurriedly got up and stood at the end of the bed to make way for the nurse. Compared to Tang Su's calmness, she seemed particularly ignorant and stupid. That was the first time she felt frustrated and powerless.

After Shi Yan communicated with the doctor, his heart was a little heavy. Although he found out early, it was worse than expected. Teacher Qin might have to suffer a little bit.

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